Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

ill retain 1 and hope for the best for rank 10 so you can get dimension compress… that with spirit shock is useful.

Pyro 3 Thauma 3 Sage 2 ,

Has anyone tested? it works? it’s good?

Help me guys

pyro all around for mobs and boss
thaum: swell left and right arms scale both in int and spi… but swell brain scales with spi
sage is a nukr if you fund it right. micro, ultimate are your bread and butter. buy the after effect attribute to attack the 2nd time after the skill finishes proc. dimension compress for boss. use it in full bar before hitting the boss with DC.

you can go for all spi. and get equips with spi and con… I said con for you to survive and before buffing, use transpose to change all your con to int. so when casting swell brain 1st that adds another set of int then swell arms for maxing your buff dmg.

good luck and enjoy. gears just get spi and con gears. for weapon get a 350 +16 staff with 5x level 7 blue gems and trans 5 minimum to dish out dmg. enjoy

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Not tested but I feel psy works better to fulfill the sage CD . Linker clears mobs easily and helps more parties

Hi, i’ve been reading all you classes and i want ot put something in the middle of elem3-x-sage2 but idk if RC is the better option because im seraching for somthing that give me more CC or survible, i was think on FF1 , WL1, Sorc. which is my best option ?

I’ve tested RC/FF/Sorc, I like sorc1 the best, with full spr. Damage is a bit lower, but i dont need to worry about sp anymore.
second is RC, well RoJ and RoD is just extra AoE, but the brilliance is from RoP, knockdown protection is so brilliant.
FF is nice, but the healing is pretty limited to demon/beast/insect. I dont have intasurta though.

I think pyro does good CC and aggro. Indeed, the class aoe wiich aggro marking mobs run into you which can be CC. Also, I header from ktos people use pyro1 with frost card to make it even better cc

Pyro with Frost Lord card is wonderful.

Flame Ground has a 50% chance of freezing each target affected during its entire 8-second duration on one FL card. 77% with two. It’s no Ice Pike, but it’ll do.

@Nekorin I like your build. How does the Cryo1-Kino3-Sorc2-Ench2 build fare in CM/Raid/ET/other party-based content?

If someone’s looking for a Shadowmancer build for your CM alt, I liked Wiz2 Kino2 Thaum3 SM2 a lot. There are some great combos that make it good even in maps where SM has disadvantages, like Zeteor Coast (all mobs are flying-type), where I tested it.

Laugh at me, but I’m having the most fun with my wiz3 ele3 chrono3 right now hahaha. not sure if i’m really contributing to dps in WB but hey it’s better than standing around and spamming buffs.

Back when Agny was just released and Pyro became OP, my build was wizpyro3linkerchrono3 and it was one of the most fun I had playing. I might actually try this now since I have 2 more experimental builds left before choosing my final build.

Among the builds I’ve tested so far, the ones I liked are:

  • wiz1>pyro3>sorc2>ele3 (full spr) - my summon doing most of the work while I finish them off with whatever skill is on cooldown, very fun!!! also attributes were very cheap because of lowl evel ranks
  • wiz3>linker3>ff3 (full int) - levitation and hp regen makes gameplay fun and easy but the downtime between skills make me wish I picked something else instead of wiz3 and linker3, i’ve tried it with thauma it was still the same
  • wiz>pyro3>kino3>sage2 (full int) - amazing synergy! i might make a new char just for this build
  • wiz>pyro3>sorc3>sage2 (full spr) - riding froster lord during mobs and nuking bosses with sage and pyro skills was fun!

They’re not the most optimal in terms of damage and utility but I had great fun playing them. You probably noticed I have a bias with Pyro, Sage and Sorcs. Probably cause my first ever build was wiz>pyro2>linker>sorc2>lock>sage before I reset to an elelock after the agny nerf.

All of them performed well in CM, but I haven’t taken them to ET or a raid.

If my calculation is correct, I still have 3 resets left. One from Sat-Sun, Sun-Mon & Mon-Tues before maint. Can anyone confirm when the reset helper… resets?

In which case, can anyone suggest other builds with sorcs, pyro, sage or ff? I plan to test 2 more builds before I settle with one and then create a new character with a build I really liked.

After reading the recent replies here, I’m thinking of wizpyro3thauma3sage2 and wiz2pyro2ele3sage2.

I’m kinda reluctant to go back to my elelock…


If you are into that I could help you I guess, as long you don’t start calling me daddy :neutral_face:

I don’t get it :confused: then again I always go for “unique builds” when you play on a rainbow build without pyro linker then you can tickle me…

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Need advice…anyone try wiz2->pyro2->linker2->wl3? I need a verdict on this build

Below are the main skills
magic missile
magic shield
enchant fire
flame ground
joint penalty
hangman knot
pole of agony

Is it a farm build? I am not sure. I think the classic w3ele3war3 fits better with El.

Also, the helps a lot to share builds with skill distribution

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can only help you with wiz 2 and pyro2, Surespell is good if you have channeling skills and pyro is fast enough in my opinion to not need surespell, don’t know if you would get the full use of Magic shield since it is SPR heavy now and I love how magic missile work and it timing is nice too :3

Lethargy is good, but I guess sleep could help you more on the build…

Flame ground is good, but you need flare and fire pillar in there too…

Well tomorrow is the last day of reset and I got many build but for now I’m going for 3 one support (Cryo3-Chrono3-Sage2 or Enchanter 2 both are good) , one DPS ( wiz2-link2-ele3-sage2, is the fun to play and the most hard one to choose) and the last one the idk what is jajajaja (cryo3-sorc2-RC-enchanter2). I hope the are good decisions. And now I have reach the 360 with 2 of them I want to ask you guys if you like my builds and what I do now as a wizard what equipment and thinks I need to get? ( I don’t have anything right now just bad weapons and equipment, I don’t have even cards)

I would recommend the other support build, w2linker3tham3rc with full spr. People on the ride will probably love it

Sorry if this might not be related to the thread. Just thought that since it is a pretty active thread I was hoping if someone could give me some insight regarding this.

With reference to this notice on transcendence (, it states that transcended items can be traded across team storage. I just got back to TOS after a pretty long break so I’m only at lvl 33x for most of my characters even my main (been seeking advice regarding builds and this thread has helped me tremendously). My main is currently using a trans 4 viena mace and I was wondering if I should quickly level to lvl 350 and get a good primus staff, get back all my blessed gems from the mace and use those gems + my existing gems to trans my staff, so that it can be used across all my sub characters as well in future. Does that work and is it advisable?

To be honest, with your rank 1-6, I think featherfoot fits better for 7-9 instead of warlock. Linker2 is obvious because featherfoot skills are poison. Wizard2 provides surespell for your blood sucking. Pyro provides DoT and occasionally shares enchant fire.