Tree of Savior Forum

Post your desired wiz build after revamp!

wiz 2 share sure spell, rune caster share rune of protection

use link use spiritual chain for the share… but use lifeline 1st if you see a dps mage so you can get max of int too… just stay full spi yourself… thaums swell brain 1st then push all your buffs out…

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OMG there is many changes in the wizard class and i hope it are for good, I’m coming back to the game and this is my favorite class but is sooooo complicate, now i want to know about elementalist, this class get some good thinks and i like the test that i have done already, and i found pretty good the combo ele2RC but im not sure if im missing a lot with no meteor.
i found really amazing the combo ice pike elelctrocute but cryo 3, lose all sense because just 1 rank is enought, and is kite good.
The combo linker sage is sooooo good, kills so fast with dimesion comresion but i feel i little bit consfuse about which is better with linker the sage 2 or the ff2 with kundela slash and the FF have the survive think that make it really good for me.
Please recomend me some build with this classes because here are toooo much ideas but i want get the “better”, so much thanks.

Is this the “steal your build because i can’t think of my own thread” ?

I think it is more sharing knowledge and experience

Agree we can test all the possible build but we can be with the comunity helping each others.

Jumping between Cryo3 and Chrono3 builds a little, testing Wiz1Pyro1Linker2Chrono3Sorc2 right now, what do you think of this build? Anyone tried something similar? The chrono/sorc costs are a little disheartening, but I think this could be good as a physical support? Enchant fire (with Spiritual Chain), Quicken, Pass, Cat buffs.

Probably gonna settle on either this build or a CryoEle build, I like the interactions between Cryo and Elementalist. Electrocute with Ice Wall/Frost Pillar/Ice Pike is really cute.

Day 1:

  • Wiz2 Link3 Alch3 RC

Idk about everyone else, but I REALLY love how this build flows. Wiz2Link3RC is really nice for supporting magic parties, and dealing decent damage on your own. Alch3 is there because I’ve always wanted an Alch, don’t regret it though, pots are nice.

  • Wiz2 Kino2 Chrono3 Shadow2

Loved this build as well. Chrono utility is amazing (cost not so much :tired:) and I think it synergizes well with the build as a whole with the SPR investment to manage Shadow carrying over into benefitting from Chrono. Pass is nice too, as Shadow and Kino’s skill CDs are long-ish.

Day 2:

  • Wiz2 Link3 Sorc1 FF1 Shadow2

This build, I liked how Link synergizes with Shadow, and Sorc summon is just :heart: Though I picked FF for that 50% Dark dmg up to contribute to Shadow, FF feels kinda off tempo in this build though. I might just be playing it wrong, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as the ChronoKino variant.

Wait, what 50% dark damage up? And most FF skills are poison right?
I personally think FF is a nice filler for self heal.

trying to find a confortable c3 alchemist build that can at least solo salus and do well in CM/dungeons, it seems like i have only 2 options:
1.- w3 ele3 alch3
2.- cryo2 kino3 alch3

I tested pyro/ele/alch but honestlly without quick cast and surespell it just doesn’t feel good. Well if anyone else has tested an get to an optimal alchemist build, it would be nice to know.

As a side note, kino2 cryo3 chrono3 its doing super good in CM, might test cryo2 kino3 chrono3 tonight and see how it goes.

Hi guys, Can you give me some advice on my build ?
I wanted to fit ele3 sorc and rc, but I am left with 1 rank at r9.
what should I get there ? W3-Ele3-RC-Sorc-X
X= ?

Reminder : Always cast Lethargy ASAP on everything that you ready to lay waste to them. It +20% Magic damage.

And since now Hail still count as “Tile” skill (yeah… at least Rogue can steal it) so it got huge boost by just Lethargy + Hail

From my build (Wi 3 Pyro 3 Ele 3). I still love moment to spam skill combo with variant fire skill that very low cooldown. And it pretty wide… very wide.

In term of DPS I think Elelock still better. But Attb. cost with this build is much lower. And with agny necklace I found that DPS isn’t bad. You can rotate your skill uses in many combo.

Sample combo

  1. Flame ground + Flare x 3 (Ground mobs)
  2. Fireball x 2-5 + Flare x 3 (good on fighting air mobs)
  3. Fire Pillar + Storm Dust (Slow + semi-stun lock , main AOE clearing)
  4. Flame Ground + 2 Meteor (w/o QC you can only do one or so. Wi 3 not so necessary)
  5. Lethargy + Hail (Bossing #1)
  6. Lethargy + Hail + Flame Ground + Fire Pillar (Yeah… all are count as “Tile” skill)

My opinion about wiz 1-3

wi 1 : Energy bolt 1 , Earthquake 1 , Lethargy 1 : You need only that. Thrust me
wi 2 : 5 MM , 1 Surespell (Max Earthquake in case that you go linker. Other build still useful for farming)
wi 3 : 5 QC , 10 MM , 15 Magic Shield (-20% dmg is not minor amount. and if you reset from high rank why you still need to bother low rank skill ? Max EQ if you play linker anyway)

What is a good way to round out a Wiz1-Pyro3-Kino3 build that wants to be more versatile over focusing on one specific type of content (although leaning a little more towards solo farming).

Thanks in advance for any tips and info.

Will you try another class other than Chrono? I feel it does help with pass and the DPS , but I don’t feel it does help so much. Just my impression

Wizard magic missiles have hidden synergy with swell left arm, it double the number of missiles. Might be very useful in cm and farm.

@Naght according to Kannushi, swell left arm has hidden synergy with magic missile. Plus it will make summon stronger, so X=thaum1. Or if you want some self heal go with FF. If you are full SPR, then sorc2. Just my opinions.

@pao555555 lethargy increases magic damage by 20%? Is that the attribute tile specialty? Or is it a hidden technique and works without attributes? Oh speaking of which, can you explain what tile specialty does? Which skills are affected?

@TonyDanza I’ve tried pyro3-kino3-shadowmancer2. It is awesome!! Pyro and Kino are mainly huge AoE whereas shadowmancer gives single target burst. Not to mention kino is a good crowd control. The downside is, too many skills.

@Kannushi if swell left arm doubles magic missile bullet count, then going wiz3-thaum3-sorc-onmyoji2 full SPR will be awesome!

I made a themed (?dunno how to call it…mistress maybe XD) aclhemist build for fun but it turned out pretty good imo. My idea was that it would look good if I would have both a succubus summon and a homunculus on my side… XD

Wiz2-Linker3-Alchemist3-Sorcerer SPR build

Homunculus has Joint Penalty…if it would be better I would give her magic missile too and lethargy…but it is not worth it right now…:confused: Also you can have combustion too for even more damage…I don’t know why I have briquetting… xD Even if it gets more useful maybe I should just make another alchem for it… I guess I’ll try combustion tomorrow.

I can clear saalus with it. It was also pretty good in 300 dungeon. I can clear rooms alone…dunno how useful I am in CM tho…with an INT wizard in the team and life line I would be a bit stronger.

Also I only have an event regard horn staff…no gems, no enchnacement (hmm :roll_eyes:)…no trans… So it could be better.

I would be happy if I could get 1 thauma and 1 more wizard in it but I’m rly satisfied with it as it is now.

is wiz2link2thauma2ff3 still best for farming? would wiz2link3thauma2sm2 be better?

Cursing debuff from FF applies 50% DMG boost to dark-attribute attacks.

Sauce (I can’t find the patch notes for it tho): KTest Wiz revamp discussion

Both are very good. Could be an or sage.

FF is good for survivability in CM

I ran Wiz2 Link3 Alche3 RC and it works pretty fine imo. It’s not a main DPS, similar to Alch’s passive theme, but it brings a hella lot of MDEF reductions (Spirit Shock, Rune of Destruction) for your party, and support utility as well (Spiritual Chain for 30% MATK and buff sharing, Rune of Protection, Rune of Ice).

If the situation calls for it, the build works solo pretty decently, JP + RoD kills stuff so easily, even with me having only 1 point in RoD. RoJ works well for on-the-move casting, and Spirit Shock just melts bosses. You also have the Sleep Dream Eater attribute for more damage, as RC’s damaging skills are non-elemental.