Tree of Savior Forum

Possible solution for price situation

I’m not against removing regional prices BUT why you did it so QUIETLY?

Why didn’t you announced that? You could have atleast gave us few days before those new prices.

I feel cheated now. Every person, who have planned to buy packs on 21+ april feel cheeted.

  • My solution: bring back those prices untill F2P launch. And with the F2P launch - remove those discounts.

That would be fair compromise.


+1 to this. I hope IMC ready this topic

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should be like price based on server they are playing.

EU NA and SEA has their own server after F2P release

so if i want to load up then i should pay based on the server i am playing and not based on NA economy.

Why do people complain about this? They should have bought it 20 days ago with only $10. They shouldnt blame IMC for this. $10 one really a big mistake that allows much more bots come into the game before IMC solves the bot spamming or farming problem.

That’s actually really clever. I like this. It would be hard to implement with the DLC, but could definitely be done with in-game TP purchases. You’d exchange Steam Money to an NPC in game for TP.

You aren’t entitled to anything unfortunately.
IMC must’ve noticed influx of people using VPN to buy founder’s pack either for TP or botting purposes @ regions where the price is lower.

because there was no 30% discount anouncement and ppl hate discounts. o.o

Well, its their choice, but why there was no annoucement? Atleast 1 day.



They said VPN, but they’re really just blowing smoke.

1 - You cannot use another currency on Steam unless you change your Steam region. This process has a “cooldown” (a month or 2), and if done enough will raise some red flags on your account.

2 - When you do that and try to make a purchase you will actually need a credit card with an address matching said country. You will also be ticking a box that says you attest to be residing in said country, and Valve can take action against your account if found out otherwise.

TL;DR, this is just a lie for IMC to make some money to compensate the loses they get from BR. Time to learn the truth.

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Agree, everything that comes out of your mouth is the truth.

the thread has it all . from why did they do it silently to a big argument weather is it fair or not. personally i questioned IMC on why did they do it silently it just shows us what kind of company they are . also most of my thread have been on them doing things like this over and over.

lmfao the game goes F2P very soon its not like these DLC are NEEDED they are a luxury item pay it or not is your choice its not like the game is buy to play (i wish it really was) so chill the hell out.

some reason why people want to purchase it is because of the bonus tp, free token, free pet, skill reset and stat reset (that is the only way to get a stat reset)

i would buy it if i can afford the double price increase but i cant and can only afford the previous price so no money for imc

Yes but if you play and plan your character ahead of time you would not need those stat and skill reset pots. As for pets you can buy that in game with silver.

yes that too but who would miss the chance of getting those free items?

founders pack can be redeem anytime and there’s no limit. you can even redeem it 2 days before the server ends

It is still a luxury item. You either pay for it or you don’t. It is not stopping you from actually playing the game.

People need to understand that the world isnt fair which sucks but thats how it is.

Again people can still play the game for free the DLC packs are not NEEDED they are something that makes your gaming experience easier.

all i can say is

what they did made them lose a lot of potential customers from countries that got their price increase by double or triple.

if its the same with TP then expect little to no sales from those countries.

it is free to play yes i know but they have to pay something for the server hosting and if only a few pay for TP they wont be able to pay it.

they chose 1 person to buy a $50 item than 10 people to buy a $30 (price of $50 in our region). i dont know how beneficial this is to them but clearly we can see that they are getting no sales for that move

they buy it also to support the game. but if this is how IMC treats those 2nd/3rd world country or countries that got their price doubled/tripled then they cant get any reason to support ToS.

would i support a game that tried to milk me? no announcement of price increase and also near the date of discount. for people that didn’t get affected then they shouldn’t post anything. we are not playing in your server (klaipeda and orsha) and we are playing on SEA server (telsia) once we transfer there and the server to SG so we should expect price based on our region.

I feel cheated

This was a Capcom level of BS, no kidding

They gonna lose ALOT of money if not fix this price, its ridiculous, the new price is 20% of my salary


I was gonna buy the pack 1 (for the stats/tree reset) in the discount week, but after this new price I gonna buy nothing. You like to lose money, IMC? REALLY?

regardless can you justify their action for

    1. Not Announcing
    1. Not Giving a proper answer to why they did not announce
    1. constantly doing things in this manner


And yes many user will find this a very backstabbing tactic