Tree of Savior Forum

[Poll] Would you play on a separate P2P server?

With many F2P attributes starting to show up already with RNG cash shop items* and strict anti-bot measures**, how many would rather play on a P2P server that ran alongside the F2P one? The server would not be affected by either the market restrictions or allow players to purchase stat enhancing items with real world funds. The token system would also not be needed for this server.

*Magic Enchantment Scrolls: random enchantment system for headgears, 3 per headgear for all 3 headgear slots. Costs several hundred USD on avg. to get decent, intended results for headgear.

**Marketplace Restrictions: items put up for sale will appear on market randomly between 30 mins to 2 hours. Items sold will only yield profits after 48 hours.

Edit: I was asked if the trading restrictions (such as not being able to trade silver) would be on the P2P server.

I want to clarify, no anti-bot mechanics would be on the P2P server. This includes any trading restrictions. This is because when you have both F2P and P2P servers for a MMO, bots will always pick the F2P server, leaving the P2P unaffected by bots, which makes any type of player restriction unnecessary. I hope this clears up any confusion.

  • I would play on the P2P server up to 5$/month.
  • I would play on the P2P server up to 10$/month.
  • I would play on the P2P server up to 15$/month.
  • I would play on the P2P server up to 20$/month.
  • I would play on the P2P server up to and over 20$/month.
  • I would play on a F2P server.

0 voters

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They could even continue selling costumes/vanity in their cash shop and I’d very likely buy some with this kind of configuration.


I’d like a B2P model like ESO, The Secret World, etc…

I edited for clarification on trading restrictions.

@svalinn85 I prefer B2P models myself, but it is certain ToS will have F2P servers. This is why I’m seeing if there is interest for a P2P one to avoid the pitfalls of F2P for those who particularly don’t care to deal with them.

Since this was a thread of a P2P along side a F2P server, there shouldn’t of been a F2P option. Wasted 50% of the votes =/

I wouldn’t mind paying. Just drop all this coin requirement stuff and I’m gold.


The issue here is quite a lot of us are getting irritated by those anti-bot measures that hurt the players a lot more than they actually stop botting… Like trading restriction, no silver trade, horrible auction house(a thread should appear soon explaining what is wrong with it) . Some people would honestly prefer a P2P form of the game where such things don`t exist.

No, it just means those 50% will still choose to play on F2P instead of P2P, for their own reasons.

For example, mine would be larger player population + I can choose when/what I spend on the game instead of paying all the time.

Also, considering that goldsellers make money from people paying them, I think the ‘bots will always pick F2P server’ is a flawed logic. Maybe there’ll be more bots on F2P, but I’m pretty sure the P2P won’t escape them either.

Trust me, regardless of the model, if the game is popular they will show up. You’ll have them on both the F2P server and Buy-In server (They’ll probably be around on this Founders server before it even hits F2P). One thing people usually forget in the F2P vs P2P server choices is that there’s more than one 3rd-party running botting/RMT services on the game. So if the competition is too hot on one server, they have a better chance of running it on another one that has less competition even if that server has a paywall.

Sure there will be less of them, but they’ll be there. If no one bought from them after awhile, they would call it quits and head back to a different server or game, but people give in to temptation. The gold-sellers whisper sweet nothings into the ear, promising them of “quick delivery” and “100% privacy transfers no ban guarantee”, and the player looks all around him at the other guys with their +30 gear and rare items while he’s in some dusty bear-skin leggings and pre-owned copper plate armor. At that moment, he makes the biggest gamble of his life. He buys the gold.

In doing so, that one transaction prolongs the lifespan of the RMT’ing being done on the server, and potentially shortens the lifespan of his account. At the last game I played, some of the GM staff would actually wait a little if the gold-buyers account was low level and perma-ban it as soon as the guy made some progress just to rub more salt in the wound.

Tl;dr: I’d play on a P2P server but it ain’t stopping bots.


Yes I know, I said the Free to Play option in the poll was a wasted spot. It defeats the purpose of having it in the poll since it’s talking about a Pay to Play server along side a Free to Play one.

I think it’s important to gauge how many would pick the P2P server in relationship to the F2P servers. I think it is a lot more telling for IMC. If half or over would prefer the P2P server for instance, it shows that a huge portion of their active community would be interested. Including multiple price points also gives them an idea of how much they would be willing to pay.

Not including the F2P option in the poll, from my perspective and this in mind, would thus hurt the significance of the poll and its usability for IMC games.

not in million times, because they don’t have homunculus, . . .yet.

Those things were so broken…lol.

I would pay $20 a month if and only if it has no bot, but that’s unlikely.

Even if bots did eventually show up, the numbers would be far too small to warrant any restrictions that hurt players. That is the main point to take away from it.

The more players there are, the more bots there will be.
If there’s enough players to warrant a P2P server, there will be enough bots to warrant limitations.
In fact, there would likely be more bots on the P2P server than on the F2P one.
Solely based on the fact that everyone~ on the P2P server is at least willing to spend some $$.
The people on the P2P server will also be more willing to buy gold as it would be more of an advantage on the P2P server than on the F2P server.

In the end though, what would be the difference between the P2P server and the F2P server + tokens?

This couldn’t be more false. Bot farm operators do not want to have to deal with a paywall when there are several server alternatives, and people in a F2P environment are many, many more times likely to spend money for in-game advantages; that is the target audience for pay2win mechanics which is what the P2P server would not have.

People, in-fact, would be joining the P2P partly to not have to deal with those cash shop items. There would be no reason for restrictions that hinder both players and bots in a P2P environment that runs alongside a F2P one with that in mind. That is in-fact, one of the benefits to having a P2P server alongside a F2P one. This is expressed in the OP if you have not read it.

A good example of this was when iRO opened up Valkyrie, a F2P server that ran beside their P2P ones. Before, the P2P servers did have bot issues, but after a F2P server appeared, within a few weeks, all bots disappeared from the P2P servers to the point where you would only see one or two every couple of weeks. They had all gone to the F2P server, Valkyrie.

This would be especially true for Tree of Savior because there would be several F2P servers compared to the one P2P server. Thus, the different bot farmers would have less competition in the ideal environment for botting compared to Valkyrie in the iRO situation. Due to the nature of F2P servers, there will be plenty of player volume in them as people will be going there to try out the game and only considering the P2P server if they are not fans of the negatives of F2P servers (pay2win cashshop items being one of them which is a counter interest to what bot farmers provide).

All in all, I’m sure there are many who aren’t happy with the F2P restrictions, even among those who will choose to play on F2P servers. A P2P server allows an environment where those restrictions will not be in place. At the very least, it’s an alternate experience from the other servers that over half of the pollers have shown interest in thus far.

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As I tend to only play games with Subs, due to the fact it keeps certain groups of people; that to me, ruin the game in whole off those games. I’d love for there to be an actual P2P server. Hell, I’d P2P w/Cash Shop if it kept those groups from destroying ToS.

I honestly really don’t care about either. As long as the game is fun, then I will play it. I work full time so I have the money to buy stuff I want. And mmorpg is a cheap entertainment (compared to going out) that will keep me busy. Tree of Savior is fun right now and I will play it. If they keep the updates coming then I will continue to play it. But if there is another game that comes out that’s more entertaining to me, then I will move along. Nothing more, nothing less.

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