Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

For doing something like the cryo/ele/RC build how bad is it to put off getting the extra ranks of early classes? If I wanted Wiz3 would it be a huge mistake to do something like Wiz1->Cryo2->Ele2->RC before going back and taking the Wiz ranks? Does it ever matter if you are going back to take circles in early classes using your later ranks?

Guys I tested share against dung 300 and I found many interesting thinks like sage dimension compression is so strong against bosses and sleep boost a lot the sage DPS but the problems that I see is this combo have so big cold down so I have to questions how many skill points invest in compression? , Is bad don’t take wiz 2 for sage? And which is the top DPS build for sage?

@grundnir If you mean if taking Wiz-Cryo2-Ele2-RC and then go back for Wiz instead of going directly Wiz3-Cryo2-Ele2-RC, I don’t think there is a big difference. Probably you will struggle a little to cast your Ele skills without Surespell or Quick Cast in the early levels, but in terms of pure damage it could be even better to get your AoEs fast. Why not delay Cryo in that case?

If we are talking about whats’s best for final build, there is no difference since your build will end up being the same. If it is about leveling, I’d take Wiz and Ele as fast as I can, since the AoE is precious for mobbing. I’d probably take Cryo for the last ranks (or al least delay its second circle a little). If you have already leveled and are playing with the resets, I’d take RC at the end just to show off the hidden class icon LOL

I’m sorry my answer is a little vague and diverse, but you didn’t give the complete context of the question so I answered a few possible cases n.nU

@siryal2110 Sage in general is pretty good on bosses. Yeah, the combo you talk about have a kinda long cd, but you also have some other skills to fill that time. I went full points on Compression and the damage is good even if you don’t charge it completeley, which leads us to the other answer: no, you don’t necessarily take wiz2 on a Sage2, I feel Pyro is a better option at early levels and, unless you already went Wiz2 in your build, taking it “just because of sage” is not worth. For the “top dps” build idk, I’d say Ele for more AoE or even Pyro or Kino for more dps/cc. That answer depends on the other classes, so taking any high dps class should be the best dps option, but having some CC to properly land your sage skills is very welcome too.

I think it worth to maximized the Attack skills, including compression. The missile hole helps but not a lot. The utility like portal is also not necessary. I really hope on r10 it comes at least 2 new skills that make this class awesome.

If you could test , there might be a hidden synergies that we don’t know, like maybe sage skill can have even greater effect on monsters on slow effect or stop , for example.

@Rodriggo You answered my question for the most part. The character I have now is Wiz1/Cryo2, initially I was thinking of doing something else with her and then ended up deciding I wanted to do Elementalist. At that point, my decisions were to either start backfilling my Wiz circles, or start taking Ele immediately, but I didn’t know if there would be any issues trying to put off Wiz until later, whether that be from actually using the setup in leveling, or if there was some other reason I didn’t know about to not go back and take super low level ranks in classes at high ranks.

Honestly, the leveling seems so super fast now, I might just scrap it and start over using your suggestion of going Wiz3->Ele3->Cryo2->RC in that order.

I tried to figure out the top DPS and I thought something like this

I already saw some people use psy and saying it help for
survivability in CM . Maybe something like

Thank you @Rodriggo and @Kannushi, well I’m thinking of take piro2-ele3-RC-sage2 because RC give me rune of protection that works as good sure spell, I maybe like to take wiz2 and leave RC because I think is redundant because give me similar thinks.

@grundnir Yeah, leveling as a Cryo (just theorycrafting here, haven’t leveled one in months) I believe is harder than other rank2 Wiz classes. Not impossible, but harder. The final build won’t really be a problem, If it works, it works, no matter in what order you take it, so it’s better to optimize the order for leveling purposes. Also, since now skills scale with MATK, not every low rank skill is uselss, therefore taking low rank classes at high levels is not as ridiculous as it was a year ago… or whenever they changed that, can’t remember lol

@siryal2110 np man. Just note that, even when it gives you knockdown/back immunity, Rune of Protection doesn’t have a 100% uptime so it might be better for some scenarios but not on every single one.

The decision in mostly about “Knockback immunity versus full uptime”, and “RC versus W2” in terms of what class you like and need the most. To help you decide: RC has higher damage scaling, but longer cast time and longer cooldowns, so it fits better in build with good fillers. W2 on the other hand will give you decent fillers and AoE in the form of Magic Missile and higher level Eartquake, so I believe that, when it comes to damage, it fits better in long cd/powerful nuke builds.

Well isn’t easy choose which class because if I choose RC win a debuff and a nice damage skills from pyro, and if I choose sure spell I’m not sure if I could win enough from they debuff and damage skills, it can’t compansate de no cast skills that I get with pyro 2. But wiz2 improve to much sage skills it’s a hard decision.

Yah, I had a similar problem with a RC build a few days ago (I think I posted something about it somewhere here) and ended up eliminating RC from the build. Not an easy choice u.u I’m really hoping nothing good comes with a rank 10 expansion so I can take both without any remorse lol

I’ve played linker3 for few days now in CM. I noticed my spiritual link sometimes broke when boss spawn even when party member not running away. Am I doing something wrong here?

The first 200 levels are literally autoattacking with buffs how does cryo affect your leveling speed

RC hasn’t improved that much since the last time i tested it, it’s a shame because i love that class in particular but in it’s current stat it’s hardly worth a circle outside of very specific builds. It’s a shame tho, i guess for support it’s kinda ok’ish.

I noticed that. That includes lifeline which gives everyone the best stat. Without ending the buff time and without any reason it ends. I think it might be a bug. I would recommend we file a bug showing a video to IMC to see if they do something

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spiritual link breaks if there are difference in elavation, like walking through a stair breaks it. I forgot if it includes jumping but the difference also include Levitation skill and Spiritual Link can’t be use while Levitating.

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If that’s the case then prolly someone was on top of boss. I think that make sense.

So I did what I wanted to do in CBT before I got tempted by sexy Sorcerer S&M costume and skills…


Have you tried farming exp in demon prison wothout AoE? I was leveling as a Wugushi (just advanced, still no AoE) a few days ago and it was very slow, even with buffs. Once I teamed up with an Elementalst (and later got my first reliable AoE) it went like 5x faster. That’s why I suggested he takes AoEs before the other circles.

Attack once every mob and icepike? They die in 2 hits anyways °_° you can prolly hit 200 in 4-5 hours of play.

@Rodriggo and @Kannushi I tested already few thinks and now before trying even shadowmancer I make this build with sage which is your opinion? thanks if can help me again.