Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

KTOS top 10 ranks TBL wizard: x - psychokino3 - thaumathurge1 - x - sage2. Try to get players into Raise, then shrink body attribute, spam sage skills.
For first x, most players take cryomancer for shield passive, or wizard2 to charge dimension compression. Second x is usually linker for joint penalty on targets during raise, or thauma2 for shield def and reversi.
Spam teleport and blink to get out of danger.
Use the old 1 handed HG sword with magic attack penalty in weapon swap to counter inquis malleus.

Example by Rangee, x1 = cryo, x2 = thauma2.

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@greyhiem maybe you now the top of wizard builds for PvE? I just feel coutious about it.

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Good for self heal.
Sorc2 if you are full SPR, better summon damage, can ride, use skill, then dismount. And also more bats.

I just have few questions I hope you guys don’t mind to answer me.
Now with my recent discovery that cryo 1 is enough for many thinks I want to make a good build for bossing and farming so let me know your opinions

Wiz-cryo-linker2-ele2-RC-sage2 this have good sinergy with linker and sage, and with rune of protection we can have sure spell.
Wiz 2-cryo- ele3-FF3 the blood recovery is pretty good and levitate looks so usefull so idk if is good.

Let me know your ideas guys have a any other idea with ele

Question, which skills from the Wiz tree are available to use while u are under Rune of Giants buff?

wizard, linker(except spirit shock), thaum (except reversi), runecaster and buff skills are usable in giant form. other classes i have not tested yet, enchanter seems compatible since more on buff.

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ele 3 ff3 is a better bossing build because of how strong kundela slash is. I bet you can hit damage cap with this skill when using curse and trans 10 weapon

Haven’t tested it, but one Alchemist build I’m planning to try out is:

  • w1 Pyr2 Thm2 PkN1 Alc3

  • Revised: w1 Pyr3 Thm2 Alc3

It gets all the good things from Pyro, bonus stats from Thaum, and FirePress combo for kicks from Pkino. Full INT so it can double-dip M.Atk from Thaum. Alche skills have high multipliers so they’ll do good damage with assistance from the other circles. Now, if only Combustion worked with Agny as well–it’s a friggin’ fire skill for crying out loud!

Edit: Damn. I just realized the PKino thing was mentioned before. That’s what happens when you skim :tired:

kino 1 will be a bit difficult to pull off without surespell or concentrate attribute.

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True. I forgot the attribute only becomes available at Kino 3. My bad. In that case, I could just go Pyr3 instead. Same result and I suppose Hell Breath could conceivably be a better FirePress spell.

Has anyone tried the following?

  • w3 Kino3 RC Sag2

I saw it mentioned on the KTest thread but I was wondering if anyone’s had experience with it. Relying on the Sleep attribute maybe a bit sketchy, but I was thinking it might make good use of Compression with it.

i went cryo 3 kino 3 sage 2. AOE dps from sage is pretty good with only level 20 on damage attributes.

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tested so far: (base build was pyro1-2-2-WL1-SM2 farmer with base ~6400 matk)

  • wizard1-cryo1-linker3-thauma1-WL1-SM2
  • wizard1-cryo1-linker3-thauma1-WL2-SM1
  • wizard2-linker3-thauma1-FF1-sage2

I’m thinking of keeping the FF1-Sage2 build. With enough matk, Sage damage skills are actually quite nice. Use Micro Dimension to kill linked mobs after HK. With lv5 Swell Left I get 7k matk, and with the After Effects attribute for insurance one can effectively kill swelled 350 HG mobs. Ultimate Dimension is now a mini Mastema. Charged Dimension Compression is very strong vs Saalus bosses. FF1 is taken mainly for Blood Sucking, along with other benefits such as Bone Pointing and the pot efficiency attribute. Ngadhundi 5 is still quite weak and clunky to use because of the animation. The only other r7 fillers that I think might do are Thaum2 for more swell or RC. Although, I’m not sure how reliable the QC attribute for RC is.

CM performance yet to be tested. In theory, CM play is based around being a Linker support, Sage skills and FF Curse debuffs.

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Dat music tho.

In any case seems like I have some testing to do, thanks!

Im not sure if take ele3, i like the combo rune of ice and hail with ele2RC, and what you know about linker it need to be linker 3 to become strong?

i have linker3 and his new damage skill is just AWESOME with full SPR build

but it have to ve linker3? or just with linker 2 is enough?

link 3 because it’s a link 3 attribute of mental shock which also reduce magic defence by 25% and duration of mental shock increases per level.

Mental shock is awesome.
I have an wiz2-linker3-sorc2-sage2
Mental shock + fully charged dimension compression to take advantage of mdef reduction is my single target combo.

Mental Shock is certainly helpful. But going full SPR in an otherwise int-based build for one spell is risky. To make the most out of Mental Shock’s L3 attribute, you may as well go a build that uses SPR as well like Sorc/Necro

so will all of you say maybe which i can choose for good damage.

  1. this is pretty intersting for me but i feel i miss linker and i want to have RC instead of ele3 and just go to ele2
  2. this have dont have linker 3 and it seems to be necesary for a good boosing
  3. This last sound pretty amazing for me but im not sure to not have linker.