Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Would you play on a separate P2P server?

I would pay $20 a month if and only if it has no bot, but that’s unlikely.

Even if bots did eventually show up, the numbers would be far too small to warrant any restrictions that hurt players. That is the main point to take away from it.

The more players there are, the more bots there will be.
If there’s enough players to warrant a P2P server, there will be enough bots to warrant limitations.
In fact, there would likely be more bots on the P2P server than on the F2P one.
Solely based on the fact that everyone~ on the P2P server is at least willing to spend some $$.
The people on the P2P server will also be more willing to buy gold as it would be more of an advantage on the P2P server than on the F2P server.

In the end though, what would be the difference between the P2P server and the F2P server + tokens?

This couldn’t be more false. Bot farm operators do not want to have to deal with a paywall when there are several server alternatives, and people in a F2P environment are many, many more times likely to spend money for in-game advantages; that is the target audience for pay2win mechanics which is what the P2P server would not have.

People, in-fact, would be joining the P2P partly to not have to deal with those cash shop items. There would be no reason for restrictions that hinder both players and bots in a P2P environment that runs alongside a F2P one with that in mind. That is in-fact, one of the benefits to having a P2P server alongside a F2P one. This is expressed in the OP if you have not read it.

A good example of this was when iRO opened up Valkyrie, a F2P server that ran beside their P2P ones. Before, the P2P servers did have bot issues, but after a F2P server appeared, within a few weeks, all bots disappeared from the P2P servers to the point where you would only see one or two every couple of weeks. They had all gone to the F2P server, Valkyrie.

This would be especially true for Tree of Savior because there would be several F2P servers compared to the one P2P server. Thus, the different bot farmers would have less competition in the ideal environment for botting compared to Valkyrie in the iRO situation. Due to the nature of F2P servers, there will be plenty of player volume in them as people will be going there to try out the game and only considering the P2P server if they are not fans of the negatives of F2P servers (pay2win cashshop items being one of them which is a counter interest to what bot farmers provide).

All in all, I’m sure there are many who aren’t happy with the F2P restrictions, even among those who will choose to play on F2P servers. A P2P server allows an environment where those restrictions will not be in place. At the very least, it’s an alternate experience from the other servers that over half of the pollers have shown interest in thus far.

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As I tend to only play games with Subs, due to the fact it keeps certain groups of people; that to me, ruin the game in whole off those games. I’d love for there to be an actual P2P server. Hell, I’d P2P w/Cash Shop if it kept those groups from destroying ToS.

I honestly really don’t care about either. As long as the game is fun, then I will play it. I work full time so I have the money to buy stuff I want. And mmorpg is a cheap entertainment (compared to going out) that will keep me busy. Tree of Savior is fun right now and I will play it. If they keep the updates coming then I will continue to play it. But if there is another game that comes out that’s more entertaining to me, then I will move along. Nothing more, nothing less.

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don’t be silly “P2P” doesn’t work and you know that, look at RO…
pls don’t be silly

**Marketplace Restrictions: items put up for sale will appear on market randomly between 30 mins to 2 hours. Items sold will only yield profits after 48 hours.

It will be F2P and you’ll be able to play all available content…
It is acceptable

Would you play on a separate P2P server?

I have friends and I play with them, I do not want to be separated just because I invest money in a game …

*Magic Enchantment Scrolls: random enchantment system for headgears, 3 per headgear for all 3 headgear slots. Costs several hundred USD on avg. to get decent, intended results for headgear.

I’m pretty sure there some Job that could change those things but if is not, it is only a matter of time to get what you want

again this game is F2P You should expect something like that …

P2P actually was successful for iRO for most of its time running, but that isn’t what this thread is about. It’s about seeing community interest in having a P2P server running alongside the F2P servers for those who do not like the negatives the F2P servers have.

These restrictions might be acceptable for you, but not for others. But more importantly, it may not be preferable to others which is worth consideration as well if many people feel that way which is apparently the case as seen on the forums across many threads.

Where you and your friends play is up to you. Having a P2P server as an option shouldn’t really play a factor in that unless some of your friends would prefer that server while others would prefer a F2P server. In this case, this would still be a good thing because it would be giving you more options rather than forced with just one. I’m sure you and your friends would be able to make choices that they believe are best for their selves with consideration of friends.

There is no job that has an effect comparable to the Magic Enchantment Scroll. Likewise, there is no way to edit headgear enchantments except through the use of Magic Enchantment Scrolls. Many do not even like headgears to be associated with stats and would prefer them to simply serve as a way to dress up their characters (which the game is lacking in the area of character appearance customization as is).

If you are unfamiliar with the Magic Enchantment Scroll mechanic, I recommend looking at one of the several threads that explain it. Here is one of them.

they had to merge servers because there was not enough people in the p2p server…

but that does not matter, what you should realize is that it is not your game and they can not remove all the limitations because the game is F2P no F2P MMORPG can work without restrictions

It is basic all F2P games apply them
the only games that do not apply are those with subscriptions per month

and this game is better as a F2P that subscription per month and anyway it is too late to change to subscription only

and compete against WOW is a bad idea

There is no job that has an effect comparable to the Magic Enchantment Scroll. Likewise, there is no way to edit headgear enchantments except through the use of Magic Enchantment Scrolls. Many do not even like headgears to be associated with stats and would prefer them to simply serve as a way to dress up their characters (which the game is lacking in the area of character appearance customization as is).

I do not like the idea of headgears to be associated with stats

but look this RO HAT

as you can see, the stats on hats come from the previous game because this game is based on that you should not be surprised

and you should be happy to change if they are useless stats but you think the hat is nice

I mean … it would have been better if the hats were just aesthetic
but as i say no surprises there

They merged after over a decade of a successful pure P2P server environment. That’s very successful for a MMO run. But yet again, this thread has nothing to do with a P2P model vs. a F2P one. I’m not sure if you understand the purpose of this thread, so I recommend reading my previous reply or the OP more carefully. I’ll restate it here too though. This thread is about seeing community interest in a P2P server that runs alongside the F2P ones.

The reasons for this are many people are not satisfied with the pay2win shop mechanics and heavy trading restrictions. Many also would prefer a steady paywall styled cost to play the game mixed with occasional vanity purchases without needing to deal with the negative effects of pay2win gamble items entering the playing and marketing environment of the game.

By having two different styled servers to choose from, it also gives players a different experience than the other servers. People could choose their server based on their preference for a P2P environment or a F2P one. The P2P server would be especially doable in that bots will always pick F2P servers over a single P2P server when they are all in the same server list for a MMO.

Having an extra P2P server would also help mitigate some of the traffic from the other servers. While only having one P2P server (as opposed to the multiple F2P ones) would ensure it has enough players on it to have a thriving community.

As for competing with WoW, this game clearly has a completely different target audience that the WoW one and having a P2P server mixed with F2P servers would not change that in any way, shape, or form.

Yes, RO headgears did have stats. But, they were all in-game for the majority of the game’s life and at the peak of its popularity. It wasn’t until the game shifted to a F2P model that cash shop stat hats were introduced. Also though, the game existed in an other time, where the default character customization of RO was more acceptable. Today, that level of aesthetic customization really doesn’t hold up. Having headgears serve fully as vanity items alleviated that some though. Thus another grievance players have with the concept.

Seeing as there is community interest in a P2P server that runs alongside the F2P ones, I don’t believe there would be much of a negative for ToS. If anything, it’ll please more customers more completely. The only difficulties would be changing a few of the server rules for the P2P server and adding a verification to their cash shop procedures that checks the customer’s server destination for their desired cash items.

This is a very small adjustment for a big boost in community approval and new player interest as IMC will be reaching out to the crowd that would normally look ToS over for not having a P2P environment option available. There are simply many who just wouldn’t be comfortable with the F2P servers with how they are currently being presented, especially from the Steam crowd. First impressions are important and IMC could really limit their audience if they don’t take in consideration the backlash their current implementations are already creating.

Regardless, this is about bettering things for the community by giving them more options to choose from for the type of playing environments available to them. No one stands to lose anything from that.

This thread is about seeing community interest in a P2P server that runs alongside the F2P ones.

and thats the problem you can’t do this…

divide the server in P2P and F2P is a horrible idea does not work, there is not enough community to take this risk, penalisaciones are no big deal to ruin the game and you should be aware that F2P players are the vast majority

if you want to make the game P2P has to be completely P2P

give money every month is not exactly a good idea lately why you think most games are “F2P” or become “F2P” lately …

and you think that with a single “P2P” server in the game will work better than the other games on the market?

I’m talking seriously, that people are getting used to asking for things from the creator of a game like they know absolutely everything and the worst part is trying to force a model that does not work in the game and then those who suffer are other

and do not misunderstand, this company is very often wrong one recent example is not to prepare the community for its announcement early access (3 months access)

but you just got to look at other MMORPG to realize that “P2P” even it in a single server is a bad idea now

right now there is no valid point to do what you want, i am sorry

What you’re saying will only raise the price of real money trades not take it away. You’ill still have player to player RMT even if you had a perfect anti-bot system.

That said… If you took away all the cash shop and just had a subscription servers? I’d bite and I’d be a very happy. Long as we had all the hats.

It actually isn’t a problem at all, nor is something that can’t be done. While it isn’t the most common practice, it wouldn’t be the first time a game has offered different server environments to choose from. Normally, companies word it as a “premium server” rather than being so blunt to say P2P and F2P, but it’s the same concept.

I think more MMOs attempt F2P only environments and I think more F2P MMOs fizzle out as a result. There is much more that goes into a game than whether or not there is one or two or more different models for players to choose from in server selection. There really is no negative to having two options in server types, only positives to be found in the ways of meeting player preferences for this particular playerbase.

Arguing that we don’t know what we want and that we should just go with what IMC games offers is about the worst argument that can be said, to the point that I’m not sure if you are serious or trying to troll for mentioning it. Not much worse, is putting forth the fallacy of truth by popularity. How a game should be handled should depend on the playerbase for it, and we are that playerbase. That is why IMC games cares about our discussions and our polls.

We do know what we want, and we’re going to be forward about it if there is an instance for us to do so which is what this thread creates. I’m not sure why that bothers you, as being against more choices seems very controlling and out of place if nothing else.

By all means, if they end up offering a P2P server, you can still go on a F2P one, it will not affect you in any way. This poll is not even suggesting that F2P servers should not exist and the OP is very clear in that.

@BigMcLargeHuge To be honest, I don’t think the few players selling their in-game items for real world money is something that should validate obnoxious restrictions that affect everyone else. Many don’t even think a heavy bot environment validates it, let alone non-botting players looking to trade items based on out of game money transfers.

I don’t think vanity cash shop items have a negative effect on a P2P server environment, and I think most people would prefer that vanity items remain available even in such a server. They are completely optional with the only benefit being a different appearance (or sometimes voice) for one’s character or mount or such.

Either way, all in-game hats would most certainly remain in-game no matter the server type. ^ w ^

I never said you have to follow everything that IMC say

if you do not like is simply look for another game and that’s it
It’s what I do is what everyone does

and yes, in an ideal world the companies listen to their customers at all times
the big problem is that many players say anything guided by their selfish desires
and other occasions simply lie
or exiguen things but they never buy the product
and even something with good intentions might do evil to the game

You’re telling me you never saw any of those things happen?

in my opinion the idea which currently is based is not so bad as you say, not ideal but at the moment is not P2W and that’s enough for my

However we need to let some time pass before you even think what you want, we need data to see how is the full game and how it works

I understand your emotion and you need to make things as soon as possible, but is not the ideal way to proceed

I do think sooner is better when it comes to either striking down P2W mechanics or creating environments where it isn’t present. April 28th in particular. I just think first impressions are important and if this looks like a F2P game that embraces P2W mechanics, that it could cost customers. I think what’s even worse is the severe trading restrictions. They are not usual at all for the US market and many people will be turned away by them, I’m very certain of this.

Regardless though, it is ultimately IMC Game’s choice what they do. I think as current and potential customers, it is in our best interest to express our concerns and desires though. This is what the poll is for. We’ll just have to see what IMC Games does in response to all the feedback they get here and on. I certainly am glad people are taking the time to express their selves on these issues though for IMC to see.

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if they put content “P2W” on the first day they deserve what they get

I personally prefer to keep my complaints, at least until I see the content in the game but I am a user like everyone and if I see they are doing “P2W” and they do not plan to fix it I will leave the game and you should too at least until it is fixed

but you’re right, it’s okay to express their concerns about the game, and should be something that is always done in all games

BUT! this nonsense of a “P2P” server and a “F2P” should not be even considered, the treatment of users must be equal and especially should not divide the community as you say, it’s a horrible idea I insist

without that I think you should comment on what you think about the “Magic Enchantment Scrolls” in this link

edit: I want to add one last thing …
you got to be reasonable with your demands an anti bots system is not so simple with all they have to do during these weeks

The users are being treated as equals in such a case. The servers would be in two different styles and people can freely choose which one they want to go to. Don’t get me wrong, I’d be all for them changing the F2P servers to something more reasonable. However, a separate P2P server is an alternative I’d happily accept if they are convinced F2P servers have to be highly restrictive and feature P2W items with gambling incentives. But yes, I too recommend people sharing with IMC Games their concerns. If you have no voice, you can’t be heard.

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you’re wrong


  • “I play the” P2P “server I’m better”
  • “Nobody cares about the” F2P “server !!”
  • “I do not want to leave the” P2P “server but my friends just entering the” F2P “but the server is very unfair”
    etc etc…

for this point you should know how people are
the smallest action can cause anger among the community and envy

Your actions indicate a separation

between “P2P” and “F2P” you create a conflict of superiority

also it is likely to “IMC” prefer to take care of the server “P2P” rather than the “F2P” and this only creates more conflict …

or we could keep all servers “F2P” and try to keep all the people happy
and save a lot of work (that you’re not going to do)

also you think they will create a server “P2P” in all regions?
and they’ll be all filled with people ???

Do not be funny
in the future they will create servers for regions with more people

All that remains is to divide people more to be more complicated and expensive
so none of the 2 servers in the region have enough people

or worse can be maintained only one server of “P2P” in one region in which you are not but want to participate in the program, you are in a bad position even you’ll have a “lag” and connection problems

and therefore create an exclusive of this region that owns the server “P2P”

but it is right for you right? because you live there so it’s okay, right?

this is not equals, this is priorisar a certain group over another

I insist that you forget this idea is not as easy as you think

You seem to be projecting assumptions, personal fears, or perhaps even how you think personally onto others. I myself don’t view people in this way, nor do most people I know. It’s simply two different styles of environment that offers different benefits and costs; it isn’t a social class system by any stretch of the imagination. Regardless, such a choice can’t be disregarded out of fear of how some people might possibly see others, that is a ridiculous premise.

As for region restrictions, that too isn’t a reason not to supply an environment that a community has interest in. It almost sounds like you’re trying to say, because one region might not get one, that no one should get one. That too, is a ridiculous basis to go on. It would be up to IMC Games to decide which regions have the most interest and potential with such an addition.

Personal disputes with friends is also not a reasonable factor to not have a feature such as this. Such a thing is beyond IMC’s grasp and really has no connection to this at all. What friends decide with server choices is between them and them alone. It would be rather entitled to suggest that no one in the playerbase should have a server environment option because a person can’t reach a conclusion with a friend about what server they would join.

People are already going to be divided between the multiple F2P servers; having a P2P one in addition to these is not going to change this much. Unless you think there should only be one server that all people play on, that doesn’t make sense.

No individual is in a position to insist others to abandon what they may want for a game. People are free to express what it is they have interest in which is what this thread serves to do.

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it’s fine just do not come to me ,to say that I do not allow you to express your opinion
because I do not remember deleting any message from you

I can have my opinion too and I believe you’re mistaken and that should change

that does not mean anything when you call me “troll” I try not to use it against you to remove value to your argument but yes people do not know what they really want hear this

"a company has a new boss with a policy of 100% honest and low prices of products at the same price 50% off

clearly removing the note “50% off” later… the company is bankrupt

and I’m not talking about a small company I’m talking about a big company lost all customers just because of that…"

and I speak about facts this happen every day
"i want this " 2m later… “i don’t want this”

most people are manipulated to want what others say IMC
manipulate the votes to win the second option so had no problems with people who wanted to have an edge over others and others believed that the problem was resolved

the problem that users who buy the package would be the highest level and get more points in the league of “rank” being almost impossible to achieve for a long time but they still believe that was resolved

continuing anyway…

and because this is a discussion and should know that our ideas are different that’s the point trying to understand each other with respect even if we are talking about some embarrassing fact about ourselves because we are not perfect…

and my last argument in this post is:

keep all servers as F2P and give rank “premium” to those who pay to remove the disadvantages temporarily they have to pay again if they want more, this solves the problem without creating a useless P2P server

if it appears that “I think I’m better than others” sorry but I tend to give that impression by the way I speak

and thank you for continuing this conversation so long I really like discussing issues with people but I can not continue, sorry
I hope you enjoyed this conversation, as I did