all i can say is
what they did made them lose a lot of potential customers from countries that got their price increase by double or triple.
if its the same with TP then expect little to no sales from those countries.
it is free to play yes i know but they have to pay something for the server hosting and if only a few pay for TP they wont be able to pay it.
they chose 1 person to buy a $50 item than 10 people to buy a $30 (price of $50 in our region). i dont know how beneficial this is to them but clearly we can see that they are getting no sales for that move
they buy it also to support the game. but if this is how IMC treats those 2nd/3rd world country or countries that got their price doubled/tripled then they cant get any reason to support ToS.
would i support a game that tried to milk me? no announcement of price increase and also near the date of discount. for people that didn’t get affected then they shouldn’t post anything. we are not playing in your server (klaipeda and orsha) and we are playing on SEA server (telsia) once we transfer there and the server to SG so we should expect price based on our region.