Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

thanks, just wondering which among the sage, featherfoot, shadowmancer variants is best. going spr seems best since they are sp guzzlers.

Do you mean invest a little into spr or do you want to go full Spr?

i changed to full spr yesterday for wiz2link2thaum3sm2, using full int dmg is better but sp drain is very fast. full spr seems better for farming since fewer pots is necessary. i will try ff/sage variants next time.

Only RoD, but it’s still a nice combo.

@jonrook49 for farming, imo the classic full INT, wiz2-link2-thaum2-FF3 is still the best. FF saves red pots, and SP is not as intense as shadowmancer, so you also save blue pots (as long as you do have some SPR from gears).

Linker has great synergy with FF because of poison.

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i have been testing wz1 Pyro1 linker1 thau3 sor1 sm2 for 2 days,
full SPR, it work very well, and save up a lot of sp potion,
fun to play, and nice for farming~

today gonna test another build, base on FF3 (full int),
any recomand build for ff3 ?
is ff must match with linker?

Pretty much. Most FF skills are single-target, melee range. Even though it has a skill at FF3 that multiplies dmg in an aoe, functioning somewhat like a JP, JP has attributes that also amplify your FF attacks. I admit, I can’t imagine a main FF build without Linker supporting it. The more amplifying methods for Kundela Slash, the scarier it becomes.

Enervation and blood curse has decent range. Only kundela and bloodsucking is melee range. The rest doesn’t really consider atking skill. Imma try wiz3-eleme3-ff3 to compare how much different against wl3

I haven’t switched yet, but in my first build change(W3-L3-FF3), I figured W3 and L3 aren’t wholly necessary, but I still prefer FF3.

What do you guys think of this build I have yet to try?

I did this for 2 days with different variations. I did wiz1>pyro3>Sorc2>ele3, then swapped sorc2 for wiz2 because I can’t meteor and hail without surespell. Was able to clear dungeons fast and do CM comfortably. I was able to raise the attributes of all my main damage skills to max at a very low cost. What’s your skill allocation for pyro and ele like though? I might try it again with wiz 3 or a different filler class, maybe thauma for swell left arm?

How about pyro3>kino3>Enchanter2 or sage2? Which is better. I don’t know a thing about kinos nor enchanters or sage so lol.

I I want to try an FF3 next. Is linker3 overkill? And can this build do dps at CM and ET or is it more for utility or farming with thauma?

I’m seeing a lot of Shadowmancer in the builds. How time consuming is it to do the unlock quest?

if you are going pyro 3 kino 3 go sage 2. enchanter 2 is for lightning hands which you dont need to use because of low cooldowns from pyro skills.

ok thanks! but i heard enchant lightning works on psychic pressure and new attribute gravity pole?

thanks @gexmnlin13, already changed it to your recommended build and stat. plays better and no hp pots required as long as mobs are melee type.

enchant lightning will turn pp and gravity pole into lightning element attacks instead of their psychokinesis property attacks. This lets you deal +50% more damage on frozen mobs.

Enchanter c2 is usually taken for lightning hands which means you will be AAing a lot and not really using other skills. I would rather take sage or shadowmancer where their skills which have good %factor and can be used in rotation with cryo and kino skills.

How do you guys play sage2 in a DPS build? IMO I use sage2 only for blink and missile hole, and the portal shop XD

@gexmnlin13 is FF any good with just 1 circle ?
isn’t sorc2 is for those who wanna ride their summon ?

Ultimate Dimension is a decent aoe with its attribute; it’s good enough for aoe rotations. Speaking of Sage 2, I noticed Dimension Compression pulls Fireballs too. You can set up fireballs around an enemy and pull them all into one spot, taking all the Fireball dmg.

I tested wiz1-pyro2-kino3-sorc1-sage2 and im loving it, the build have very good dot damage and cc, also fun to play too.

@Naght I was already using this rank setup on my main Wizard but it’s even more fun meow after patch. <3

I wonder if TOSBase owner died irl since it’s never updated anymore…

Just use for the updated skill simulator.