Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

Hi @Sairon, good to see more people sharing builds. I actually use a few very similar to yours. I’ll try to comment every build in order to keep some… well, order lol

2. Between the first two options I’d stay with the Chrono build. Not that Linker is bad, but I believe it is better supporting magic builds while CryoEnch is better for physical builds, so they have a better synergy with Chrono. I’d take Linker for better solo play or for a cheaper version (god, that build is expensive now), but ideally go for Chrono (first option).

Between the first and the third option… the third is definitely more offensive. You will have more CC (like old Cryo) and a big party buff plus higher personal dps (not just from higher INT, but actual damage skills). I love both builds LOL, I don’t think I can decide.


3. I don’t really like RC in this patch :confused: I can’t make it fit into a proper build besides some weird cheese with PP+IW or maybe Ele3, but that would be only for Hail. Idk, maybe a CryoEleRC build? but let’s focus on these options xD

I’d take Sage here. First, because you said you don’t like repeating too much with your classes, and second because I don’t see it here as a terrible option. I like Ench the better for the synergies, but Sage is ok for more dps on bosses. I feel this could be a good boss killer. Both Sage and PP+IW combo are good for that situation. I would take away some points from IceBlast tho, because you will have your Sage skills to hit bosses and IcePike+Kino skills for trash mob. Plus, you can get even higher IW and Pike this way. Oh, and PP 15 idk if it’s worth, that skill is really bad compared to the other options. I’d take low PP and high teleport for repositioning instead.


4. Oh… just noticed you are planning a full SPR build! Was writing a lot about the meta farming W2Link2Thaum2FF3 build LOL If you are planning to farm with this build, I’d recommend justs go with the meta. Tha swell combo fits perfect in quantity for Link2Thaum2.

In case you really want one of these (and here I’m only theorycrafting because I haven’t tested any of them): the first build feels like a good nuke build, since you will get a lot of MATK from Thaum3 and hit like a truck with FF skills, but usually FF needs Linker to hit more targets at once and really use his damage in farming or open maps situations. You will really lack AoE, but if you are OK with linking and hitting only 5 every 22 sec, it’s a decent option.

The second build I feel won’t really take advantage of the FF until high level of transcendence and a lot of investment, because you will have very low MATK. Linker will probably help bossing (Spirit Shock) and farming/mobbing (JP+HK) but damage wise will need more money. Considering you have good weapons to share and maybe later trascend, I’d recommend this second option if you won’t miss the swell body bonus loot.


5. I’ve never tested the first option, but seems fun, just as the previous build (second in number 4). SPR Linker will be good for bosses and help with solo clearing mobs with JP. Also, I feel SM with high SPR is a very decent option since mana cost are too high for a full INT build. FF debuffs might be good against bosses, but not so good against mob because of high cd and a lot of preparation where you can just use your SM skills. Sustain is heaven sent tho. And since you are taking Spiritual Chain, I don’t think you need Surespell beyond level 1.

The second option is a good farming alternative, I think it’s actually kinda meta. Absolutely focused in SM damage it suffers a little against flying mobs, but the buffs from Thaum3 are awesome. Also helpful in party. In case you take the second option of point 4, and considering you pretend to take all classes, maybe the second option here too is a better option because you already have FF and this’d be your first Thaumaturge.


6. I considered this frst option and tested some combos, but I found Stone Curse so unreliable (cast in a line, probably won’t hit all important mobs) that I decided to skip it and better take Electrocute and lose a litle on the stone/fire fantasy. Also, without surespell the Ele life is much harder (as you just said), and without quick cast it’s almost impossible to land both Meteor on the same Flame Ground with a medium ping (not idea what your situatin is, but mine is terrible sometimes lol). Because of that I also gravitated to the second option. You will definitely miss some heavy hitting skills from Sage, but for the fire wizard fantasy, I believe is the better option. Wiz3 is picked because neither I can find a better filler for that rank (Maybe FF for extra sustain? but I don’t really like the idea of it rhere ) so I really agree with all you said here in this point.

My only issue with this third option is maybe you have too much skills LOL I like the theme tho, and the syngergies you mention are very cool. I’d take this option, but only because of personal preference and combos. Heavy Gravity+Fire Ground and Magnetic Force+Fire Pillar are very cool and powerful. My only problem, again, is that you will barely hit 1 meteor on the fire ground, and only if the mob let you. The CC from Kino helps, but idk about how reliable the casting of your Ele skills will be.

About your skill distribution I’m not sure if high Fireball (or even fireball at all) is worth. I’ve been playing PyroKino for a few days and I barely use that combo, or even fireball, since I have tons of other better skills. Yeh, it’s cool and flashy, but you have to go melee and you have at least two better combos to choose + good elementalist skills, so I don’t think you need it. Consider taking FireBall 1, high Enchant Fire and just lvl 1 Fire Wall, only for the knockback attribute. Flame Ground is also good sustained damage, will hit flying mobs if used with heavy gravity, and will apply passive damage, giving you room (compared to FB) to cast your other powerful skills.


7. I tested a variant of the first option (Cryo3 instead of Thaum) and I’m currently using the second. I prefer it because of free riding time since you don’t have to cast much skills from the other circles and you don’t feel guilty for not doing it!. Cryo is helpful but I dont think Cryo2 is needed because SnowRolling you probably won’t ever use it. WIth that second build I can even leave the summon for a few seconds, cast MM and EQ, and ride again to keep dpsing with it. Not a lot of time wasted while all my summon do their job. I’m using Frost Lord too, btw. Oh and IMHO Flesh Strike sucks xD I believe Flesh Hoop or even Disinter are better options here, specially for less casting lockdown and more riding time.

(Maybe WIz2Cryo1 to get shield and rod attributes? I’m just considering it now. And have no idea if the extra ice damage from rod attribute affects Frost Lord attacks)


8. Does it really matter what we build on our alchemists?? lol in all seriousness tho, I don’t think there is a “bad build” for them since you will spend most of your time crafting and don’t even need to level beyond rank 8. In case you want to do that (I’m leveling mine too, so can’t disagree here lol), you probably won’t ever go with a coordinated party, so a support build doesnt’ really make sense to me. I prefer to go more into the Pyro-Ele or even Cryo-Kino paths for decent control and better damage, always full INT. As I said, probably not bad builds, and the final decision will come from “I like this plasystyle” more than “this would synergize better”.

You just need a build that is not useless in dungeon and that is capable of solo a few mobs to level up if you are forced to do it alone. In that case I’d pick any of those because the idea is the same and the only difference is where your damage come from: MM and EQ for the second, or Fire skills for the first. Also, can you share enchant fire with spiritual chain? Is so, I’d take the first for the extra global dps in dungeons.


Sorry if the post have some typos or if I made some mistakes reviewing your builds (the post is kinda long and I’m pretty sure it has some of those). I was a little tired and about to go to bed, but I couldn’t resist to reply here LOL I was also screaming inside when I first saw all the wizard changes and how many new builds were viable… just a few possibilities :joy:

My alchemist build is a wiz 2 link 2 thauma 2 alch 3. I use it to farm level 350 mats/uosis/blue tini horns. I have a seperate wiz 2 link 2 thauma 2 featherfoot 3 for 340 hg farming.

Alchemists in my opinion should include farming builds if you want to use them to make pots or farm mats for magnum opus. I intend to reset to pyro 2 link 2 thauma 2 alchemist 3 at rank 10, but i also want to see if pyro 1 link 2 thauma 2 is okay.

As mentioned, flame ground skill scrolls usually are found in market. Cryo will give you sure that every mob will freeze but you will lose quickcast, one more hit from max sleep and magic missiles stronger. Cryo 2 gives you the snow ball attack, which is good CC but not a must specially for this build. Cryo3 is frost pillar which essentially is the only skill that will give debuff on bosses to increase lighting attacks (so it is more something for enchanter)

Returning player, played for a few months after launch but got tired of everything being flooded with bots, etc, game is much more fun after coming back to it and the areas aren’t insanely crowded.

I have a few Wiz builds I’m looking at trying and was hoping to get some feedback on where to fill the holes.

Build 1: Probably the easiest, as its almost exactly what you have in the OP, Wiz/Cryo/Ele/Rune Ice focused mage. I have been a little hesitant to commit to the exact circles for each of the classes though. I feel like when I played at launch, it was considered pretty much mandatory to go Wiz3 for Ele. Even back then I was never sure how true this was, but it felt like the norm. Has that changed? Also, for an Ice Ele, is going Ele3 all that critical since it only opens up meteor? I’m still newbie enough to not know whether having the extra 5 points in abilities makes or breaks a build. For Ice Ele specifically I was wondering if Wiz3/Cryo3/Ele2/Rune was maybe a possibility, but if Wiz3 really isn’t that critical then I could see doing Wiz2/Cryo3/Ele3/Rune or possibly just full on using the OP ice ele build.

Build 2: This one is maybe more of a thematic build than anything. I really like the gravity theme Psychokino has going for its later abilities, and it feels like a nice thematic pairing with Sage for the space manipulation stuff. Right now I’m looking at Wiz1->??->Kino3->??->Sage2 and I’m just not sure what to fill in the blanks with. Ideally I’d like this to be a hybrid Damage/Utility build, and was thinking of filling in the later circles with either Thaum2 or Chrono2. I’m not sure whether Wiz2 is much benefit to take before Kino or if I should invest in Cryo/Pyro, not sure if those are worth only having a single rank.

Build 3: Pretty much pure support. I like the idea of going Cryo for chill/freeze CC then using Enchanter to provide the lightning properties to leverage the extra freeze damage attribute. Wiz1->Cryo3->??->Ench2. Considered going full Chronomancer to fill in the blanks on this one. What would be the best support option to leverage the other things this build is doing?

Edit: I’m also still a little confused and having trouble finding resources to indicate what stats the different classes benefit from. So far I’ve picked up that Chrono at least seems much more Spirit focused now, is it just the case that every support class wants to have Spirit instead of Int? If I’m throwing on something like Thaum or Chrono to my Kino/Sage build am I gimping it because I need to spread out stats more or are there some of the DPS classes that benefit from Spirit more now too?

@ResonantSoul kinda agree with this BUT only when you really need to farm with it. If you have another char better suited for the farming job, why not farming with him and then send everything to the alche? Why not just add some dps skills in previous circles so dungeoning/leveling gets easier? (In case you don’t just level up as something else and then reset to alchemist)

@grundnir , welcome back :slight_smile: I’ll give you some opinions and personal experience with those builds.

Build 1: When I considered a RC ice build, I had the same problem. If you want RC with WizCryoEle, you need to drop one of those to circle 2. If you take away Wiz3, you lose quick cast, which is a biiiiig quality of life for Elementalist. If you take Ele3 you lose meteor, maybe not the best hit for an ice thematic build, but also 5 points in Hail which is your main Ele skill. If you take Cryo3 you lose the tree, but most important I felt Cryo2 wasn’t really worth it. So I decided to build it as Wiz3-Cryo1-Ele3-RC-x but never found a good filler class besides Kino, just like OP build. At least you have a decent PP+IW combo to justify that pick, and you won’t have problems with your cast being stopped when you have Surespell or Rune of Protection. For an ice mage I feel is the best option.

Build 2: I’m actually running WIzPyro3Kino3Sage and is really fun. You have a lot of skills to choose, very good synergies and combos, and the damage isn’t bad either. If you want utility, you already have some with Kino, but you can add Cryo3 instead of Pyro3 for more CC and a little less damage. Cryo1 is also good as a filler single rank, in case you want to add that Thaum2 to the equation. WIz2 I don’t think is really worth it because you won’t need Surespell as Kino3 (because of attributes) and the extra dps from Magic Missile I don’t believe justify taking this rank instead of, let’s say, Pyro1 or Cryo1 in case you need one more dps ability.

Build 3: I’m running a Cryo3Chrono3Ench2 right now as an alt. You spend a lot of money in consumables, but the support and extra dps for physical teams is just amazing. If you want this as a support you could also fill those empty ranks with Thaum3 or Linker3. Just consider Link3 is better for magical compositions since you will boost magic damage and reduce the enemy’s magic defense. I don’t think there is a global best option here and you should just pick something you believe will have better synergy with the comp you will play end game in case you have formed a raiding or CM group. If not, pick something you feel comfortable with, I don’t think you can go wrong with either Chrono, Link or Thaum for this support character. Maybe someone more experienced here in end game content can give you a better advice between them.

Right now I see “support” wizard classes as:
being physical to magical supporters from left to right. Maybe I’m completely wrong or missing some other class here and would LOVE some opinions. Could also justify Kino among the more magical focused “supports” since all his CC really helps gathering the mob for big nukes (which is helpful for physical too, hence my doubt).

About the stat confusion: Pretty much all buffs scale with SPR now, including Chrono’s since last patch. That’s why pretty much all support builds have high or full SPR. Going class by class, and probably missing a few:

  • Linker have an attribute in Link3 which gives some SPR scaling to Spirit Shock, so SPR means extra damage and extra SPR sharing with Lifeline.
  • Thaumaturge buffs scale both from INT and SPR at equal rates, with the exception of Swell Brain (Thaum3), which scales only with SPR. A Thaum1 or 2 won’t suffer from being full INT, but a Thaum3 will for sure feel his final buff a little less powerful.
  • Chrono, as said before, have both Haste and Quicken scaling only with SPR and they don’t scale infititely, so a well rounded SPR will optimize his stats.
  • Enchanter’s enchant lightning scales both from SPR and INT (Lightning hands of Ench2 ONLY from INT) so you are not forced to pick one stat or the other, but usually you pick it with other supports so you probably need SPR. In case none of your other ranks need SPR, a full INT build is still decent.
  • Pyro and Kino at the end because they are not proper supports but still add some nice CC. Kino will totally suffer from a full SPR build because none of his skills scale with it (same for Sage, to answer your question). Pyro on the other hand will have at least Enchant Fire, just as powerful with INT or SPR, so at least he has that in case you want to add it to the mix.

Also, for SPR builds you can throw in some Sorc or Necro for extra minion damage. They (summoners) are the only dps classes that benefit more from SPR than INT.

Please take into consideration that all my “will suffer” or “not good” about SPR vs INT are based on low invested characters, because once you get higher levels of trascendence and refinement on your weapon, you can still get high MATK despite not investing one single point in INT. Obviously, a full invested INT Elementalist will always hit harder than a full invested SPR Elementalist, but still, it’s worth noting.

EDIT: typo.


@Rodriggo thanks so much for your response! This is all extremely useful information.

Since I see so much interest in cryo ele builds, I will post this videos i found a while ago on the korean forum

Be aware that this guy is really well geared.

I wouldn’t recommend going that route with an alchemist to be honest unless you are not planning on making a dedicated farmer character, wich IMO it’s a better choice. Sharing my personal experience as an alchemist, the same old wiz3 ele3 alche3 build does the job just fine, you can solo salus, be useful for CM stage 5, solo dungeons if needed and not to mention you can clear item awakening dungeon by yourself as well. This is not a matter of a “solo” build, but a matter of being self-sufficient in case it’s needed and also of getting the more value from your character, i find it pretty hard for an alche/thau/linker to be able to solo salus/dungeons or be more valuable for CM runs. (Also i’m talking about a soloing with a budget weapon without having to trans)

I been thinking on making a support alche build as well or try a ele/rc variant, i can’t tell for sure but i feel like an RC-alche could be very nice, it’s a shame that i don’t have the time to unlock RC atm. I’m wondering if w3 ele2 rc alch3 it’s a viable thing since one of my issues it’s the cooldowns and lack of skills at some points, i know i would be losing the meteor+flame ground (scrolled) combo, but i would gain more aoe’s and KD resist… oh well, i’m just theorycrafting RN and i don’t like to do that lol.

What do you think of this building? cryo 2 ele 3 or cryo 3 ele 2 same? and in sage’s place the new class?

I think it’s better keep the alchemist doing what it is meant to do: potions, awakenings and etc. The problem is that alchemist circles are mid-final ranks, so even if you prepare it to be a dps or buffer, it will have an unsatisfactory results. As a farmer character, also will not be the best build for this purpose (ex.: wiz2>linker2>thauma2>alchemist3, wiz>pyro2>linker2>thauma>akchemist3, etc.). You can go wiz3>ele3>alch3, it will have a good damage, but won’t be a good farmer. So, my point is: it’s better prepare characters for specific purposes.

Even with a “meta” build for a farmer character from wizard branch, you also need to be prepared for competition. I used to play only with wizards and I made a wiz2>linker2>thauma2>ff2 (it was before rank 9) for farm purposes. I found out that there’re maps that’s nearly impossible to farm with a wizard character because of competition with Schwarzer Reiter for example, so I made a SR too. Faster and easier to farm. But this is my experience, each one is free to make up its own mind.

Reposting from your original thread, not sure if you read it but eh.

I’d like to share on this. I’m running Wiz2 Link3 Alch3 RC, and it’s functioning pretty well for me. It works as a support character, with the MDEF reductions from Spirit Shock and Rune of Destruction; and also the MATK buff from Spiritual Chain, it makes for a really strong magic-oriented support character. You also only really need 300 ish SPR, and the rest can go into INT, because Spirit Shock’s SPR modifier caps out at 300%, and the highest SPR available on a mob right now is about 300-ish as well, so you don’t really need to go higher. More on this here

For Shadow, I’ve tried running Wiz2 Kino2 Chrono3 Shadow2 and also Wiz2 Link3 Sorc1 FF1 Shadow 2. The first build is a more of a support DPS build, Kino for CC and Heavy Gravity to negate the flying penalty Shadow has, and Chrono for party + physical-oriented support. The second build is more DPS-farming-oriented, with Link3 to support magic parties and also group mobs well, FF1 for self healing and 50% Dark damage boost (curse debuff), and Sorc1 as filler since you’ll be 300+ SPR anyway.

This build is interesting! I’ll think about it, because I have a wiz3>eleme3>wl3 already, and I don’t like much similar builds.

I think that unlock RC for an alchemist build would a waste of time and effort -or silver if you buy the voucher.

Yes. I prepared my alchemist to farm uosis and give left and right arm buff and jp in cm along with spiritual chain for sharing buffs. Alchemist is an item making class, so i think it would be okay to go farming route/support route instead of dps.

What im curious now is should i get pyro 1 instead of wiz 2 to share enchant fire to auto attackers via spiritual chain.

I don’t know too… But I think I’d choose wiz2 instead of pyro1.
Pyro1 can be helpful if there’s a elememe in your party, so you cast flame ground that will combo with meteor, also firewall can be a little help with mob control, but in my opinion lv.5 enchant fire is weak. I’d rather go wiz2 because of surespell, stronger magic shield and lethargy and sleep during for a longer period.

It’d be better test damage difference with a friend if it’s possible to you. If it’s similar, then you can by game style affinity :slight_smile:

This is gold! Thank you!

Which enchanter builds you guys did and liked and would recommend?

Wizard 1 > Cryo1 > Kino3 > Sorc2 > Enchanter2 (SPR/DEX/INT build)

Do you need to invest in the 3 stats ? I thought for sorc and also enchanter it would be just Spr. How much of which it would be? The Dex is for AA or does it affect the summon?

Main stat is SPR and secondary is INT (to get kino/lightning hand’s damage, but equipment damage matters more here than raw INT).

Dex is just for AA (don’t really need that much imo, can either get from gear or invest a little from stat). I like it around 150 so I can zap more times while the monsters are frozen.

Thank you Nekorin :slight_smile: also, nice videos , good job

I think your build is very good. Did you tried Wiz1 > Cryo3 > Chrono3 > Enchanter2 (or enchanter and sorc) ? Do you think it helped a lot the team (like the average DPS of the party got higher)? What’s your thoughts about it?