Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Will you quit if IMC implements circle resets?


Quote where I said that.

Oh thank you man I’ll use your tip later as I never did it once in my life.


Ah ?

No. :cactus:

And thats why you misunderstood. Im going to sleep now. goodnight.

And yet you compared ToS to WoW. Does it mean your whole post is about WoW ?

Hard issues in your side mate yes, go sleep. I asked you to quote where I said your whole post was about WoW. You are the one who clearly misunderstood here. Actually you misunderstood everything even your own post :smile:.

Ok after this i will sleep since you cant understand. step by step.

Read my first paragraph. It shows an example of a game that people played with boring quests. These boring quests didnt matter to peoples expereinces. I could have used any other game.

Read 2nd.

Read 3rd.

Then i went onto other points after i made my examples. Comparison, examples, doesnt matter. Call it what you will.

Its like you didnt go to school. My post wasnt about wow.

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10 days have 240 hours. How can you say it takes 10 days if 500 hours are more then 2 weeks of effective playtime?

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All F2P’s are P2W one way or another. I doubt class reset will have that much impact. At least be glad we don’t have upgrade-related cash shop items.

enchant scroll… but that RNG is even more bitchy than ingame-cube

dota2 cash item is strictly cosmetic…
dunno why penguin must give def… bird give regen…

i need to fcuking do a squire alt to rank7 just for lv15 armor buff


Still the same result, you compared ToS to WoW.

I just reading this bullshit and may I ask something?
Did someone here really think we can change even start class? Like from Wizzard into Swordsman? Because this whole mess propably wwjt because of this.

I think the majority of people can only play about 2 hours a day.
And it’s really frustrating when you realize that you made a mistake in one or two ranks and dont have to time to start all over again.

I’m pretty sure that most people will be happy to have an option to reset their chars if it’s limitied and not always buyable in the TP shop or something.

I could also imagine that some people who already quit will return to the game but then might leave again due to the lack of content… but hey… R8 and some new stuff is on the way.


I would actually play more if they allowed me to reconsider some of my choices. I’ve got no time to waste in rerolling my characters.


I need a circle reset… I didnt like to play with Druid :cry:

I think the important thing this poll has uncovered is we have a staggering amount of people that haven’t customized their avatars.

We need more flair…

It won’t change anything. Only the retards abusing Fletcher, Warlock, etc. will “suffer” in some way, but only due to other people being overpowered too.

People being able to use their messed up characters will be a huge boon.