Tree of Savior Forum

Poll: What is your opinion on Z-botting?

I’m honestly getting slightly worried about the newest news post [About the Bot Report Function] ( where it seems they pretty much gave ‘okay’ for Z-botting and even discourage people from reporting them:

However, my opinion is just my opinion but they also said on that same post that: “We’re going to keep examining and upgrading the system and do our best so bots will not ruin your play experience. Thank you for reading and have fun playing Tree of Savior.”

And because they’ve been listening the community really well by so far, I thought it might be good idea to know what’s the general consensus of this matter. Here’s the poll, I’ll try to give the major arguments for and against of allowing it below, as objectively as I can. Bear in mind I’m against it myself, so please write a comment on this thread if you think some major justification was left out, I’ll edit it on the opening post:

  • I think it should not be allowed.
  • I think it should be allowed.
  • Lol who cares? I’m indifferent about it.

0 voters

Why some people think Z-jamming/placing a heavy object on it should be allowed:

  • For one player it currently generates somewhat small and insignificant amount of silver

  • The game attacking system makes it possible. If they didn’t want that, they would have made it not possible.

  • It’s not explicitly forbidden in [Terms of Service] (

Why some people think Z-botting shouldn’t be allowed and why they are concerned about this thing:

  • It might turn this game into tower defence game of afk people and gold farmers, hindering the advancement of new players and new characters.

  • It might cause huge extra inflation because at later levels monsters start to drop more silver and as long as you’re enough levels higher than mobs you’d be okay to afk farm them. So it wouldn’t be limited on just below lvl 50 monsters or something.

  • If IMC gave okay for this form of botting and tell us not to report it, gold farmers might start using it too because it would be totally okay way to farm silver. There’s no way telling if someone programmed his bots just to auto attack and not move or if he is Z-botting by physical means. At least for us players who do the reporting. Once the game goes free to play, it might get completely overrun by Z-bot gold farmers, because there’s very little to limit their amounts and while more inefficient, they would be invulnerable to bans.

Edit: Hopefully editing only the text parts won’t reset the poll, I’m not an expert on making these. I’ll trust chronosanct’s previous tests about this :sweat_smile:

The question for the poll, which the answers are referring to, is in the tittle: What is your opinion on Z-botting? I won’t dare to try to edit the answering options more self explanatory because it would reset the poll.


It shouldn’t be allowed, but let’s face it, but it’s not my decision to make. I have faith in IMC.

All the people getting banned for ‘putting a coin on their z key’ were in fact botting. IMC has very clearly stated that they were will be able to easily check if you were just z-botting. All these threads are nothing more than pathetic botters trying to get unbanned for breaking the rules.


@staff_julie @staff_john @staff_ethan

I hope IMC will react to however this poll ends, give a statement and adjust the rules.


The thing is, there are no clear rules on this. That’s why it’s necessary to get some feedback from IMC. If this poll helps with getting that feedback, I’m in…

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There ARE clear rules though. Read the front page post on it.

Nice, I completely forgot to tag staff on my post. tyvm :slight_smile::thumbsup:

@Vanic You’re probably right on those whiners but this thing should still get a definite answer and clarification. The results might be devastating otherwise later on. If this habit would truly become common, that is.

I also think players shouldn’t be rewarded of not playing the game. I’m afraid afk botters would also give less sociable atmosphere too when many of the players you see online would be just afk botting extra silver to keep up with the inflation caused partially by other afk botters :worried:

I agree the afk z-botting should not be allowed, but it currently is. IMC stated directly that you should not report them as bots.

If player hasn’t input movement keys for 15 mins, then disable auto attacking.

Fairly simple solution. This also stops players from putting turbo mode on their controller (not needing to hold attack button down).

Though people could likely macro movement keys to auto-attacking, but then you are just botting so… no more grey area there.


it shouldnt be allowed at all, the game would end up having afk archers on several maps…which isn’t really different from botting if you look at it

I like this solution a lot.

I think Z-botting is too easy to do to result in any sort of permanent ban. Anyone who starts playing ToS and is unfamiliar with the rules will quickly find out that they can just place an object on their Z-key and afk - so some ignorant people will probably do that.

Z-botting is essentially a ‘feature’ with how easy IMC made it. Even though I do not think z-botting should be allowed, I do not think I can say that I think people should be punished for using a feature of the game.

That is why I have been mob-dropping Z-botters to get them killed, instead of reporting them.

Z-botting should either;

  1. Be disabled. Make it so you can’t hold Z for longer than ~30 secs at a time before you stop attacking.

  2. Result in a warning for a first offence, temp ban for 2nd. So people at least get a warning instead of a sudden, unexpected ban.

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Yes, it should be easy enough to implement and it wouldn’t affect the actual normal gameplay in any way.

@Daenerys I think so too. Perma bans on first offence would be too harsh.

The idea of this poll itself is to find out how the playerbase thinks about the matter in general though.

This doesn’t mean suggestions for proper punishment and other discussion about this matter aren’t welcome on this thread but I’m saying this just to make it sure: I want that everyone will keep voting for what is asked on OP and not whether Z-botting should be worth permanent bans, morning newspaper delivered all wrinkled from now on and laxatives for his dog. Threads easily get derailed after few dozens of replies on these forums :smile:

Someone was banned for it: Got banned for holding Z

How’s that for an answer on it? Whether it was correctly carried out or not, if you do it, you run the risk of being banned. Is being lazy worth your account? You decide.

But the most recent news pretty much says the opposite. That’s why I created this poll, to get more definite and official answer on this matter.

I also wanted to make sure that they have properly thought about the idea how this would allow one form of safe botting for gold sellers too. Currently you are not allowed to report them if they decide to stick with just autoattack and not moving around.

They were banned for botting almost definitely. They are just trying to squirm out of it.

It just says the bot report function isn’t the appropriate way to report Z-AFKers because it’ll mess with their heuristics. You can still report them through regular tickets.

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As I said in another post, anything influencing your gameplay (besides you as a player) outside of the game is, in fact, a 3rd party. Earning a ■■■■ amount of silver while afk (outside of the market) is still an advantage. This should absolutely be a punishable offense (though I think it should be a suspension instead of a ban).

IMC plz track 18% people vote yes and ban them all please.
If you do that, I will buy 10 more tier1 FP

Good point, I haven’t thought about it that way. But how are they going to separate bots behaving like that and actual Z-afkers? Recording it, uploading the video on youtube and submitting tickets is way more tedious so gold farmers would be pretty much safe if they started using this method instead once they manage to get high leveled enough.

They need separate in-game report option for Z-botters if this is actually the only reason they don’t want Z-botters being reported. It would solve the problem and not mess up with the other categories of bots. Or optionally they could implement a system that prevents you auto attacking after a while of not moving, like was suggested before.

Now we already have two possible general ideas how to tackle this problem and after 83 votes it seems vast majority of playerbase seems to be against Z-botters too :slight_smile:

@duytueha Please, no troll posting yet. This thread has been pretty good for summarizing stuff around this matter :tired_face:

my opinion is ban them all botters, including z-botters and whoever support that stupid idea.
why stupid?
imagine a freaking 280lv archer camp on lv 10 map to hunt items for his collection. Sound stupid yet?