Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

Literally every other modern game allows spec switching, some even allows switching on the fly, dont see any problem here


OH SURE YOU DID #sarcasm


What? What did I do? I don’t follow your train of thought.

If you make a poll to measure how people feels about something, try to make a poll that represents everyone… And obviously, don’t tell people their opinion won’t give any value because you’re dismissing the whole point of you doing this poll…


Why shouldn’t I tell people with no opinion that their lack of opinion isn’t valuable?

Do you have an example of an opinion not included in my poll?

^ You said your post is about that right? NO OTHER REASON?
Well you are contradicting yourself. You said you will quit if they implement a feature that WON’T SUIT YOU TASTE. You aren’t the only player bru, go delete all your 280’s. You prolly won’t be missed.

You know what, just quit.

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It isn’t like every other modern game requires to kill X number of each different mob to get achieves to fullfill a journal. Also endgame in this game is really specific, you can’t just go with the same build to ET that you have been using for going boss hunting or completing this achieves.

Yes, my post is about how people feel about the poll. I am a person and have an opinion, which was put into the poll. Is that wrong, somehow? If I’m pathetic, isn’t everyone else also pathetic for voting or replying, by your own logic?

I wouldn’t mind a circle reset. But only issue handouts if they screw up a certain class circle or build(changes, nerfs etc) to the affected characters

I have an opinion, and it is neutral. That is not lack of an opinion, it is one. Not to mention your wording for people advocating resets isn’t neutral at all, as a poll should be. Comes off rather cheeky, no? Almost as if your own opinion you keep throwing out there so strongly shines through about those people. Again, polls are meant to show neutrality so you can get real numbers as to what people think.

Probably someone would need to create another poll thread, judging by the conversations taking place. Not that it would stay civil… :sweat_smile: No reset thread ever has thusly.

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You clearly aren’t reading. Talking to you is waste of time. Logic you say? Learn to read first before you throw logic to my face. Go on and defend your topic when most people who reply here even think this is stupid.


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I don’t think my opinion shines through other people. I think I am in an extreme minority, which the poll definitely validates.

Can you tell me what value “neutral” adds to this poll, exactly, when it comes to showing what the player base wants? It’s like adding a zero. What does that do?

Nice try, kid. You got pinned. You ain’t fooling me.

Sure I ain’t. Your reasoning just lacks too much. The time you throw logic on the subject, I just Lol-ed. Seriously, read the replies and see for yourself.

Nice one, too, little boy. Defend yourself more. Kind of entertaining to see your replies.

And oh, PS: If you are reading them the way your brain wants to understand them, then it’s all pointless. Lul. Don’t bother, then.

How do you feel about class resets?

  • This will kill the game. Please don’t do it.
  • I’ll quit if they implement it (could be merged with above)
  • I don’t want people to copy other’s builds so I don’t want it (we all know this already happens anyway and will be a bigger thing without resets since people can do try-and-error much less without resets to find better alternatives)
  • I don’t mind if it exists. People might need it
  • People have or will quit because of their mistakes. We need this to keep the player base
  • Other +
  • Other -

It lets them know how many people wouldn’t be effected, or at least think they wouldn’t be. It can be a key part of it being added or not. Since it is already under way, it will most likely show up, particularly if you have more happy voters than nay sayers. However if it wasn’t already being planned, they may also have considered not adding it in, if enough people really did not care.

Either way, neutral opinions, which are indeed opinions because people have their reasons for being neutral, would represent a part of the player base, as you can tell by some of the replies you’ve gotten.

And as for your opinion shining through, if I have to explain that… lol. Anyway, good luck.

What does my reasoning lack, exactly?

You claimed I was pathetic for stating my feelings about a change in poll/thread I created for the specific purpose of showing how people feel about said change.

I then asked you to explain why I am pathetic for having an opinion in a thread created for that purpose.

Can you explain why I am pathetic for this, while no one else is? What’s the difference, exactly?

That’s how you got pinned. Care to wiggle out of it, if you can?

Why would IMC need to know who wouldn’t be affected by a change they would make? I mean, how exactly would this information be weighed how would that lead to a useful decision of some kind? I genuinely don’t understand how this information could be useful.

Perhaps you could describe a hypothetical scenario in which this information would alter their decision of whether or not to include class resets in a meaningful way?

As for the “shining through” bit, I don’t think I understand you. Please explain it?

It’s VERY helpful because it shows what impact it has on the community, and what the community thinks about things

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Sayonara hard cores.

It shows where the change has no impact at all! I refer you to my suggestion I posed to Anita.

Can you describe a hypothetical situation where the number of people who didn’t care about this issue led to IMC releasing or not releasing class resets? That would help me understand.

Thing is, I already told you. People not caring about something yet implementing it can just lead to wasted revenue and man hours. This is a business, you know. I actually already gave you a scenario too on that basis. It’s simple stuff.

If people do not care, this means for these people, it has no impact. Good or bad.

And the way you worded it, as I also already stated, was cheeky. Instead of writing something neutral, like “I would like class resets.” you worded it saying money is power, meaning if they chose that option, you’re implying that’s what they think.

I don’t think you’re grasping what neutrality means. Like I said, good luck. I can’t possibly break this down any further.