Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

Before anything else: yeah, i understand people can or can’t agree with me, that’s why I take the time to reply to you. What bothers me is that you take sentences out of context and say whatever you want as if I was saying the opposite. That is lack of understanding.

And ugh… now I see your point, even tho I don’t share it. If you are considering “tree of solo” yeah, Hands>>Enchant. But why would you take CryoKinoEnch as a solo (farming??) class over something like QS or Linker+some nuke? If it is “because of fun” we don’t even need to argue, because “for fun” i can skip both buffs and use a dagger to hit everything. Or take a rainbow build and run all over the maps swinging my weapon and doing ok damage. There is not really a big point in optimizing a “for fun” build.

If it is about efficiency, we don’t need talk about solo play, we need builds with synergies with other buils/classes for high level coordinated play. Of course if you are alone you won’t spend 1k on Enchant when you can burst with empowered autoattaks for free. That’s why Enchanters are not using all their skills outside of dungeons.

And, no, I would not take Sage ONLY for Missile Hole, but it’s a great plus when it comes to party.

About your other comments: Yeah, I agree with PP, that’s why I had it just as a side note. It sucks is most cases when you have a lot of better options.

And please, would you define a filler for me? because afaik a filler is something you use when everything (or pretty much everything) is on cd. In this case, will you use Hands before GP, HG, MF (all Kino skills) or Snow rolling, Pike or Pillar from Cryo?? I guess not, that’s why I called it a filler. If you would do that, why taking Kino in the first place? If you wanted to mainly autoattack, why not a ThaumaChrono build instead?

And THIS exactly is what I think. What is even the point of playing the “tree of solo” when most of the high level contet is made for full parties? Besides of farming I mean.

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Hey all is me again I have two questions how works the rune of destruction attribute? What make now RC stronger? It hit with that debuff or applies a debuff? And is bad idea take RC instead of ele3 in a Elelock build?

Elelock is a great build, I don’t see space for the RC without losing some great skills.

About the attribute , so when used rune of destruction, the enemies get a debuff that lows their mdef by 15% .

I think rc is better now like overall wizard, as it increases skill factors which resulted in a greater damage. It also made possible to cast almost any spell in giant form which is great. Also the rune of Justice can be casted while you run which is very nice. In summary, RC is a great filler and wizard support (rune of protection, ice and the attribute mentioned)

The rune protection can reemplace wiz2 u think I’m thinking to maybe take cryo2 or pyro 2 with RC and Ele2 but I’m not sure for that.

Yes, rune of protection can maintain your cast and prevent knockdown and back. The only downside is losing the quickcast lvl 5. With RC you have quickcast lvl 1 from yours skills. RC can increase ice damage

My 4 wizz will be:

Wiz2 Link3 Thau3 RC (farm and supp)
Wiz2 Link2 Thau2 FF3 (farm and boss dealer)
Wiz Pyro2 Kino3 WL3 (dmg dealer with a lot of cc)
Wiz Pyro1 Cryo1 Link1 Thau3 Ench2 (scroll make and uber link+freeze+ hands dmg)

So it boost hail skill damage and freezing sphere damage, well I think that is better to have ele3? No have kick cast isn’t that bad for me I could deal with it before.

I have another question what is better to boost sage damage have wiz 2 or have linker 2 in a build?

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Sage might be good with wiz2linker2thau3 . Most of skills will not have its cast interrupted but you have surespell anyway and you gain even quickcast

You’ll also lose the extra 15% damage from Lethargy if you remove Wiz2

Nice point.

For sage you can also do:


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It’s not even about what you or I do in game, it’s about a combo which is great but is not always working nor worth it in the long run. I’m not saying Enchant lightning is bad or anything like that, but it’s what people where going for before Enchanter2. And maybe we’re not on the same server, but the number of Archers and Swords is so low in mine during end game contents (but certainly more because of the changes on mages), I don’t think it’s what is the thing that make your character useful to the party. I agree, if you’re in a well rounded party with Ench, Melee classes and a Taoist, it can be really powerful, but most of the time it’s hard to make a good use of that kind of combos, and even if you’re able to do it it ends very fast.

It’s lack of understanding from your side man, you’re the one who imagine things .

QS ??? Why do you bring an Archer class here ?

But actually it’s a good question, if it’s not for fun, I don’t know why you pick Kino in such a build with CryoEnch, where you could take anything else which will be better like Linker (which gives +50% damages on ligtning damages, for more overkill combos :smiley:).

Then it’s not efficient, sorry °°".

In this case change the whole build if it’s what we were talking about at the beggining.

Don’t ask me a question if you don’t want an answer. Between I was confused with GP and HG, and forget what was GP at all. Seriously, you think that GP and PP are not filler skills just because of Enchant attribute ??? Damn those skills :joy:.

And no, you don’t use Hands like a filler, it is what makes your whole Cryo build stronger… You don’t use it because everything is in CD, you use it for the damn combo you’re actually talking about, frozen targets that take more damages from Lightning… It’s not what you can call a filler if it’s what make your build overkilling everything. Or are you seriously saying you’re killing mobs with GP ?

You can test Wiz2 Kino2 Thaum3 SM2. There are lots of flying mobs out there, limiting your potential as a Shadowmancer. Kino2 allows you to avoid that problem thanks to Heavy Gravity.

@Dlib123 just adding on as well, FF1’s curse debuff increases dark damage (oh hey Shadow) by 50%, which essentially negates the flying penalty.

Edit: Tried Wiz2 Link3 Kino2 Shadow2 and Wiz2 Kino2 Chrono3 Shadow2 as well, pretty good imo. Credits to @tampon for advice.


I’m not imagining things. If you look at my first reply to your post, you will see why. If you can’t see that, I’m not putting extra effort in explaining. And that is not really the point here anyway.

I’m bringing QS as an option. I know this is a wizard thread, but if you want to farm maybe you don’t necessarily want a wizard. Maybe a mistake on my side to mention it when there are people like you reading, but I stand to that idea.

Why Kino? Because Kino brings extra CC, something Cryo used to do and why it was picked as a support before rework. And that has been my point all this time: you need to differentiate a “tree of solo” build from a party build and, to be honest, most of the content is gonna ask for a party build. IMO You don’t pick this build (CryoKinoEnch) for solo play or farming, you pick it because you want a solid CC support, particularly good with physical classes. Of course you are not killing thing only with GP or PP, but you were not killing things with Frost Pillar or (to some degree) Ice Pike before, but people still took them because of CC. And even when your personal dps might be higher using Lightning Hands, that is not the purpose of the build and besides solo farming it won’t be anything more than a filler.

And you are wrong, i did want an answer about the filler thing. That I gave one answer before doesn’t mean you didn’t have an opinion and I wanted to read it. Honestly. But it’s ok, you kinda answered it (and agreed ith the definition, I believe) anyway.

I think we have two different looks at this build right now: for me it is a group play CC dmg booster support and for you it seems to be a solo play farming (?) build (please tell me in case I’m wrong). As long as we have these different visions I don’t think we will ever agree.

I like that ele3RCsage2 but maybe instead of wiz3 I take pyro one for flame ground. You make ask more every time, what is better take cryo2 is gain something better over cryo1? Or is better go to cryo 3? Because I’m thinking on a enchanter build.

You could buy Flame Ground scrolls though, if you really need to.

Also, scroll up a little you’ll see discussions for Enchanter builds. Cryo3Kino3 is nice for Enchanter because of the lightning property interactions, or you could go Chrono for Lightning Hands AA variant.

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Hi guys! I made a topic about “meta” builds after the rebalance patch, but there was this topic already discussing this issue. As a matter of fact I was not willing to read all the 300+ replies, but in the end it was just what I did, so, sorry for splitting the discussion.

I have seven mages waiting their build to be revised. All of them are 330+, but I don’t have time anymore to play, so I’m a very casual player nowadays. Thanks for the information you all shared here and in the other topic I made, I could review my builds and think in other possibilities. I want to cover all wizard classes with strong builds as a DPS, buffer or hybrid, also, I don’t like to mix too many classes, I prefer focus on few classes to maximize theirs skills - and less variety of skills to handle at the toolbar . I’m not considering Onmyoji yet, since this class didn’t come with the rework.

About my gear, I have two Regard Horn Staffs that I’ll try to put on +16 and then transcend it - a good strategy considering the change to come about trading transcended items. Also I need two sets, one SPR focused and another INT focused - or one with both stats if I’m lucky.

  1. [F. INT] Wizard C3 > Elementalist C3> Warlock C3
    Meta DPS build, needs no comment.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard > Cryomancer C3 > Chronomancer C3 > Enchanter C2
    Auto attack mage. I really like playing with this character, but with the changes it became a little expensive. Full SPR stats forecasting the next level cap.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard > Cryomancer C3 > Linker C3 > Enchanter C2
    Also aiming auto attack damage, but using linker to boost damage with joint penalty and its lightning attribute.


  1. [F. INT] Wizard > Cryomancer C3 > Psychokino C3 > Enchanter C2
    Good synergy between cryo-kino-ench. It has more dps and mob control from kino skills, also more damage from full INT stats.


  1. [F. INT] Wizard > Cryomancer C2 > Psychokino C3 > Runecaster > Enchanter C2
    Almost same build as the previous one, but I have Rucaster unlocked with this char :3
    Good synergy cro-kino-ench plus damage boost with rune of ice. Rune of ice was nerfed, so I’m not going cryo3.


  1. [F. INT] Wizard > Cryomancer C2 > Psychokino C3 > Runecaster > Sage C2
    Good synergy cryo-runecaster plus ice wall + psychic pressure combo. Sage 2 as another source of damage viable since kino3 has a good mob control to use micro dimension/ultimate dimension/dimension compression.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard C2 > Linker > Thaumaturge C3 > Featherfoot C3
    Featherfoot skills stronger with buffs from thauma. Linker not that strong, but still useful.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard C3 > Linker C3 > Featherfoot C3
    Strong FF with AoE enhanced through joint penalty. Good damage with earthquake + joint penalty atribute, also FF skills (poison) + joint penalty skills. Full SPR focusing on bosses: FF has a good single target damage, son SPR to enhance spirit shock.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard C3 > Linker C3 > Featherfoot > Shadowmancer C2
    I didn’t tested this build, but I found it very interesting. It has a great synergy wiz-linker, linker also enhances SD AoE. FF c1 ~just~ because of bone pointing and kurdaitcha curse increases dark damage by 50%. So, I’m very likely to make this one also because I cover FF and SD, no need of two characters. Maybe full SPR is not that necessary, but SD drains SP and linker has its damage boosted.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard C2 > Linker C2 > Thaumaturge C3 > Shadowmancer C2
    This one depends more on the damage from SD, but its also buffed with swell brain.


  1. [F. INT] Wizard > Pyromancer C3 > Elementalist C3 > Sage C2
    Good synergy between pyro-eleme-ench, provides high damage combos. Downside is that I missed surespell very much when I tested the build. It was nearly impossible to complete the combo stone curse + flame ground + meteor because I was always interrupted. Maybe it’s possible to complete the combo using fire wall atribute, but I couldn’t test it yet.


  1. [F. INT] Wizard C3 > Pyromancer C3 > Elementalist C3
    Pyro + eleme combos (meteor) assured with surespell. Good damage, but obviously less damage than the build before. I could go wiz2, because I just want surespell from wizard, but quick cast is still interesting to meteor, also I don’t what to do with the missing rank considering wiz2>pyro3>ele3>x


  1. [F. INT] Wizard > Pyromancer C3 > Psychokino C2 > Elementalist C3
    Good damage and rotation of skills. Pyro+kino and pyro+eleme combos. Also 50% damage from fire and psychokinesis skills, so strong synergy pryo-kino-eleme. Kino also plays an important role with mob control, so it’s probably easier to cast meteor.


  1. [F. INT] Wizard > Pyromancer C3 > Psychokino C3 > Sage C2
    Good rotation of skills, not sure about the damage. Pyro+sage+kino combos (fireball + micro dimension + psychic pressure / magnetic force + fire pillar + ultimate dimension, etc), so strong synergy.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard > Cryomancer C2 > Thaumaturge > Sorcerer C2 > Necromancer C3
    Full summon build. I like to play using riding, so the damage from the summoned devil is boosted. Thauma because of swell left arm atribute (10% at max. lv.), this is useful with strong cards, even more with legendary cards. Cryo because nowadays I’m using Froster Lord card. Actually I don’t if there’s a real benefit, but with Hydra card will be nice to have cryo.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard C3 > Thauma > Sorcerer C2 > Necromancer C3
    A neutral property summoner. It’s interesting because of sleep atribute, that will boost damage from summons. Also, as I play mounted on the summoned devil, makes little difference what comes in the first three ranks, unless it has buffs.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard > Pyromancer C2 > Linker C3 > Alchemist C3
    I use this character only make potions, but it’s wise to make it useful for a party, whilst I don’t to be useless doing some solo content.


  1. [F. SPR] Wizard C3 > Linker C3 > Alchemist C3
    This build is more focused on buffs than the previous one, but also with a decent damage due wiz-linker synergy with joint penalty + earthquake.

So, that’s it… just a few possibilities [screams inside]


Hi, right now I’m using event items, but I was wondering what new necklaces and bracelets I should be farming for. (Is there a thread for new items?)

I just came back from the break and I only know max petamion and archmage bangle.

Depends on how much you are willing to spend and what kind of stats you are interested. You can explore possibilities in following links:

Bracelets lv. 315 - 360:
Necklaces lv. 315 - 360:

Great, thank you.
