Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

I am not sure about the skills distribution. I would guess you have many skills there.

Sleep at lvl 6 would boost your sage damage. It is good two linker class for farm and help for CM. Ele gives aoe skills. The only problem is ele skills benefits from quickcast. That can come from Thauma3 friend that you are partying with. I would go with that using frost lord card, so you can use electrocute skills with 40% more damage

Hi guys,

I was thinking of making an alchemist Alc3>Sage, and possibly to Sage2 in future if we have 10 ranks for portal shop. How should I go about building my first 5 ranks? Also, how should I allocate my Alchemist points? If possible I would like to stray away from Ele3/Cryo3/Kino3/Sorc based builds since I already have those and I would like some variety.

Edit: Already have an existing 33x wizard char to reset before the reset event ends

  1. Wiz1>Pyro1>Link3>Alc3>Sag1. Link3 + Alch missile as my main way to kill large groups of monsters. Also spirit shock to kill bosses.

  2. Wiz1>Pyro2>Link2>Alc3>Sag1. Similar to the first one, but Pyro2 instead for other tools to play with such as flame pillar. Can combo with flame pillar + micro/ult dimension. Weaker spirit shock?

  3. Wiz2>Link3>Alc3>Sage1. Was mentioned in Alchemist + enchanter? that sleep attribute:dream eater works with alc missile. Link3 provides spirit shock for bosses.

Also open to other suggestions that does not revolves around Ele3/Cryo3/Kino3/Sorc

@GadenRhoss I never said you can’t, I just suggested taking wiz2 and Ele asap for leveling. It’s not a fact of being unable to level up (I agree you dan do it pretty much autoattacking), but a matter of spped. Maybe Wiz1CryoX is not bad for leveling, but WIz3 is way better due to big AoEs, at least for those levels in particular.

@siryal2110 I agree with what Kannushi said. Wiz for Sleep+some dps (maybe EB and EQ without attribute for CC), Link for farming and CM helping, and Elementalis+Sage for pure dps. The only thing you will miss is Quick Cast, but can get it via Spiritual Chain… and it’s not impossible to do without QC anyway, just slower.

I’d distribute my skills like this where you will have some free points in some classes to fit your own style. Still unsure about the Linker distribution… I’d leave Spirit Shock at 0 honestly because you already have a lot of hard-hitting skills (Dimension Compression is god-like against bosses), and take more support oriented skills on this class, but idk really. Maybe leveling will be a little harder with only MM and EQ as your damage, but autoattacks and JP+HK should carry you (Maybe delay Link2 for rank 6 or 7?). Surespell can be left at 1 because of Spirit Chain. I also left some points in Sage, in case you wanted portal, shop, blink or just full missile hole.

Reposting last reply since I meant to post to topic and not reply to someone else.

So, I’m testing AoE builds again as we approach the deadline for daily resets.

I have a lvl 10 Marnox card and can evenly split Int/Spr for a good balance of summon damage and own damage so Sorc 1 is part of the build

Would Wiz2/3/xxx/Sorc1/Sage2 build work best with either Ele3 or Psycho3? I’m strictly pve and have been doing world bosses and CM.

I don’t have a whole lot of experience with Psycho(only tested it twice in this patch), but I imagine I would have more cc at the cost of slightly less dps, while Ele would offer more aoe dps. A pure non-elemental build would compliment Wiz’s Dream Eater, and now that I type this, I likely won’t need Wiz 3 if I went Psycho, so that means I can turn that Sorc 1 into 2 and get some sweet Marnox control.

I would like an opinion if possible please~

I was going to add both responses on my previous post, but had to go afk and decided to cut it there, sorry x.x

@maganimousflame Hi! Well, to start I don’t like throwing Sorc in INT builds and then dividing points lol but if that’s what you want, I will try to help you with some opinions or considerations. Please note that neither Kino nor Ele will benefit from SPR besides SP and SP regen. You probably know that, but still good to say it in case someone else reads.

If you take Ele, you will probably take Wiz3 and that’s it. You will miss some damage compared to other full INT Elementalists, but with higher weapon refine/trascendence, you should be ok and your summon will be doing some extra passive dps.

If you take Kino, please consider that if you want him for CC, you need to constantly be casting. GP and PP require you to stand still for their duration (up to 10sec I think on both), HG and MF have only 25sec cd, so you need to constantly cast them for damage. Same for your Wiz2 skills EQ and MM. In few words, you don’t have much “passive” damage besides HG. WIth this I’m going to the point of… why Sorc2? yeah, you will look and feel cool, but probably won’t use your Kino skills at all. In that case, why not Thaum1? It could buff both your summon (attribute) and your other skills (extra MATK). Plus, it scales both on INT and SPR so it fits your build.

@icyruios Hi! There are a few different opinions here about alchemist builds, but I can give you mine. For alche I believe you should take some extra damage at early levels to make your leveling easier and partying useful. You will mainly use this for pots and maybe a shop at rank10, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some damage in earlier ranks. Remember you will have to level up via dungeons or group grinding, so you better be able to help with some damage too. A support build is OK too, but you have just a litlte amount of ranks (4 to choose, 1 is always wiz lol) and you better grab some damage skills soon or you won’t have them until rank8.

The first build I feel is a little weak. Just one combo and near to zero options in the meantime. Also, nothing to burst (maybe fireball?) linked mobs until rank 8. Build 2 I like it more than the previous one. Yeah, lower Spirit Shock and no LIfeline, but more AoE tools and still some JP+HK to clear bigger crowds. Build 3 is similar to 1, you will just burst with MM/EQ instead of Pyro… and yes, Sleep attribute works on any Psycho or Neutral element skill. Just note it will be like 1 or 2 hits only after casting, so you better hit with heavy nukes like Sage’s. I’d take build 2 if I had to pick one. What about Wiz-Pyro3-X? You will miss linker (unless you take 1), but will have a good fire rotation and a decent “CC” in fire pillar, plus knockback on Fire Wall, so you can reliably hit your sage skills.

EDIT: Typo (probably more i didnt even see). damn yuo dyxlesia :rofl:

EDIT 2: Oh, and about Alche points you will need This distribution, just ignore previous ranks and get the free points wherever you want them, because all 3 other skills suck lol

Oh maybe I forgot to add that I already have a lvl 33x char so I’m already past the “earlier” levels. I’m thinking of what ranks I can fit it to make myself more useless when lets say rank10 comes out. Taking advantage of this reset event to reset one of my characters into alchemist. Ideally I would like something strong enough to do decently in dungeon clears and also help in killing bosses.

But do you want to main that? or is it just your potion crafter that you want to not be completely useless while partying?

Thank you for your input!

I only have 4k MAttk and my 10 star Marnox does 40k total per normal attack, I would dump about 300 points in SPR and the rest in Int. I tried this before with mixed results in a different build(Wiz2/Link3/Sorc1/FF1/Shadow2)my own dps was nice enough, still killed pulled packs in HG340 with little issue, it was just that all my stats were in Int/Spr so I had limited survivability even with FF1. Mind you, staying on Marnox with Riding is a bit of a waste anyway. I just use his wave-clearing special attack every 20 secs or use his charge attack for stragglers then get back to dpsing myself.

Mm, that’s true that I wouldn’t be using many fire-and-forget AoEs like Pyro and Ele do if I went psycho, plus it’s not like I can spam Sleep for the Dream Eater. It’s strange that there isn’t a whole lot of synergy in a pure non-elemental/psychokinesis build.

I feel Sorc itself is kinda hard to synergize with most of the classes :laughing:

WIth that MATK +pardoner buffs I think you should be ok dps-wise. And survivability will be given by your armor, maybe a little CON from gear and some extra hp from hat enchants.

In case you want to ride (and use Marnox skills), try to grab some of those “fire and forget” skills and Sorc2, but if you just want the summon to go for its own and hit (and take advantage of your INT investment) with your other skills, I’d recommend going Thaum1Sorc1 instead of Sorc2.

i prefer number 1. fire wall, flame ground and fire ball can help eat at the boss and still flexible in mobs… if you take sage… make sure to take after effects of micro and ultimate. and if you have 33x characters I will assume your already familiar with the mid type gears… lvl 350 +16 primus staff with 5x 7star blue gems and at least trans 5 can get you an easier life. also you dont need to pump too much spi now if your just linker… search for the highest spi in boss and just overlap that bosses spi amount that you need to invest… the rest you can throw on int. hope this suggestion will be at your interest.

Oh a reset, even better. That means have access to all the nice little combos available on the early ranks.

Dream eater wiz2-link3-alch3-sage/RC
Do note that the 1st thing you should consider is “sleep doesn’t work on bosses”. That said, it’s pretty good dps wise alch missile 5, 1299% x 2 (hits) x 2 OH (can’t fit the 3rd OH in dream eater) / (25 sleep cd) sec for 415% dps, is actually stronger than micro dimension 5 2048% x 3 OH / 35 sec for 175% dps.

On the other hand micro dimension is “instant” (no cast time) while alch missile requires the cast time and its affected by lag you might think it’s full charge but it could not be.

Mad scientist wiz2-pyro2-kino1-alch3-kino2/RC
This is pyro 2 or nothing if you rely on pyro. Add in kino1 for pp combo. Go as high as kino2 for heavy gravity.

Double dealer wiz2-kino2-thau1-alch3-link1/RC
Magic missile doubles damage with swell left hand. Earth quake doubles damage with lethargy and doubles again vs ground target. Link is for 50% more earth damage if you want it (EQ doesn’t break link if you take out the KB which you can).

As a sub uh. The reason why I dont want Ele3/Cryo3/Kino3/Sorc etc is because i already have those classes. I already have my main all set.

Side question: How do you reply to multiple people in this forum?

Thanks, I’m not a big fan of Thau but I’ll give it a shot in the next 2 resets. Ele/Sage build may work with me so I’ll try that first. My Marnox is great additional dps so I want to keep Sorc around.

@icyruios oh yeah, I assumed that the first time and then I forgot. I was replying to a lot of people at the same time so I kinda mixed them LOL sorry

In case it’s just an alt, I’d recommend sticking to some early damage dealing circles. You don’t need a specialized support or a top dps, just something to keep yourself useful during CM or dungeons. In that case, I believe a combination of Pyro and Linker is a good choice here. I’d go full Pyro here, since you won’t have much other dps skills. Maybe WizPyro3LinkAlche3Sage, or maybe your second build with Pyro2Link2 instead. Other combinations I feel loose some important skills and, even when Sage skills hit hard, their cds are kinda long so you need good dps (like Flame Ground, Pillar or Breath) to fill that time. And Alche dps is horrible lol

Your “gathering mob” capabilities might be lower with Pyro3 compared to Linker2 or 3, but in dungeon and CM you can just aggro everything to the center and AoE with your party. In case you find some extra mob you didn’t elete with your first AoE, you still have 5 links in Linker1 to JP+HK+nuke them.

And about multi replying I think you can’t directly, but you can quote piece by piece, even from different posts. Just hit reply at the bottom of the thread and then select the fragment on any post that you want to quote. You will se a “quote” label once you highlight it. Click the label and the text will appear in your post. You can repeat that, idk how many times max per post. Also, you can tag people with “@name”, like I did at the start.

oh ok thanks.

Since sleep doesn’t work on bosses, I think Ima go with either

  1. Wiz1>Pyro1>Link3>Alc3>Sag1. Seems to be a better boss killer I think?? Mainly due to spirit shock. Also able to link 10 mobs


  1. Wiz1>Pyro3>Link1>Alc3>Sage1. Despite having less links, it does seem to be more fun in a sense I get to play around with flame pillar and hell breath. I doubt those 2 skills will be as strong as spirit shock in terms of boss killing but it seems more i dunno… more engaging??

That is the usual buzz kill on the build.

Sleep doesn’t have overheat so Dream Eater is best used for nukes. If sleep was a bit more like freeze…

What does freeze have to do with OH :thinking: Dream eater is best used for single hits (you are down to 20% hit count). For example sleep breaks after just 1 OH of MM (3 hits) but doesn’t break after 2 OH of alch missile (4 hits) or 3 OH of energy bolt (6 hits). Dunno for sure why that is though. I suspect it is because alche missile and energy bolt could be fake multi hit.

I was thinking and being hopeful of sleep being like freeze because Frost Pillar’s freeze effect still affects bosses without actually freezing them, thus dmg bonuses apply.

Oh, then why not mention frost pillar specifically since skills like ice bolt/spike are designed to freeze but don’t work on bosses. I’m with you about having these ridiculous “immunity double standards” though. Bosses should be able to get afflicted with every status but not experience the symptoms of said status.