Tree of Savior Forum

Possible solution for price situation

Maybe the reason for them not announcing it was to stop botters and cheaters from mass buying DLC before they changed the price?

I think its pretty simple that they did not tell us because they knew cheaters/botters would buy a ton of DLC for very cheap and sell the items on the market?

not really,
botters will just use stolen credit card or make a fraud purchase.
IMC dont get much money from botters purchasing their game.

even if they buy those the legit way, IMC still earn from those sales so no harm done for IMC.

Yes but i think the thing they wanted to prevent was having to sort through every transaction that would have happened through the market place it saves them time which is money.

they did save time and money but at the same time lose sales from it.

well its still day 1 since the price change. will have to wait for a week if they will change it, and if not then goodbye potential money from sales.

Yes they will lose some sales but what makes you think there arent people that will buy multiple DLC? I know I am and a few friends of mine are going to be buying quite a few.

You said it yourself the game will be f2p soon so why bother buying founder packs? Same thing can be said on they want to fight bots, its too dumb if you think this work. Like what can they achieve?

“Hey, lets not use regional price anymore and screw up thousands of international players to stop bots from entering the game eventhough they can come back in 8 days when f2p launches!”

How is that fighting bots? If they REALLY want to fight bots or the “so called VPN abuser”(which I debunked in my previous post), they should just remove founder completely since f2p is in 8 days, amirite? But no, they remove the regional price while announcing 30% discount sales in a few days. What will this do you ask? Unlucky bastard that doesn’t know the story behind this will get lured to buy the packs. Pure scam.

i know people in our community group on facebook wanting to buy those 2 packs on sale

its not 5 or 10 people. we are talking about 100~200 of them. those are the active people what about the other 13800 people? chances are 10% of them will buy both and about 20% will buy either 1 of them. while the rest would purchase the cheapest one if it was still available. those are a lot of potential sales gone from the decision.

lol how is it a scam? new players that want to buy TP and get some free items will buy at least one founder pack at a discount of 30% at least in NA and EU for every 3 or 4 people that buy a founders pack in a third world country 2 NA people can make up for it.

Because the price followed regional pricing and now it is changed without notice. When you market your item at certain price, then change it that is a scam. They should just suck it up and let the last 8 days sales of the founder pack to just go on or just remove it completely. How would you feel to know that you had just bought an item that everyone else bought for 2x cheaper in your region?

Beside, I’m strictly saying on people that had regional prices, so if you’re not affected anything you’re saying is irrelevant Stop bringing your “hurr durr NA price is the same”, get out from these type of thread then since you don’t even know what rest of the world feel. I don’t want to go on again on what regional prices is and how it is better, learn it yourself.

And before you make a xenophobic retarded comment, I’m not even BR.

Yeah but you are thinking that 100 to 200 people are a lot of people compared to 13800 people thats like what? 1%? (sorry too lazy to do the math)

It is not a scam you know why? because people still have 8 DAYS to know about the change but if they changed it THE DAY BEFORE! THEN!!! it is a scam 8 days is ample time to know about the change when it comes to people that are interested in the game.

Also when you say IMC should suck it up maybe it is YOU people that need to suck it up? IMC can do what they want if you do not like it that is fine you have the right to rant and post threads but on the flip side there are people that might not agree with you call me a white knight or whatever but I just see it from IMC point of view. Also i am also not a BR.

I am fine with the price increase but at least adjust the content of the package so it will be fair to those who pay more.

Now you are implying EVERYONE will know it. Haven’t you see the word unlucky? I’m done here, such a waste of time.

FYI, they still advertise the price to be the same as the previous price. The fact that “those new players” will only probably know on this matter from ANOTHER PLAYERS and not the COMPANY just proves my point.

those are potential customers from those that got affected.

the 100~200 are for sure buying it if the price was the same

the other 13800 are not sure if they will buy any of those.

IMC choose not to get money from those 14,000 potential customers even if its 1/4 of the price from what you pay

Again thats your opinion you are saying FOR SURE 100 to 200 people are going to buy the DLC but what you dont know is people change there minds ALL THE TIME. i rather take the 13800 POTENTIAL sales over 100 to 200 for sure sales.

hard to discuss if you really dont understand the situation of those that got affected.

if you still dont understand that regional pricing would give IMC more sales than pricing it based on the standard US price then i wont comment to you anymore for being ignorant

13800 are potential sales if the price was the previous one. now that they changed it to double the price that 13800 is gone for sure.

I like how you attack me by calling me ignorant when I have a different view then you. It is like these forums cannot have a different opinion then another person or they are “ignorant” or a “white knight” get off your high horse we are having a discussion on a forum people of all walks of life have different opinions and the sooner you learn that the better. I am done with this thread.

You can imply everyone you don’t know will know about this matter but he can’t say that 100-200 for sure buyers from his fb group will buy it even when they said so and you just brush him off saying its just his opinion as if it is obsolete? Please stop responding to this bias kid Kenshiki, clearly we’re talking to a wooden bollocks here.

They raised the price of DLC to avoid abuses from people using VPN to get buy these DLC, if they announced that they will raise the prices, all these people will just buy some many of this right away.

Guys who are waiting for sale including me would also buy this even without sale.

This might just be temporary, they might return it back after they find a solution to stop the exploit.

Again because i have a different opinion then you. You result in name calling who really is the child? anyways I am glad IMC did this.