Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

Enchanter 2 is more taken for Lightning hands in order to make an AA build, but it is up to you and your playstyle.

For exemple I have a WizPyro3Kino3Enc2, and I’m using both AoE skills and AA. Actually, even if you go Enchanter 2 for Lightning hands, you cannot only rely on your AA as the AoE radius is very low. But I’m sure spells that deal more than 1000% of your mAtk are way better than giving to your Kino skills lightning attribute. Now you have to test by yourself as we have free resets until April 10 (if I remember correclty), because of course Sage2 is a good burst class, but it has not the DPS of an Enchanter2.

Btw, the changes are really good, even if I’m a little bit bothered with the amount of items you need for buffs and I’m not really ok with this change (it’s more annoying than useful to be honest).

Here my actual builds :

WizPyro3Kino3Enc2 (I want to keep Pyro3 and Enc2 but I don’t know what could be the best for me instead of Kino3, because I don’t want to cast 30 buffs everytime, and I like the combos with the three classes)

Wiz3Elem2Link2Sage2 (I will not change this one, it’s the funniest build I ever played with for the moment !)

Want to ask opinion on two of my wiz builds.

First one is w1 cryo1 pyro2 sorc2 and necromancer3 - Full SPR build. (I got cryo 1 for ice pike, and pyro 2 for flame pillar)

Second and last one is w3 ele3 sorc1 thauma1 ff1 - Full SPR build Sorc for a passive summon, thauma to compensate a bit for lacking matk damage, and FF to restore HP.

Now I don’t know what to throw away, but I really would’ve wanted one of these to be a linker2 thauma2 build for link swell combo. I was thinking of w2 link2 thaum2 x-x-x something that can generally kill the linked and swelled mobs, but also has skills to compensate for the downtime.

(I don’t have access to some of the locked classes like shadowmancer.)

Hi! On your first build I don’t feel Pyro2 and Cryo1 have a good synergy since you will never gather the mob to properly set the pillar. You actually will make it harder with Ice Pike. In that case I’d skip the Cryo1 and take Thaum1 instead. Won’t help gathering either, but will buff via attributes all your summons, which seems to be the focus of the build. Also, you will get a little extra MATK building full SPR. If what you want is immobilize the mob, maybe skip Pyro2 and get Link1-Thaum1 or Cryo3? I haven’t tested this so can’t really tell how good or bad it is.

I have a problem with your second build. It seems that you are focusing all your stats only to buff one of your circles, which you actually name as a “passive summon”. If your summon is only a passive extra damage, why not go INT and buff all your other 8 circles? Full INT will even have the same effect on Thauma1 buffs (and Thauma2. 3 is a different story). Have you tried elementalist with FF3? I haven’t but I’ve read is a good alternative to the common elememelock.

The most effective Link-Thaum swell combo in my opinion is Wiz2-Link2-Thaum2-FF3. I’m keeping it after rework, because FF skills are kinda low cd and even then I can fill with Eartquake and Magic Missile, because they are not total crap anymore. Some people are using Link1-Thaum3 instead, but I don’t feel like you need more MATK and INT from the Thaum3 at the cost of sacrificing Joint Penalty points, because FF3 skills hit really hard and you won’t have problem oneshotting linked mobs anyways.

I’d also like to ask, what distribution are you (and other people) using for Necro 3? I’m having difficulties selecting skills on a full SPR build since Flesh Cannon and Flesh Strike seem like good skills but I don’t think the cast/animation is worth it on full SPR, even with Quick Cast. Any distribution suggestion?

My goal is Wiz-(X)-(X)-Thaum-Sorc-(X)-Necro3 and right now I’m Wiz3-Thaum1-Sorc2-Necro3, still testing and deciding if I should keep it or not, specially for the first two Xs.

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Since i have a dandel gem i tought on getting linker1 thau3, however i share you’r opinion here and as far as testing the build goes i feel pretty confortable with linker 2,.Bossing wise FF skills are strong enough to kill any dungeon/salus boss fast, and vs big waves of mobs link its enough to the point where thau3 dmg doesn’t feel as needed. So there is that, w2 link2 thau2 ff3 its still super viable and fun to use, not to mention you can run it with low budget gear and it’s still very good.

Thank you, I will consider.
I didn’t mind them not being bunched up a bit, because the summon gorkas has such a nice AoE attack. I just cast ice pike and the summon + necro summons does the work.
Regarding the necromancer skill points, I did this one

I like my 2nd build a bit more than my first build so I will reset my first one to what you suggested here which is w3 e3 ff3 and see how it goes.

I’ve tried the w2 l2 th2 ff3 build but the downtime’s just killing me. I’m willing to reset to that one again and see what I missed.

Thank you again.

Are you seriously having issues with the downtime of that build? :open_mouth: Of course you have to wait quite a bit for JP+HK and to go for the perfect swell combo, but you still have plenty of skills to use in that time. Magic Missile is actually decent now, same for Earthquake, both with low cd and overheat 3. Ngadhundi (low cd) and Bone Pointing (DoT) help a little too. And don’t forget you also can use Levitate, Blood Curse and Blood Sucking for those bigger groups or when your swell combo is on cd. It’s a very well rounded build in my opinion and, as pollitochikn just mentioned, you can run it with low budget.

Btw, consider taking more INT instead of SPR for your second build. Test it a little, because I might be wrong, but I think spending all SPR for just one circle of Sorc is kind of a waste.

And thanks for the link! glad to see Valkoria updated the builds even when they are on tosbase.

Yeah I like spr builds because I don’t have to carry SP pots, which means I have low matk. I’m very casual with the game. If you know the SPR threshold that can guarantee me not needing sp pots anymore, that would be really appreciated!

Ah, I heard the summon stats scale with spr, which is another reason I’m full spr.

Oh I’d recommend, even if you are casual, to buy and carry some hp and sp pots. They can save your life, (literally, lol) and also, you will have less problems oneshotting (or hitting harder enemies) because of lower investment in SPR and more INT.

Sadly I don’t have a number for that threshold :frowning: but you could tests a few distributions during the reset event. I’d start with 100SPR invested and check how it goes. I have a FF I’m leveling (swell farmer build) because I resetted my old FF3 to other class, and I’m having no mana issues in dungeon. I’m almost FF2 with only 20 points invested in SPR (+18 coming somewhere from gear) for a total of ~500 sp regen. Not a single pot needed, because I mainly use magic missile and JP+HK combo on the mobs. I hit hard and it doesn’t cost much sp. It will get a little more sp-hungry with FF3, or if you run hitting with Elementalist skills, but you can get an idea more or less of how much you need by testing for your specific build.

Yes, summoner builds go for full SPR, that’s meta, but when you have Wizard3, Elementalist and FF in the build, you probably want some extra INT, and taking SPR only because you have a summon I don’t think is a good idea. In that case I’d take Ele out of the build and take Pyro instead, because at least it has a buff with SPR scaling and good multi-hit abilities to benefit from that elemental damage. Or even Cryo or Kino for more CC, like Valkoria’s Necro build. I’m not saying it’s not viable, because with this patch most of builds are, I’m just saying it doesn’t feel very… let’s say optimal.

the skill is suppose to do that ;now, if is really doing that i can not affirm with 100% but i will write what i have so far , i just tested with today reset with a friend and i’m having very mixing signals about it!
first: it did not really show on the stat menu;
second:simple put: my friend with a +19 rod trans 10, got more or less the full 30%, he was hitting me 3,9k with earthquake without it, and with it 4,9-5,1k.
normal atk he also went from 650-7xx to 990-1k, so very close to 30%
there was some other skills test but you get the gist of it, all of them went from 25-30% increase, in this middle range.
but myself with my nuub wizard, that have a +11 vien mace 0 trans, only got 10% with increase damage with multiple skills, even normal hit!, so i do not know what is happening, and since i can not use spiritual chain alone, to test on mobs, this was the best i could do!.
so my final response is, it is working, but like any other imc skills, it have something hidden in it that is changing how it work or maybe it takes the weapon value as increase 30% of weapon magic atk value and not the complete m atk value (like from int-hats and so on) , this could more or less explain why i only get 10% of real damage increase, since i using a nuub weapon with low m-atk, so 30% of m atk from my weapon once we put resistance/log plus hat’s m atk -int m atk and so on from the damage formula , it only result in 10% real increase for my nuub weapon , but my friend who have a full trans 10 rod, the m-atk gained by it have the result of close to 30% increase in damage, since his rod already have huge base matk and thus would create bigger values on the log formula ,of course this is just a guess but is what i believe is happening.

like some other friends already said, if you take encht2 with build like that you will have too many skills to cast and not enough time to use lighting hands, and if you choice to use lighting hands you will not use those other skills, and thus would not gain from those builds, so is not really worth.
is better to take something like sage or shadow and so on, since you can rotate the cd from their skills plus kino-cyro skills and keep a good rotation!.

I disagree with the others. Enchanter is taken for the Enchant Lightning, not Lightning Hands. Enchant Lightning is valuable for its ability to change Melee and Missile attacks into Lightning property, allowing your allies to deal +50% damage on Frozen or Chilled targets. The Lightning Property Attack is also great to bypass defenses, which is great for higher levels of CM and for the Dragon Raid.

If you’re looking to increase your own damage and transcending the character’s weapon, then take Sage or even Shadowmancer. But if you’re not looking to invest too much on the character or planning on working with party composition and using the character with Physical classes, Enchanter will bring a lot more to the table.

In response to Valkoria’s Cryo/summon SPR build - I was going to give that a shot but I’m not a huge cryo fan. Plus, I wanted to see just how powerful Spirit Shock becomes when high SPR is invested. At 500 SPR, I was doing 12k every .5 secs to a world boss, and a low cd with a 8 sec duration - I would say this is a pretty viable dps when you want to deal dps outside of summons. I have been a full summon build before but I wanted to support/contribute to dps reliably.

Unfortunately, I chose to sacrifice Necro3, Without Necro3, fragments become harder to come by.

I agree with tampon. For a Cryo3Kino3 I’d go for enchanter too. Enchant Lightning will also change two of your Kino skills into lightning element, hitting harder those frozen by your Cryo skills. Of course you won’t be a top dps, but it’s a great support build for a lot of classes and the damage is not bad either. Lightning Hands can be used to fill in case you have everything relevant on cd or you have to clear mob in small amounts.

I would not recommend taking Ench2 in case you were a Pyro3Kino3, but the synergy with Cryo and Kino is too good to skip it.

I do have a question though for build variance though.

For support Wiz builds like that, it’s somewhat easy to see where they fit in. However, how do semi-DPS builds fit in into said parties? Stuff like Pyro3 Kino3 Sage2, Link3 FF1 Shadow2, builds that include part of the full support circles, but also top it off with DPS circles.

Is the damage they add to the party justifiable, or are just full supports more efficient? I assume it’d depend on the Transcend level of the wep as well?

Just to clarify, Linker doesn’t exactly need up to 500 SPR at the moment, as the multiplier maxes out at 3.0x. @nery_ma explains the calculations pretty well a few comments above :smiley:

Linker doesn’t but a summoner build does, sadly. SPR or go home basically.

Oh my bad, I thought you were going for 500 SPR specifically to test Spirit Shock’s damage XD

I kinda was, that and see how well Link3 works in a summoner build. Pretty balanced if I would say so. Wiz2 was a bit useless in terms of more summoner dps so I went Pyro 1 for more dps skills(I have no other good necklace other than agni)

IMO, to fit in you’d have to make it up with transcending your own weapon since you’re giving up support (weapon not so needed) for DPS (weapons super important).

Take one of my wizards for example. Wiz2 > Linker3 > Elem3 > RC. It’s built to support Elementalists with Spiritual Chain, Rune of Destruction, Rune of Protection and Rune of Ice (and to steal Quick Cast). But since I decided to take Elem3 instead of say, a Chrono or a Thauma, I have a weapon transcended to Stg5.

Do note that I have the luxury to choose my parties because I have a close-knit guild where we know each others’ characters down to being familiar with even transcendence levels. We plan every party to maximise our runs. We get 1-2 DPS well geared DPS and the rest are T0 supports built around the said DPS

Personally I love pet build. Pretty much my main wizard is:

Wizard c1 > x > x > Thauma > Chrono > Sorc c1 > Necro c3

This is the best pet build I found so far if you want your pet to deal some serious damage.

Thauma is for the damage boost.

Chrono is for the critical boost.

With the new attribute where SPR boots more critical rate. All my pets’ damage is constantly critical.

My next favorite pet build is:

Wizard c2 > x > Thauma > Sorc > Necro c3 > Featherfoot

You get one additional pet (bone pointing) and use less resource. But the damage can’t compare to what a chrono can give with Quicken’s critical buff.

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Ahh, makes sense. So for players without the luxury of choosing parties, it’d be better to go with full support or full DPS builds in order to have the ability to fit in a larger variety of parties?

Also, for your Wiz2 Link3 Ele3 RC, does it perform well?

Edit: I’m having trouble deciding because I’m afraid going semi-DPS would gimp the whole character if I can’t fund it enough. E.g. I liked playing Wiz2 Link3 Sorc1 FF1 Shadow2 and Wiz2 Kino2 Chrono3 Shadow2, but I’m afraid since going full SPR in those builds, I wouldn’t be able to support well, nor DPS well :frowning:

Thank you!