Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

Hold on. Something doesn’t make sense. If you’re fine with circle resets, why wouldn’t you use one?

And stop trying to argue that it’s great to have a button that basically says “I am not voting in this poll” as a voting option in a poll. That is profoundly dumb. The polls you see this option in are dumb.

lol circle res win?
ridleyco be strong dont use circle rset when imc give it res to you

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Juicy bait thread :yum:


Stupid poll, Wont quit or be unhappy. Will be extremely happy. Totally stupid that you cannot reroll at least once per-char.

There is an extremely happy option. You’re stupid for not noticing.

Because I either dont need them or, if they’re a cash shop item, wont need them enough to pay for them.

I can see them being useful to people, hence why I’d be happy for the option to exists, but they’re not useful to me personally.

I guess most large scale polls are stupid polls then. Let’s throw everything out and start following your example were being neutral is an impossibilty. Sounds great to me!

Neutral opinion =/= no opinion. Even an “Other” option would’ve worked just fine (with the added “please explain below” as per usual)


hur dur ‘yes’ i will quit is not an extremely happy option

Troll detected. :joy:


Err… Cause they’ll cost TP? Which part doesn’t make sense? That there are people who’d care for the good of fellow players? lels.

He worded the option poorly. I was initially confused as well since the title is “Will you quit” and then the option that means no starts with a big capital “YES!”

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The “YES! Circle resets!” is the extremely happy option, you pea-brained ape. Same to you, darkness. It’s not my fault you can’t handle english well enough to understand the obvious. Learn your place, which is “quiet” until you can understand what is going on.

Congratulations. You qualify for “YES! Circle resets!” because you are happy that they will exist. You are welcome for help in having an opinion.

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What does other people spending money has anything to do with you…not like they are resetting your circles…If you don’t want to reset, don’t reset. Easy as that. The reset thingy isn’t free anyway. Jealousy sure is scary…

That’s the problem with the poll. See, I’m not super excited and one of those “ALL THE POWER TO ME” people like that option says. You’re immediately assuming everyone who votes yes is running around in circles chanting “YAY RESETS YAY RESETS”…

Except I’m not.

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people are just exaggerating everything about circle resets, whether they’re for or against it.

If you don’t care enough to want or not want something, then you don’t care enough to vote.

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I do care enough to vote, but not enough to be ecstatic about it like the only positive option. There’s a fine line that you seem to be missing.

What would that option teach us, exactly? The negative options are all measures for the damage adding circle resets would cause to the player base.

Not only the poll is biased, but his title is too.

At least it’s funny to see his plan of planting a leading question that yields an answer he wants is backfiring so badly at him though. Typical anti-circle reset behavior gets BTFO’d. :’)

Individuals voting for what they want is not “backfiring”. I don’t feel like anything has backfired on me. I am feeling very confused why people want me to measure ambivalence, however.

I have no idea what this information could be used for. The negative options are all indicators of player retention, as is the positive option, which seems really important.

Why do we need two positive options when they both mean positive player retention, whereas the negative options all indicate varying possibilities of player loss?

Well there is no problem with a circle reset, depends on how it is implemented.

If it’s there just to grab the cash of players throwing money every new TP items, who’ll take an easiest path and change for what they really wanted just to dodge the difficulties, now this is bad.

But for “honest” players, who had to reroll 3 times or more, like me, because they realised one class wasn’t really what they want, at one point re-doing de game from 1 to 280 is boring.

If it’s a farming quest, like “kill 300 of these, then these, and these then you’ll reset”, it’s kinda good, the problem will be what I said. There is a lot of questions and mechanics this system could bring to us.

Is it itself a bad idea? Not at all.
Is it a problem for some reasons? It could be.
You don’t want it? Good, you like your character, I’m happy for you, why you bother?
You want it? If you really need it, I feel you and I hope it’ll help future players in this struggling situation, too.
