Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

Seems nice :slight_smile: thanks

I was thinking if stone curse from ele would be helpful for CC.

I haven’t done ET yet since rework. The build that have been in my mind for CC is wpyro2cryo3psy2ele . Again, I haven’t tried but it was some best skills to cc in my opinion. What do you think?

ive tried ele a bit, did not really like it very much because i feel that it is too reliant on surespell.

getting kino 2 without surespell seems like you are gimping yourself.

I would go kino 3 for more cc skills like raise (only use if no shadowmancers are around), 2 second longer heavy gravity and gravity pole.

Stone curse only “curses” a maximum of 5 targets which does not seem very good. pyro 2’ fire pillar is good cc, only 20s down time which will definitely be good for rotations. If you are going for CC+support, might as well put one point in enchant fire for a linker with spiritual chain to let you share the buff.

So you would recommend something like this ?

Which builds good with Wiz3Ele3 except WL?

I also have this question in mind. I think pyro1thauma2 would be very helpful. I don’t know if thauma 3 quick cast overlap or not wiz3 one

World Bosses are one/two-shotting people right now. Having Physical Link makes it easier to manage HPs. Instead of your main DPS dying instantly, damage gets split to everyone across the link and giving the healer a chance to heal up the DPS.

I’m currently running Wiz3 > Ele3 > Sorc1 > Sage2. I think it’s pretty good and AoEs pretty well. Single target damage isn’t as good as Warlock but sustained AoE is great.

Replacing Sorc1 with RC is also good and has stats that are easier to manage

Try FF3. Casting while levitating is really confortable. Enervation + magic missile or,storm dust is strong too. Blood curse can function as a second meteor (and the damage that comes from your HP does seem to ignore mobs magic defense, noticed it in higher CM levels)

Other options are RC variants

Electrocute focused. Easy CC. Stronger Hail with rune of ice

Extra fire damage from staff attribute. Lots of filler skills. There is that explosion attribute too, but it’s so weak… Also, fire pillar is good CC

RC-kino2 or Kino3
More CC. Can prevent stormdust from doing half damage against flying mobs. Has one gathering skill.

I want to try this build let me know how good or bad is it and which changes you will do to become stronger.

more like this actually

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But I won’t have surespell , I thought you said it was required

if you are kino3, you have and atributte that works as surespell.

Maybe this. But I would probably skip cryo entirely and get wiz3-ele3 instead.

but i like cryo i want to make it a ice mage.

It’s true . I didn’t know

Makes sense, so one point in Physical Link?

Also, would Linker need high amounts of SPR like Chrono as well?

I’ve seen a video with that class setup somewhere on Youtube (the korean ones with all numbers as their title), but for the love of me I can’t find it again :frowning:
Definitely take ice pike though, probably drop points in Subzero Shield for it. Ice pike is really good in this patch.

wondering if anyone made a pyro3 cryo3 base just for fun… whats your take on it?

Linker doesn’t need Spr

Tested today chrono3, 2k each item for haste/pass/back , in 1 hour of grind the cost is huge. Just saying, you will earn more money than loss, but still cost ALOT. Haste should least 4min bcus pay 2k each 1/2min + pass is like 5k each 2min, 25k 10min, 150k each hour. Its a min, i dont count with 100 silver itens, just 2k one’s. If you use all skills, the cost / hour is huge.

That’s why I will give up chrono. And also I don’t see too much help from Chrono

I thinking about a full spr support
I wanna try wiz-x-linker3-thauma3-x
How should i fill this class? What do you up for a support farmer way?