Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

why no one notices the added atk line for lightning hands… XD I noticed it when i was testing it in a dummy on highlanders place… at least take notice the added dmg line… XD

Full DPS builds have the highest luxury of getting into any party, but that’s with higher investments. Support builds would depend on which class you take. Classes like Pyro, Kino, Chrono and Sage have no/less inclination towards Physical or Magical compositions. Cryo-Enchanter, Sorc, and Necro are Physical supports. Meanwhile Linker, Thauma and RC are more specialised towards Magic, though not limited to.

Works well when I’m with an Ele-Lock, which is pretty common in our guild. Haven’t really tried playing it without, since I built it specifically to party with Ele-Locks

Probably because everyone’s focused on the 503% matk that replaces your basic.

I usually incorporate the attack lines into my theorycrafting. Sacrament, Enchant Fire, and Lightning Hands give you a total of four attack lines:

  • Basic: 503% matk + fixed damage bonuses
  • Enchant Fire: 10% of min matk + fixed damage bonuses
  • Lightning Hands: I don’t know what the base damage is, but I just assumed it’s also 10% of min matk for simplicity. Also increased by fixed damage bonuses.
  • Sacrament: 12 + fixed damage bonuses

So it totals to 523% matk + 12 + fixed damage bonuses*4.

I always thought that the 503% is the extra line added

I’ve never bothered testing it, but if that’s how it is, then it would make the DPS calculations even better as you’ll end up with 613% matk + 12 + fixed damage bonuses * 4 as the final formula instead.

Has anyone tried W1-Cryo3-Thaum3-Ench2 SPR and DEX?

Here is the top 10 of builds on iTOS:

  1. W3-Ele3-WL3
  2. Cryo3-Sorc2-Necro3
  3. Cryo3-Chrono3-Sage2
  4. W-Pyro-link2-thau2-Ench2
  5. W-Pyro-link-thau3-Shadow2
  6. Cryo3-Chrono3-Ench2
  7. W3-Pyro3-Ele3
  8. W2-link2-thau2-Sage2.

Now when I see I all to my self, and I want to know your opinions about why this are the top 10 XD.

Very interesting. I can’t say if any of them are really full support, but it seems mostly them try to have some classes to combo/boost their own damage at least. What really caught my attention is the absent of psy class. I see it as a good for soloing and helpful for grouping but so far people probably didn’t like it

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I know, but I can not talk …
If I talk it will happen what always happens, everyone will copy the build and it will become META, so it will stay everyone the same …
And the grace of this game is the variety of classes and everyone with different classes trying to be counter to each other …

wow selfish 20/char.

“variety of classes” and now the army of pvp sages are invading tbl leaderboards

Wow, someone seems rather full of him-/herself… “If i post my build everyone will undoubtedly copy it. It would become meta because it is my build, i invented it. Everyone would copy it because of me. Meeeeee.”

Missile hole
Magnetic force
Dimension compression

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I don’t know if you guys saw the second video showing some combos:

(The first is )

w8… @grayhiem already posted nice builds so what are we talking about x.x?

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And Lighting hands will deal +50% on frozen enemies. It hits like a truck, has no downtime and is in your AA (so you can jump attack to cancel animations). In this case I don’t understand why you think it’s taken for Enchant Lightning. It was taken for this skill if your intention was to play your character when we had only Enc1 available, and even in this case it was really a meh option. And now remember it cost 1k silver per Enchant Lightning / Enchant Earth + the time of craft.

But you will have constant DPS, which is better in my opinion than just showing that you dealt the most damages.

I decided to finish the shadowmancer quest for one of my wiz.

Right now it looks like this.
wiz2 link2 thau3 sm2 Full SPR

I was wondering if it’s alright to switch maybe wiz2 or link2 for sorc 1 for a summon.

Please read the whole context and quote accordingly next time. The complete sentence was “Of course you won’t be a top dps, but it’s a great support build for a lot of classes and the damage is not bad either”.

What I said is pretty much the same you did and I for sure didn’t say not being the top dps was a bad thing. I play a lot and appreciate the support roles in most of my games. I was just providing some real facts about that build to be considered by whoever wants to run it. You probably won’t outdps an elememelock, but the build is fun and synergic.

About what you said to Tampon about the skills - I’m pretty sure that in a Cryo3Kino3 build (don’t forget we were talking about that specific case) you take Enchanter over Sage for the Lightning Enchant, not Hands. This is becaue of the interaction with Gravity Pole (and PP), which would hit like a truck on up to 15 frozen targets while immobilizing them for a long time. Of course Lightning Hands is a great filler (never said it wasn’t, just that it is not your main goal/skill as a CryoKinoEnch) and a great way to attack frozen enemies outside of Ice Blast, plus you give Enchant to your allies for extra global dps. Ench2 instead of Ench1 is taken because else you won’t get the attribute to change GP element and you also get 10 points in Enchant instead of 5.

When tampon says “your allies” I’m pretty sure he means something like “your allies too”, since they get that big bonus (and all what he said and you didn’t quote) with Enchant lightning instead of Hands.

@dlib123. If you want it to farm, I think that’s a perfect build. Summons are fun, but I don’t think you need them there. I feel like anything you take away from that build to add a summon, is gonna be a loss. If you take away Link2, you lose some important link numbers to properly combo with Thaum swell body. If you take Thaum3 you lose a huge INT (and part of the MATK) boost, If you take away SM you lose most of your damage skills. And you can’t switch WIz2 since you need rank3 for Linker lol

Maybe Thaum3 is the less terrible circle to replace of the all, but I really don’t think it is worth swapping it for Sorc1. Maybe someone else can give you a different or more in-depth advice.

Or next time understand that people can agree with your point.

And actually in this specific case people are taking Enchanter for Hands more than Enchant, and it is like that since Enchanter2 is released. The bonus damages to GP and PP is not awesome, Hands will be always more interesting on frozen targets because GP duration is low and it has a medium CD… And what are you going to do with PP seriously ?

It’s not a filler lol. What the actual ■■■■. Do you even play Enchanter2 yourself or are you just thinking about theory ?

Melee, missile :

It will only affect elemental skills, and additional line of damages. That’s why Hands is mandatory, whatever your build is.

Enchant Lightning is so mandatory to Cryos, Kinos and Rune Casters that people don’t even use it anymore outside dungeons… zzz. You need to understand that what you’re saying about Enchant Lightning being more important than Hands is only true if you’re partying, and I talk about ToS with a global point of view, in other words, when you’re talking about a build in Tree of solo, saying your build is good for allies is an invalid argument. It’s like what I said about the burst of a Sage, which is very good but not always a good idea as it needs other classes to be useful for yourself. Or do you take Sage for Missile Hole in PvE because it’s good for and your “allies” :confused: ?


I feel like we’re playing the game completely differently here. What are you doing in game?

For me, the game is just CMs, World Boss, ET, Unique Raid.