Tree of Savior Forum

Farmer Wizard, what last ranks?

I would like to create a farmer wizard to fund my others characters, so I read a lot about the possible builds. So far, it seems we mostly got :

  • Wiz2/Link2/Thaum2/FF3 full INT : sustain from FF, but I’m afraid of the lag for the combo, is it hard to do ? And is it really efficient with really bad gears ?
  • Wiz/Pyro/Link2/Thaum3/Shadow2 full SPR : some sp sustain from full spr, but weak against flying mobs, are there a lot of them ? Also, is going full spr helps really to not use SP potion ? I’m also a bit afraid to use too much HP pot, and to have a hard leveling full SPR (but better support in party I think)
  • Wiz2/Link2/Thaum3/Sage2 full INT or SPR ? portal and missile hole, but the cd seems really too long for a good farming :confused:
  • Wiz/Cryo/Link2/Thaum2/Ench3 full INT or SPR ? not sure of the build for this one, it also seems to need more investment as it’s an AA build, but it probably has the more support of all

So, with that said, what do you think ? I clearly don’t have funds , so what build would be the best without funds ? Also, is there a build who can begin to farm before the others ? (like, rank 7 instead of rank 8/9) And finally, how would you rate their difficulties ? (FF combo vs Ench AA I suppose)
Thanks :slight_smile:

Full SPR and got HP leech, also Dream Eater work perfectly with Sage skills:

You can re-arrange the skills the way you feel better tho, that is just my setup on the thing.

Oh, that’s interesting, I haven’t think about this combinaison !
Some questions to understand it more :

  • why go full SPR without Thauma3 ? Are Sage skills so costly to use ?
  • with full SPR and no Thauma3, how are the damage ? (with low gear)
  • if you use this build, how do you feel the cd ? is it possible to farm without waiting them at every fight ? (well, not much more than Linker and Thauma skills) ?
    Sorry for the questions, but I like to understand builds :slight_smile:

Thaum3 go full SPR in general since you have Swell Brain to make up for the damage loss. It also helps with Shadowmancer and Sage so you won’t need to spam SP potions.

Some ratings I would give from my opinion:

  • Funding needed, most-to-least: Shadow/Ench (unsure, haven’t tried Enchanter farming much) > Sage > FF
  • Amount of ranks needed (most-to-least): Ench > Shadow > Sage/FF (both can probably do well at their rank8)
  • Difficulty (most-to-least): FF > Sage > Shadow > Ench

Sage has longer cooldowns but isn’t much of a problem for the link-swell playstyle.

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I was exactly looking for that, thanks a lot !
Well, that makes the choice even more difficul xD But I understand it better now :slight_smile:
I would probably hesitate between FF and Sage (I can learn a difficult combo, even if I’m a bit afraid of lag and freeze, but I really don’t have funds, and I’m slow to level up).
I know FF3 is played with Thaume2 and full INT, but how is played Sage ? Thauma2 or 3 and int or spr ?

Thaum 3 and full SPR. The lack of INT is made up by your buffs.

You should probably go with the Sage variation if you’re worried about lagging since it doesn’t require HK as much. Also, since you’re a Thaum 3, you’re more helpful in parties.
Do note that it’s less effective against flying monsters since you can’t sleep them.

There’s also the meta magic support build that doubles as a farmer, if you’re interested.
Not sure on the investment required for it though and doing the RC quest is a little annoying.

Yeah, as JacktheRipper mentioned, there’s another important comparison you can make between the different farming builds, which is how useful it is in parties. Can throw in the new support/farmer build here too, in most-to-least useful:

RC > Ench > Sage (sadly Missile Hole doesn’t seem too useful at the belcoper raid due to low amount of ranged attacks) > Shadow > FF (can “heal” other players though and debuffing the boss can boost a warlock player)

Personally I wanted to go full support with my skill points on my Linker3-Thauma3-RC support character, so I made a Thaum3-Sage as my farmer, but the RC build is very popular in kToS as a farming wizard since it is a meta support as well. Thaum3-Ench2 as a farmer/support seems popular too since enchant lightning and enchant earth are useful buffs.

You’re right, I completely forget this part ! Well, I almost never played in a party, except in dungeon and missions a while ago :confused:
What kind of support can Shadow bring ? Or do you rate it so low because it brings none ?
Also, does the Sage’s Dimensions can hit flying ennemies ? Or is Sleep only useful for the Dream Eaters attribute ? I see the Sage’s attributes are really expensive, are they needed for farm ? (I suppose it’s the problem with Shadow : you need the dps attribute)
RC seems nice too, but I’m not sure to have the motivation to do the quest, so I prefer to look the others !

The only team utility shadowmancer brings is rooting a boss with Shadow Fetter, so yeah, almost none. The only thing it has over FF is Thaum3 for better party buffs.

Sage skills hit flying now, but sleep doesn’t. The sage attributes that increases the amount of hits on Micro/Ultimate Dimension are needed, the rest are almost useless. The attributes that clone some skills and make magic circles bigger can be fun in party play, but I wish IMC buffed these attributes. The clone attribute only work on a few things and the size increase attribute doesn’t do that much.

You can kind of replace the damage attributes for sage with the sleep attribute, which is why I rated sage higher. Makes you rely on sleep though, which doesn’t work on flying enemies. I feel like shadowmancer really needs their c2 attributes to farm easily.

I don’t think the RC quest is that difficult (atleast with the “hidden buff addon” which makes the most annoying part less annoying), but an alternative is Wiz3-Linker3-Thaum3 (earthquake farmer). A bit worse at support, especially for magic users, but you get the c3 lethargy attribute which strike-type dps characters like Murmillo and Monk would love.

I see ! With all those points, all the classes even more interesting than before xD Well, I will probably go Sage, it seems to have the most balance between fundings, gameplay and support :slight_smile:
I’m just curious, when you say that Shadow and Ench need the most fundings, is it the same fundings than a dps wizard or still less ? And is it because they need a strong weapon or because of the attributes (or both) ?

Both for shadowmancer. Enchanter doesn’t need any expensive attributes.

As for funding, I can’t say exactly, I just felt they were a bit weaker than Sage/FF. Playing dps as a main is always the most expensive, since you want to spend as much as possible in your weapon. If you use your farming wizard mainly just for farming, you only want to enhance your weapon to the point it feels easy to one-shot linked+swelled mobs. If you want to use your character as a team support/dps character you can spend more, of course.

Personally I also picked Sage since I love having a character with portals :slight_smile:

Yeah, I already have a dps wizard, and I’m trying to get him a good weapon (still using the event one), so I would like to have another one which allow me to farm correctly to fund first the dps :slight_smile:
I also like the idea of having portals, but I like the sustain/levitate from FF, that’s why the choice is a bit difficult for me :slight_smile:
Thanks for your help !

Ok, last question this time : is Wizard2 necessary for Sage or is it better to take Pyro or Cryo at rank 2 ?

It depends on whether you want CC or damage. A splash into Cryo gives Ice Pike and Ice Wall. Wiz2 gives Magic Missile, Sleep: Dream Eater attribute (highly valuable when coupled with Sage) and Surespell.

Since you’re going Thaum and Linker, Wiz2 definitely. Magic Missile has a hidden synergy with Thaumaturge’s Swell Left and Sleep: Dream Eater becomes available at rank 2, Sleep 6. Dream Eater will help you land more powerful Sage spells since they’re neutral element. Personally, I would only go Cryo if you either need more CC or plan to have a level or two in Pkino (which, as far as it seems to me, is not the case).

Ah; yes, I forgot Dream Eater ! So yeah, Wiz2 is probably the way to go then, especially as I intend to go Linker2/Thauma3 !
What is the hidden synergiy between Magic Missile and Thaumaturge’s Swell Left ? I didn’t know there was one, but the last time I try Thaumaturge, that was way before, so I miss a lot of information I think ^^"

This should be informative. Look at Greyhiem’s post at the section of the thread it is currently saved at

There should be more info further down the thread should you require

Thanks, that’s pretty interesting ! I read the thread when I was looking for information, but I think I missed some information as the thread is pretty long :confused:
I also have some difficulties to understand this part : with Thauma’s Swell Right Arm, if you equip an offhand dagger, it improves your spells ? (a while ago, it has an influence only on offhand AA, with C) I suppose in this case it is better to take rod+dagger, and if not, staff ?

You no longer increase magic damage with Swell Right Arm. It’s better to go with staff for more magic attack or rod/shield for more defense and one more gem socket.

Not counting damage attributes, high priority attributes should be Sleep: Dream Eater, Swell Left Arm: Enhance, Swell Brain: Enhance, and Micro Dimension: After Effects which will be around 7 million silver invested.
Featherfoot’s high priority attributes for farming is a lot cheaper since it doesn’t have Swell Brain.

I see that somewhere on the forum, but I wasn’t sure, thanks for the confirmation :slight_smile:

I have a FF, and I find its attributes pretty expensive, but I suppose it’s cheaper if you use it only for farming !