Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

not yet implemented but soon… so its a good yr for trans gear to be traded.

I think it worth to wait this update. Ktos will have it maybe one month ahead and we will understand better the changes. The reason that I am saying to wait is there are so many times that there are mistranslation (even today there are in game things with wrong tooltip and so on). Probably when you arrive at 360 you will keep that weapon as a real good Primus is hard to find (with more than 2 stats and with good stats)

So what I should do now is try to just level up and get a primus weapon since it will replace my viena mace anyway, enhance it and trans it with the gems that I have? And wait for kTOS to update the changes first, since it has not been officially implemented, and only disassemble my mace when the update is coming and is true? So far we do not have news on when this update is going to be implemented yet right?

dont even touch your mace… we still waiting if its confirmed if they will return the gems used or even a % returned… because of the changes so literally. be patient… :smiley:

What do you mean? In the announcement they said that they would reset everyone’s trans levels and give back 100% of gems. I think people should just go all out on gem trans for now since 100% will be returned later anyhow.

he or she was about to kill the mace with trans… thats why i reacted @_@
its a waste of resources knowing we would get back the gems later on and the gear unharmed… if you read a bit up more… this person stated he want to take the shards from a trans4 vien mace to fuel the new item…

Oh I see. In the case of trans4, the gems you lose is not that much…I’d rather dismantle the mace and get back the gems for a decent primus weapon so the game won’t be so boring. Seems the trans update might take a long time anyway.

Just so you know primus mace is not that huge upgrade unless you got +16 and decent stat on primus. Viena mace still decent with extra atk stat and int stat alone gives 277 matk.

Try to play around with the enhancements and trans if it’s really worth it to upgrade. If not, you can focus on armor for now instead to be more reliable in higher stage of cm and ET.

So far with my 2.4k matk I can clear up to CM lv3 solo. Need more Matk to know how it fares at higher levels. It isn’t too bad for levelling and farming in 350HG, can fight pretty well against 350-500k monsters even with the low matk.

For party wise have yet to try though, but I foresee most of the time the build will be categorised under support/cc. Buff with enchanter + kino help to CC and pull monsters. This isn’t a really optimised build for ET imo.

One glaring weakness of this build is the lack of options against single target bosses. All the build has is to plant a Heavy Gravity then proceed to zap the boss until unheavy gravity is off cooldown.

I still love playing the build though, a pretty nice hybrid wizard AA imo.

This is the build i’m using: it is a support//offensive build based on a full SPR stat distribution:

It is performing well enough to clear all the decent content with a group and can solo the daily grind easily (Saalus, Mission).

It is performing better with some other buddies, giving the Strike debuff (falconer, murmi, clerics), the thauma buffs, the magical reduction from RoD, the bonus damage from shrink. However it really shines with a linker2-3 friend (Rune of protection, quick cast).


Max magic missiles: it cleans up the annoying trashes in saalus. Double the missiles under Thauma buff.
Max Earthquake: Deals doubles damage on ground monsters (940%), the cast is instant and can’t be canceled and got 3 OH.With lethargy debuff, deal a double line of damage (100% each). Really powerful for a starting class and the %enhance is really cheap.
Quickcast: really important for RC, max it
Surespell: 1 point for your own benefit, anyway anyone needing it will have it. Still transfer through linker2 even with 1 point.
Lethargy: the rest of the points. The damage reduction is working on any monster, even on bosses. 14% PA/MA is a quite good debuff. A really good spell with the attributes.

Why wiz3 when thauma3 Swell brain attribute available?
Strike attribute on lethargy and a chainable quick cast are good argument to go wiz3. It also improves a lot EQ which is one of the few offensive spell (aoe) I have.
The only good swap I could see is for Cryo 1 for the C1 attrib (you’ll use a shield in optimal situations anyway) and the CC possibility.


The usual package (full buffs, 2 in transpose for 100% uptime, reversi)
In challenge mode, shrink is a really powerful debuff which removes up to 75% of PA and MA and it stacks well with lethargy (to a maximum of 90% reduce). It also improve the damage of my party by 30%. I’m really thinking about getting rid of transpose (it is for Hp pots but I don’t have a lot of INT to begin with.) to get more point in it for longer duration and number of targets. Shrink also helps to use EQ efficiently. Sadly not working on bosses :smiley:
Shrink can be swapped with Swell for farming purposes but it is not the purpose of the build.

RC and shadow:

The burst and additional support

I don’t have a good stuff (blue irelis with INT/SPR and sometimes CON, a windia rod +7 no trans) but it is already dealing a lot of damage and is really versatile. RC and shadow quests are annoying but :haha:

Omg idk today is the last reset, but I want to know many thinks for my builds :sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:. What is more bad idea take she without linker, or take it without wizard2? which build I can take with cryo 3? Take CON with a farmer build for more survive is possible and if is not, how they survive? how I can surviveAnd is bad take just linker 1?
Thank you guys you have help me a lot.

Thanks for the feedback. I kinda suspected you could go solo on CM when you have two CCs in Ice Pike and Raise and Magnetic Force to pull all the mobs into one place where you can AA them to death.

Pretty simple, though I find that simplicity a bit limiting for my taste. I don’t enjoy maining a support/cc character and I want my main to be flexible enough so that it brings value to whatever I choose to put it in… even if it isn’t a “meta” build.

Still an awesome build, I must say. The DPS you have with mobs would be phenomenal with 3 Hydra cards. You’d be dealing almost double your base damage to frozen monsters. I’m having a very hard time trying to conceive a hybrid AA/AoE sorc2 build that can keep up with it. XD

I believe once my gear level hits around 5-6k magic attack, getting to CM5 solo shouldn’t be much of a problem. At my current level (2.4k matk), clearing CM3 solo is already the limit. Yep, Hydra cards is a must for the build, I’m currently at 1 hydra card, slowly leveling the other 2 to 10stars before slotting in.

The only thing I need to resolve is how to get more single target dps so I can down bosses faster. Perhaps have to utilize some scrolls such as lv1 flame ground and lv1 pole of agony And perhaps an alternative Summon that can dish our fast single target attacks so I can switch to that when I need to fight a boss.

I would think Frost Lord is the summon of choice as far as bossing’s concerned. Just position FL close enough with Hold and its autoattacks will do 238% * 6 every 3 seconds. It’s better than Marnox in that regard.

How do you fare doing solo CM? Do you still end up using pots or are the CC skills you have enough for you to go without your HP hitting the red zone?

Thanks again everyone! The reset event is just 2 weeks but it feels quite long.

I have updated first post about builds.

By the way, class ranking is already updated.

In the end, I went with the following for my 2 wizes (thought I’d share):

1.) Wiz2 Link2 Thaum2 Sorc1 Shadow2 - Instead of going Thaum3, I sacrificed some buff damage for a Gorkas (really great for clearing while JP is on CD) to fully utilize the full SPR build. I just compensated the lost in mAtk with a +11 Primus Raffye Rod which is actually just enough to deal with the sheeps in 350 HG using 1 combo (JP > HK > SB > 2 x Shadow Conjure > Thorn, Magic Missile or Earthquake for stragglers). I can just throw in some transcendence into it if needed in the future or switch to a staff.

2.) Wiz3 Ele3 Chrono3 - This was surprisingly the most fun I ever had with a wiz after trying so many Chrono and Kino builds for a semi-support. With the level of gearing most have these days, as a Chrono you’d start to feel like an ET slave and outside of it just the “Pass” servant especially in WB (a healer takes priority over you too). Having Ele3 has allowed me to solo content while staying as a significant crowd-control support with Chrono3. I’m also now able to contribute damage during WB while supporting the party with Pass and Backmasking.

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Doing a full SPR Wizard > Pyromancer 3 > Chronomancer >>> with warlock 3 as goal, was thinking of going wiz 2 but I already have wiz 2 on another character and I got the no repeats rule :smile:

Now that think about it, I could go to Wiz 3, but then I would be pyro 2 at the moment :confused:

any thoughts?_?

Not sure what you want to accomplish so I could help you. Which synergy are you looking forward? If you can get reset vaucher from the new rank8 class, why don’t you use linker to make leveling easier?

I won’ go pyro linker out of principle and pride :expressionless:

it is more of a roleplay build, so logic is a little out of the window, I wanted chrono speed and stuff but now am having my doubts about it…

maybe go full magic shield and sleep…

but my main skils are circle ground skills and pillars

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went with wiz1-pyro2-ele2-sorc1-necro2-cryo1
originally cryo1 was meant to be a filler until omnyoji. Turns out it was waaay better than what I expected especially for just single rank c1 filler. Now I probably won’t be taking omnyoji anymore especially since it has long cast times.

This turned out to be the perfect build for me. Only thing I’d miss is sorc2 for summon skills and morph. Maybe rank 10…