Tree of Savior Forum

Poll: What is your opinion on Z-botting?

Yes it does sound stupid to me too, but people should still be free to give their opinion. If it turned out that majority actually supported Z-botting, it would be something the playerbase wants and deserves.

No one should be banned just for opinions as long as they aren’t shouting full Hitler tier stuff and claiming it “just being an opinion”. But actually playing like their opinion should be punished, in my opinion. Not everyone who thinks this Z-botting is okay and not that much of a problem probably does so themselves(?).

Player A puts a heavy object to autoattack while AFK
Why do people want to do this? To gain something by doing nothing.

Player B uses a program to autoattack while AFK
Why do people bot? to gain something by doing nothing.

Even if you’re not using a program to do it, it is still automated and shouldn’t be allowed.

I think they should just get a temp ban though and have it be longer bans for repeat offences.

My opinion always was, if you want to play the game play it yourself… Not having the game play itself to your convenience. :slight_smile:

Sigh… People with bad comprehension.

Why not try reading again, and show us where it says z botting is fine. Asking you not to use report bot function for z botters is not the same as z botting is OK. The news is to inform you that part of their anti bot system has a flaw(the safety mechanism against report abuse).

This anti-abuse mechanism revolves around an assigned valve term as RII. If you report z botters, the anti abuse mechanism will kick in(flaw), thus IMC warns user against using the report function on z botters.

No need to ban z botters. All IMC need to do is disable the ability to z bot.

In many mmorpg, there is a limit to consecutive attack before you totally stop attacking.

All IMC has to do is set a 200 z-attack limit. I believe 200 is reasonable. With it, jamming your Z key is useless. Of course players can set macro to move their character by a single step every 100 attack or so. But this immediately put them into “botters that made use of 3rd party program”

Thanks for input but this was actually mentioned already by trielav.

And those actually favouring Z-botting use that part of the announcement to defend their playing behaviour. Which is why I explained why I wanted to make this poll and get clarification.

And it’s not like that one was mentioned as well already. And my point wasn’t about banning them but how to tell these two groups apart in the current system.

should not be allowed what? or be what? dont be allowed the z button or dont care about the z buton aand is ok?? write more specific the poll brother for all the poeple with bad english

Sorry about that, I didn’t want to edit the options because I’m afraid it might it might reset the poll. I realized this too but way too late. The questions refer to the title of this thread: What is your opinion on Z-botting? :sob:

Edit: After some searching I gathered enough courage to edit and include an explanation in OP :smile:

I never use Z-botting but I don’t want to say you cannot.
But if you’re Z-botting in a popular place…

Bump before I go to sleep to get more people to vote.

Not allow but who care, 99.9% player gonna afk Z when f2p open anyway. I like the old jail system back in RO where GM put them there for day or few day and the GM actually questioning the suspect if he or she innocent. It’s funny old jail system but it work.

Another bump, so little people has voted by so far.

I don’t really have a problem with it myself, as long as its not done in an area with a super high spawn rate that would hinder active players. Seen a few of these “z-botters” in crystal mines, but always in spots where active players rarely go/hang out.

They definitely shouldn’t be encouraged, but perm ban would be too harsh. They should make it so you can’t hold z for more than a certain period of time. That way people naturally can’t just hold z and make it work. The only way to still make it work is to use another program to macro, and that breaks the ToS of the game. Thus he should be banned.

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I don’t think it should be allowed however first time offenders should be suspended not permanently banned and talked to by a GM.

Any kind of lazy ‘having something playing the game for you’ should be discouraged…

After almost 200 votes cast, I’m glad the majority of the community feels the same way as I do. If the vote count rises with few hundred votes more, the number starts to become significant and I don’t see why IMC wouldn’t do some sort of changes to fix this problem.

Something like the much suggested time limit how long Z-button stays active when constantly pressed down would probably be nice solution for this problem imo. I have yet to read anyone coming up with possible problems it might cause :slight_smile:

B-but, if Z-holding is removed, I won’t have anything to blame for my slow farming!

Okay, Abort the mission and scrap all the plans! Mirarara would lose his excuse. And that just wouldn’t do! :joy:

I would have wanted to use more serious emoji but wasn't too sure whether you would take it as even better joke or interpret it as a very rude and sarcastic remark instead. In the end I decided to be a coward and play it safe.

in a game called angels online (by IGG) they implement something called “angel baby” wich pretty much worked as a full bot - you could set if hp pots been used or what happens if you die or when your equip is getting low etc etc - yould could simply set your char up and bot till max level on high exp areas - it even teleported you back to town to repair and rebuy pots and stuff like that

it was horrible

were living in the age of twitch - if you dont wanna play yourself go watch a stream and imagine its your char - but by all love do NOT demand a possibility to bot in any way there is
whats the purpose of palying a game if you dont play it? gaining silver by any actions wich include being afk and doing nothing are same as buying silver off silver seller

Z-botting makes me feel as though people who do it don’t actually want to play the game, that they’re just there for “business” reasons, whatever that business may be.

To that end, I’m against Z-botting. If you want to play the game, play the game. If you don’t want to play the game, don’t play it. I’d rather share a map with people who are active, who aren’t programmed bots, and who share my passion for [the finer points of] this game.