Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

It worked when i did Swell Left Arm > Summoning. At least I think it did. The damage didn’t seem to change, knowing that the summon’s damage from Sorc2 to Sorc3 increased 10% (I was told so at least) so the thauma buff would do the same.
Or maybe it was the +500matck from the buff? I really don’t want to test it e.e’

me too ohoho

Does anyone know how much mastema after-damage scales with skill level?

Thinking about mastema vs drain distribution here… since mastema is dark, it’ll surely benefit from drain greatly anyway, right?

Thinking about something along the lines of ghastly trail 10 - Drain 5/10 - Scratch 5 - Invocation 15 - PoA 1 - Theurge 1 - Sacrifice 1 - Mastema 2/7
Even though I’m not so sure if I need trail. It’ve defeinitely got more useful than zero, and I like the idea…

i does benefit from it. Wouldn’t be better to take points from pole instead of mastema though? No numbers involved, just personal opinion and well… scaling comparison - maybe some numbers :V in my head
Why ghastly trail?

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Does anyone knows how much extra damage you get from full spr Thauma buffs? Left arm lets say. Like, a good thauma, with masinos rod and +40 spr on boots, top, botton and gloves at least.

Yup, I don’t think it’s too useful to get PoA higher than minimum 1 anyway. But I wanted to have trail, too… but maybe it’s just too much of a problem, I probably don’t have 10 seconds to mantain it anyway.

Well, trail helps to bring leftover spirit to the next room, and it doubles their damage at lvl 10 xD

hummmmm if you want to “bring” extra damage, upgrade drain then what about that heh.
I belive it has casting right? so unless you are wiz2 hum… idk if it’s usefull skill.
You used “room” are you talking about soloing dg? Because after you get to 360 it’ll only give you 88k silver which is just meh imo. Maybe for the talts? well you do you. Aside from dg… i can’t really think about any other content you can use it… CM, evil sacrifice is better. World bossing? no evil spitits to use because there won’t be mobs in there. Or time. Same to pvp. Solmiki you can’t change rooms with skills like that, think of it like when you’re mounting your summon. You can’t change rooms while at it. I tried ‘-’

Actually while casting it on combat you end up losing some dps. If you go for sorc2, mount your summon if your skills are on cd.

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It’s channelling skill, like bokor one. So yes, it takes time, and even though I do have surespell, I’m not even sure if I can put all my skills on cd now.
Okay, I have something to think about.

if you want to “bring” extra damage, upgrade drain
Technically, I can get both to… make spirits to do 4x damage?

Okay, I can’t even put all of my skills on cd. So drain it is…

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What’s your typical skill rotation on that? Does Invocation see some use even though it doesn’t proc from your summon kills?

For your FF questions, the debuff one is referring is the one from Bloodbath. Bloodbath stuns the appropriate target and makes them bleed Japanese-style around them; this is the one that puts a debuff on them. Standing in the blood heals marginal amounts(increases with skill points).

I didn’t get invocation yet ‘-’ my PoA is maxed so didn’t really try it… Yesterday was all day leveling the kino so…
And was today that i read about how not good it was. PoA that is.
But, I think for stuffs that i would do solo: getting the aggro from the monsters in the room (all the summons and maybe mastema should do it), i would start using the buffs and sumoning stuff, but i also would need to activate the masinos extra spr thingy, so… Swell Left arm> fire pillar> fire ground>Summoning> (dark theurge) Drain> Mastema>Demon Scratch> PoA and i’m out of skills ‘-’ some are going out of cd so i could re-use them or just mount while waiting for… mastema CD probably
Also about demon scratch… i need the monsters to be still so i can cast it “safely” so maybe something like Fire ground>Summoning> Fire P.>Demon S.
Was going to say to use mastema before Demon s. “because of the extra dark damage debuff” but it’s extra HOLY porperty… right?
Oh yeah, use invocation whenever you want. Would probably better before all that lol

Hm… OK. So is it possible to use blood bath and blood sucking to drain HP from monsters that are NOT insect, beast, or devil by certain method?

Yes. FF3’s skill enervation allows this. There are also low level gloves that give Blood Suckling the ability to absorb health from abnormal enemies.

My current testing build - AoE Master W1 - Pyro3 - Ele 3 - Sage 2

Can I say how much I love this build? This build alone makes JP irrelevant: so many spells and combos in tow. The cons however, are apparent: No Surespell and limited survivability. One will have to be tactical with positioning if you want to get Ele spells off without interrupts.

Not just mass aoe at your disposal, but Sage allows some utility and shop options. I’d appreciate to hear other players’ experience with something like this

Just did a 30F solmiki run with the cryo2 kino3 chrono3. Yes it worked, but the limited aoe from psychokino skill KILLED ME. I mean, not literally but. It wasnt easy to control the 27f because of that and we only managed to go through it was because the other members of the party took the aggro of those mobs that i couldnt control.
Does this build work to CC ? Perfectly fine to dps check floors but… Maybe a pyro2 cryo3 would be better at 27f…
Wait… Did i just do another build?

2 builds I’ve tried so far, I’d like to hear what your opinions are at first glance.
Wiz-pyro3-kino3-shadowmancer2 (full INT)
Wiz-pyro2-thaum-sorc2-featherfoot3 (full SPR)

Pyro-kino-shadowmancer is a very offensive build with crowd control. Lots of DoT ability (flame ground, fire pillar, heavy gravity, shadow conjuration) and defensive ability (raise, firewall knockback, gravity pole, shadow clone). The downside to this build is too many skills. SP management is to my surprise not as difficult (only 75 SPR).

I really love the FF build too. Seems like levitate makes me immune to close combat, and I can heal myself. I wanna change it to an INT, non-farming build. What would go well for rank 1-6, other than linker2 which I do plan on including (joint penalty has the poison damage boost I think, plus hangman knot to help kundela slash’s small hit box and the double hit attribute)

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Yeah, FF more or less requires Linker to get the most out of it. You’re certainly daring to try a SPR build too even though you were Sorc2.

Ah yeah, I agree with what you said. Just wanted to see the options of going full DPS

Also, Linker’s Physical Link is sought after for World Bosses right now.

Really? What changed? And does Linker also need 360 SPR? From what I’m reading only Spirit Shock interacts with SPR

Good to hear about the ET. Does anyone have tried and could share some experience?

Morning have anyone tried already elementally C2? I’m asking if is enough for be a good mob killer and boss killer with hail.

i just did ET30f with cryo 3 kino 3 sage 2.

its pretty good CC. Can dps too with decent weapon.