Tree of Savior Forum

Population dropping again? V2

i just want to share with you guys a funny thing that i saw today…

People are selling farming spot like it is the most commom thing in the world. W T F?

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Bitch wtf terrible joke

@Anorexic_Cow Maybe you’re right. Thailand TOS CBT from Aug 31 to Sep 3 2017.

Remember when we used to be 56k of players? that used to be cool not only that the game was filled with wars everywhere and even grind parties, was pretty cool back then like playing a total war game but in form of mmo, now you literally sleep while you level feels like playing a toddler game of how easy this game is now lol.

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Worst number of Avg. Players since the beginning.
So sad to see this game ruined :disappointed_relieved:


The combat rebalance made the game worse…


That’s not true. The reblance was needed and indeed good. But the never ending bugs, the horrible performance and the missing content and ingame support nailed it.

This is not Pokemon Go with a market monopoly and thus the right to get through with whatever they do. It’s TOS an mmorpg in a big pool of alternatives and if you don’t care about the players or even worse what IMC did do what has been done 20 years ago and go full blockhead and enforce bad ideas and horrible designs against all voices of the players. Well of course the players left. The very needed changes were far too late. The new Roadmap is a good read but the game probably is done for now. It’s too late. The management managed it to death.


While everything you said are facts, it’s just that korean’s video games dev are always like this to a point than only 2 companies were sucessful outside of korea :smiley:

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Why’s there a robot penis in center of screen?

Until this point, as I said this game lack of dynamic contents.
All contents are linear and expected outcomes, this is also the problem of most MMORPG, but just that I feel ToS can be potentially more open and dynamic, it a bit too late now.

Combat Change, Card Slot Change, World Boss Change are actually very relevant, but lack of in-depth adjustment and follow-up. But it still cannot escape the fact that they are all very linear, and getting bored shortly.

The only dynamic content currently in this iToS is only build diversity.
Hence, peoples create multiple characters on top of previous compensation and level-up boosting event. Now, after few months and no more such event, players are getting tired by using those characters as Saalus farming only, but unable to gear them well due to high cost of attribute, weapons craft, and super dry Saalus daily run for transcendance, the more characters the more exhaustive that make peoples quit.

And the build diversity is not dynamic, the synergy between classes are very limited, the pattern pretty the same or limited by weapon type or mount type or stats distribution. Like few classes only A+B>2, mostly A+B<=1

Well, anyway, I think the saalus update, boss update , pvp/gvg and cards slot / pvp and gvg are essential as intermediate to link us to R9 until year end, IMC need to update this fast to us. This will make us spend some casual times to login, but not that hardcore.

I better think their new PvE Content Update to package together with R9, while releasing some good information in between to keep peoples interested.

Finally, yes I would think the game is much more better and balanced if transcendence and x8 moles/chappy cards are not exist. Card Slots fixed the latter, but transcendence is still problem to multi-characters, force peoples into dry saalus grinding, and power-gap to some builds since they have better skilldamage%*buff%*debuff% which greatly advantage on bigger weapon damage to set other builds away.


Sadly but true its really dropping…
Friendslist is like An old memories of TOS before. When you can see that their last online is months ago.


Do you often visualize connected rectangles as robot appendages? :smile:

It was the events that disrespected active players. It just simply drop because of that. Why not make an event full of exp tomes multipliers and reset to a completely new account and give meh events to active players right?

Most likely most of them are gambling and will login for the next returning player event. Given that active players events are always meh.


Just got a new graphics card (GTX 1050 Ti), so I’m busy playing Nier Automata and Witcher 3. Both a lot more fun than ToS, since ToS has no content, just grind… Don’t get me wrong, I love grind games, but grinding is not fun unless you do it with a bunch of people since it’s an MMORPG, and you can only find empty maps here…More importantly, they’re killing the need to grind by making the game so EZ-mode.

I remember when I used to spend months grinding in Geffen dungeon in RO1…Good times.


I’m playing old time RTS nowadays to kill time after work. I dont get stressed playing them but for some reason I get stressed in this game. It was really healthy going hiatus. The more active you are in game the more you will get punished and when you know you wont be eligible to future newcomers and returning player events then it feels bad.

IDK. I’m in a point where even if the saalus patch comes I wont comeback from my hiatus. I probably had enough of korean mmos now. The last game where I was genuinely entertained is probably cabal due to its awesome mwar where 2 nations kill each other and catch strategic points and stuff. Although it is p2w and grindy it was fun af. RO also has a special place in my heart since it was my childhood game. I’m lurking in private RO servers sometimes. More fun than tos lol.


Only on Tuesdays. :mushroom:

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The thing is, they have done a lot os mistakes, with patchs, events and removing gvg and pvp. And they are still making new ones, a GM said for us do not expect new big patchs in this month. I mean, really?
They trully believe that has no other game that can be competitive to this one. Ridiculous.

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sri yo mbok ojo minggat

srinthil ?:face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting::face_vomiting:

shrintil green cookies go eat that :sheep: