Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?

yea, me too

after TOS, im going back dota2 despite pinoy… still more playable than TOS

i miss my full epic costume Huskar



dont be short-sighted and shallow…

MMO is a big eco system, just a simple change can affect the whole thing

instant Class Reset have bigger impact to the game as a whole, but Class Reset wont make you TOP1 PVP

and i guess u all just wanna TOP that GVG/PVP, you dont care about the poor popolion in the lowbies area

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Then we would have rushers on full run parties running off and ruining the run for everybody,just no.

make all dungeon unable to open boss gate until all monster killed, doesnt take a genius to figure this… no?


Oh how smart, what if someone just wants recipes for Petamion/MaxPeta/Animus? That person is most likely way over the moblvl and would solo the whole dungeon instead of queueing. Not to mention that the system does not match overlvled players with normals. You just want to force your ideology on the rushers.

i am? now im sad…

nvm, im skipping dungeon all together. just daily login mission until lv330.

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It’s not true for every build…

Its more bots, optimization and exploits… This got kind of long, but i disagree with your reasons and i got a little carried away with it…

I remember when i played WoW guess what i did to get to lvl 60. Quests. Fetch and kill quests all day. This was when the game was just blowing up too. Also coincidently it took on average 10 days /played to get there which is around the same it takes to cap a character here. Get bored of your class? Class got nerfed? lol. not going to start that up in a class reset thread because they are different games, but there is no class reset. Level up a different class. Only 2 good talent specs also.

You think the game was balanced? I played a rogue and could kill anyone. Most times in one shot from stealth. Doesnt matter the class except for maybe warriors which takes more than one shot. Even i know it was unbalanced. Every mmorpg is unbalanced though.

End game content? Molten Core and pvp. Thats it. Only 3 guilds in my server could even do molten core. There was only 1 battleground. To be at the top in ranking in pvp you had to nolife it waaaaay harder than you do here. Doing the same battle ground.

Even though i really dislike the way they took the game, WoW was probably one of the best games ive and many others have played. This game had the same issues as your points you made and over time more content, more balance and more things to do came along. The same will happen here.

You must realize this is a grinding game also. Grinding is content. Grinding new characters, items, silver.

Other than the 3 reasons i named at the top of this post the reason people dont like it is because alot of people simply just dont like grinding games like this. A game that is trying to be like older style mmos, but with some modern features. That is what this is. I remember seeing something before this was released, IMC saying they know not everyone would like the game and they were right.

Many RO fans might have left because they expected it to be like RO. Many newer generations left because maybe they though pvp would be like LoL. But i feel that many left because of the optimization, bots and exploits. How many of those players that were here on day one gave it another chance after the game was unplayable with server lag?

I think everyone just has too much expectations for this game. That just sets you up to be let down. People take steam ratings and act like its the word of god. What if everybody here tried a my little pony game and made a review. Many people dont like that gametype. Does this mean the game is bad? No because it appeals to the crowd that does like that gametype. Not these people who expected something that it wasnt trying to be in the first place and got something else and left a bad review. Steam ratings are flawed. Im not saying it deserves 100% positive ratings or anything.

Personally i really like this game and i have hope that IMC can fix the issues it has. Balance and content will come in time. They are already adding to this, but just adding those things wont make the game great or bring players back when the game runs bad and noob zones are filled with bots and the higher levels are filled with exploits.

TL;DR Its not the game that’s bad. Its the bots, optimization and exploits.

can i add

toxic Meta-only-grind shout
toxic dungeon-rush
toxic no1-chat-ingame-randomly-party-up-and-quest

Tree Of Solo


Stop lying and exaggerating. And even if it does take 10 days to go from level 1 to level 280 for YOU (do you like, have no life whatsoever or something?), 10 days is still a lot of days.


Omg those guys comparing ToS to WoW first day… amazing.

He said the problem was boring quests, balance and content. This is why i compared it to a popular mmo that had the same.

It doesn’t matter as you are comparing ToS to a game from a total different age. And WoW a grindy game ? Lol.

I guess youve never tried to become high warlord before they changed pvp rankings. I only said that was grindy.

And ? Still an old game.

Ok i dont want to go back and forth with you on this thread, but i will sum it up.

WoW had the same issues as he mentioned yet people still loved it. What is the difference? This game has bad optimization, disruptive bots and gamebreaking exploits. Wow did not have these issues like this game does. Bots were there but they didnt disrupt the game like they do here.

That was my point. I wasnt trying to directly compare the games even though it may have seemed that way.

My other point was those things are inevitable. More content and balance changes.

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This is not what you compared here. We all know WoW had a better start than ToS.

You built your whole wall of text on your WoW experience, and you compared it to ToS. So yes, I assumed you directly compared the games.

But WoW is not similar to ToS in his class system. Once you have your character, you can remake it but it’s pointless as you don’t have to pick up 7 classes -_-"… Did you see how they destroyed Kino grab ? I don’t play this class and I don’t need to play it to understand how IMC fuked up here. We are not talking about balance changes in this case, we are talking about reworking classes/skills in a total negative way. It’s like stealing Excalibur from Link hands and giving him a saucisson to fight his enemies. You understand there is a middle ground to reach.

As in insane sever lag? i almost blame the community for not letting them do the 3month plan they had. However i also blame IMC for not realizing they needed to make more servers when they changed the plan. They went off sales charts but not everyone buys ahead of time. This also comes down to optimization though.

It was half. Again i wasnt trying to directly compare them. All i did was give examples of another mmo that has the same issues he mentioned, but was still popular. This has nothing to do with wow.

New players get turned off by fps drops in town and bots in early zones. Old players get turned off by exploiting players and fps drops during pvp and world bosses. This is what stops people from playing. The content and balance will happen just like any other mmo.

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Good ! You finally understood.

Man youre dense. You hear wow and you think thats all im talking about. Try to think a little deeper. They were EXAMPLES. My post had nothing to do with wow. Read the post i replied to, then read mine.

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