Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

Even though i firmly believe the game does not need and nor should it get class resets ever, i would never quit over something like this.

There’s honestly been way better reasons to quit up till now. I mean, you dealt with all the crap IMC threw at you for 6 months, the game cant render like 5 ppl w/o going into single digit FPS, and this is the reason you’re quitting? :sweat:


Just quit this game right now! Or stop crying. You are pathetic :confused:


Can you explain why I’m pathetic?

Yes, because 3 people quitting so far is so gonna kill the game… There are a bunch more people quitting out of FPS optimization, bugs, and exploits everyday.

Mate, just quit if you don’t like it. Nobody will care about you deleting your characters. Or maybe I’ll just watch and laugh because you’re reacting to a small change like a little kid.

Funnily enough this is the exact same argument you anti-class reset people make when people asked for a circle reset. :slight_smile:


Coz u crying at forum and creating “my_ass_on_fire” clubs instead of playing the game. And there isnt variant “i want you to quit forum and game without crying all around” in your quiz.

Where is the neutral opinion option? = =


cvb90000000: So it’s automatically pathetic when someone creates a poll about something they do or don’t like on the forums? Is there any line here, or does it apply to everything?

Please explain specifically what makes creating polls on this forum pathetic, with examples of how a poll could be made that wasn’t pathetic.

I will only accept specific and clear examples. You may not simply make claims about me. You have to present evidence for why your claims are true or you’re not good enough to talk with me.

Levan: What are you responding to, exactly? Your last paragraph didn’t really respond to anything I said to you. It was just more of the same.

Nekorin: There isn’t one. It is not useful to have “I have no opinion” in a poll about opinions. Your option is to just disappear from the thread.

You should add this on your poll

“Will you quit the game if the reset feature is locked behind the paywall only ?”

I can’t choose “I don’t care.”

Honest opinion: I know a lot of people quit because they screwed up one too many builds. Be it stats or just class choice. Think it should have been added forever ago, but perhaps make them rework for the experience some how.

I’m fairly certain this is only coming because of rank 8, perhaps as a gift or reward for an event? I have no idea.

I play the game because I like how I play it, so why would I quit? Someone wants to spend 500 TP to reroll their character so be it. Wakfu allows it and it’s a pretty successful venture. It influences the game in very few ways, besides people changing easy classes to hard ones. There will always be plenty of people not willing to pay or who want to level hard mode.

This could also draw more casuals in or back. Like it or not, they help pay the bills too.

The freaking mounts with stats you can’t resell on the market is more P2W if you ask me, not that I have a problem with those as the stats right now are quite minimal. However they cannot be obtained by just playing.

So yeah, I don’t care.

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How is your opinion useful?

In my opinion:

Good poll:

What do you think about circle reset?

  1. I like full reset
  2. I like last cirkle reset
  3. I dont like reset
  4. I’m happy penapple and wwant to know results

Bad poll:
Im little pitty moaner, lets qiut game with me, just coz?

  1. I want to cry and leave game
  2. Im bastard and like to eat childrens
  3. You’re my princess! Marry me!

Your topic is bad, like u see)

No. But it shouldn’t just be something you can buy at will.

Should be limited in some way. Like once per character or once everytime a new rank is added.

Sadly, you quitting won’t affect the game much. Sorry to say this but quitting over something shallow like that is really, well is, pathetic. The poll isn’t pathetic, the way you defend it/yourself is. Creating a poll like this won’t stop people from buying circle resets (if its a cash shop item in the future). Seriously, you aren’t a big loss.

Oh well, gomene~~~~~ didn’t mean to hurt your feelings. Dropping le 2 cents here.


That is so incorrect. I’m generally fine towards class resets when they are implemented properly. If they are locked behind a paywall or implemented in potion form, then NO.

Instant Full Class reset potion/payment form, NO
Instant Partial Class reset potion/payment form, NO

Class reset in form of quests + need to grind back all the job levels, YES.


So every new rank release there should be a class reset? Why not taking the best to level up first, then take the second time the best to complete all achievements, take the third time something that can get ET stuff and finally reset to a PvP/GvG build.

Definitely not.

I agree that my departure won’t mean much. It would take lots of people leaving to matter.

Why am I pathetic for quitting a game that implements features I don’t like, exactly?

I don’t see a problem in any reset circles…
There is NO ultimate build and even if they go full pve then Switch to pvp… why should we care about their decition? Otherwise they would have gone full pvp in first place if thats their goal… -> there is no way to p2w over others that use their build… if they sell it it won’t be that expensive therefore everyone can afford it if he rly thinks his build is useless and does not want to reroll

Also where is the source they wanna do sth like that? The last thing i wrote about reset was they thought about QUESTS that do this… aka for all doable without money as potions were hard to implement without making you loose jobexp and so on…

I think your version of the class reset is a pretty good idea, really, the best one that anyone’s had so far in the thread.

Wanting that does put you in the “I want class resets” camp, though.

If I were to make a poll with every single possible version of how class/circle resets would work, there’d be like 20 options, and all of them pure speculation. No thanks.

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Like they say, if you want to quit, just quit. No need to prove yourself like you are worthy to stay, that people will plead you to not quit (most sadly, the place you picked is the forums)

If you are just feeling bad and not wanting to really quit and JUST AGAINST ONE FRIGGING FEATURE, then go to suggestion section.

If attention matters that much, okay you are in the correct section. GENERAL DISCUSSION of all places to put what you hate on the game and that you are QUITTING. Makes sense, right.


What are you talking about? I made a poll to measure how people felt about the feature, and no other reason. I have nothing to prove and no one here can give me anything I want, besides their opinion on whether or not class resets are good/bad and whether or not they’d quit over them.