Tree of Savior Forum

[poll] Rank 8 - Class Rank Reset

well we already figured out you wheren’t the brightest of the bunch, but this kinda takes the cake.

Gl with your future ■■■■ posting career. I won’t be reading it anymore.

Ofcourse it will, the question is only how they gona do it and when. I give it half a year and the tp shop will provide it or a option on the game account.

Agree with everything except trading costumes. You can definitely trade TP costumes within the same account now, they changed that a while back. Not sure about hair as I’ve never purchased any.

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Do agree that it is inevitable that some sort of reset will be featured in the future, it is a way to sustain this IP and keep it afloat. But not now or within the next 6 months. The game is still new and I reckon Mr Kim and his design team wouldn’t allow it to happen at this stage.

There are a few reasons to this imo.

First off the bulk of the content is build around the experience in leveling up a character. You can see the massive work put in to make sure that every 10-20 levels there is a dungeon to do, missions that scale with levels and the sheer amount of quests in all levels of the game from 1-225. The good gears are found mostly in the 90-200 dungeons.

With this we can see where the core of the design is, they want players to experience leveling to get to the end. The game is about the journey to the end, unlike other traditional MMOs where the end is the beginning of the journey and 1-“the end (trademark)” is a huge tutorial.

Point 2. There is currently no end game in ToS. The only so called end game is 1x massive tower climb DG called Earth Tower. This is also partly due to the lack of content which IMC is now rushing to get more content fleshed out. I reckon that IMC never expect the players to get to top level so fast and now they are trying to build content to quickly cover up to level 280.

If one is a game designer one have to consider all types of audiences, their actions and reactions on implementation of features in the game. As with the current state of the game, implementation of a reset feature do give short-term gains, but detrimental if want the game to carry on in the future.

The short term gains are what most players here have posted:

  • Greater retention of players who want to only have 1 character
  • Ease out the resentment of players with ‘wrong’ builds

What it affects over long term is as follows:

  • Lesser time sinks for players
  • Top level players have nothing else to do due to lack of top level content

Judging from the speed the players level to top level and complain about the lack of top level content, giving them the ability to switch builds is just going to make them complain the lack of top level content even more.

This is the design dilemma in which the current ToS face, if the designers intend to keep the players playing most of the time at the current top level cap of 280, they will need to have enough content to keep these players satisfied. Which sad to say, they don’t. A reset is just going to make it worse, cuz fundamentally a reset acts as a deterrent for the player to reroll another character. The player will just continue playing his initial character since he is able to access other classes and builds within the tree. This leads to a faster burnout rate for the game and down it goes.

So what choices do IMC have for this?

The result is what you see now, no reset but they never say a direct no. This is to pave the road for future ToS builds where the content is fleshed out enough to give the player a number of things to play with at top level. It can be more dungeons, multi party raid content, more quest lines and top level events etc. This is the time where the designers can safely say,

“Hey now we have max level dungeon/tower A,B,C,D,E and the average player can’t even clear half of what is available just for top-level in a day, what can we introduce to help those players?”

That is where the reset feature comes in handy. It aids players to get more content done as laid out by the game.

As of the current iteration of ToS? No.

So for all those how want a reset, do wait longer.

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reset class: NOOOOO.
reset stat and skill: YESSSS

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I only bought hair before and you’re right. You can definitely trade within the same account. So happy about this actually. But yes. It’s only matter of when. When we are at like rank 11 are those people who voted ‘NO’ will be ok with starting all over because one or two classes need to be different in their build? And some people say their build is nerf proof or whatever. Your build doesn’t need to be nerf proof to be nerf proof. If new rank classes combined with other classes creates a huge buff for a different combination to your current build then that is effectively a nerf to your nerf proof build.

IMC should know that are player who was in kTos. They know the game, they know the classes, and they rushed. Now they are “bored” about the content.
I’m not speaking as a casual, but if I have to reroll the character, I prefer quit the game. Like me, other player will do the same. Is boring playing always the same thing every time.

Now the game is:“your class isn’t good for Earth Tower, we can’t invite you in party or even guild.” -> reroll a class which is good for Earth Tower -> new content -> that class may be useless in new content -> they don’t invite you -> you have to reroll again.
This is so boring and annoying.
That’s why we need Reset. Even 1 Skill can make difference.


… don’t bother explaining just ask him to reroll for you rofl

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I do agree that the current content is repetitive, including my rerolls, this is probably my 7th time leveling a character from level 1 onwards. With the nre archer R8 coming out, probably will have to do it again… oh well. There are absolutely some quests and quest lines which I loath to do (like dandan jungles, baron questlines etc) but that is a story for another time. :3

Sorry to hear that your experience with ET and the meta loving community makes you feel annoyed. One thing which we players have to keep telling ourselves is meta classes aren’t the only classes that can do ET. If IMC didn’t restrict classes to enter ET, why are we restricting ourselves?

Other players can discriminate us, but why are we also discriminating ourselves? Why can’t we believe that we can bring more to the table with the choices we make?

Seriously do ask yourself every now and then. From personal experience, doing ET with non-metas is hard, but not impossible. Others have done it and have ‘immortalise’ the run in youtube/twitch. If others can do it why we can’t?

Is the path that others have travelled the only path available for us?

Yesterday the team I’m in cleared ET 5F with our guild leader. Yes 5F people say can be brute forced through but how many players still fail even with meta builds? For us It is a good achievement and a monumental one as it proves that with planning, even players who thought their build can’t do ET can also do it, and once we got the lolo gloves/boots we will press on to 10F.

Our guild leader cleared with his Templar. He is not meta, and most of us are also not in the usual cookie cutter ET meta build too. Team lineup the run.

  • Cleric2>Diev3>Paladin1>Kabbalist (me)
  • Wiz3>Ele3>Warlock (Desiderus, meta-lock)
  • Wiz1>Pyro2>Ele3>Warlock (Pomegranate)
  • Archer1>Ranger3>Rogue1>SR2 (Crossfode)
  • Sw1>Pelt1>Barb3>Fencer1>Templar1 (Timberwolf)

The run is here @49mins

No cryo, no chrono, no linker, no ress. Sometimes we just have to believe in ourselves, really. If no one wants to team with you for ET, form your own ET team. If you don’t even believe you can do it, no one else can.

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ET doesn’t matter since you can change character for the boss floor and make your alts or "non-meta ET characters’ receive the untradeable drops from cubes. If your team is willing to get you through the boss floor.

Oh wow. Grats on your 5f clear!

Thank @greyhiem. Though small compared to the top dogs but at least we get it going. Hurray for the event, should be able to get both pieces by the end of the event then is more experimenting with 6F+.

I would rather they let you maintain your character level but class exp reset to R1. So you are essentially you are a lvl280 or whatever with no exp card left.

game won’t survive until “final” rank

people who got their characters ■■■■■■ up thanks to IMC changes/nerfs and new ranks won’t wait till “final” rank to finally be able to fix their beloved characters they put so much time and REAL money in it. They will just quit ToS… like most of people are already doing

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I think they should have 50% exp event.

Uh okay, ill just blindly throw my dice with my class choices and scream for class reset because i didnt bother thinking ahead, if i dont get what i want, ill just threaten the community with #server dies/is dead #i quit #whatever


Are you just yet another person that tries to build some kind of meta when the game isnt even half done yet?


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Each class has a purpose,for example, if you want a tank you might want to add peltasta into your build, if you dont, okay, then you go ahead and scream for that class reset.

Another example, if you have single target dps is in your mind then a quarrel shooter 3 with musketeer in mind might be for you.

Aslong as you follow each of you class choices purpose there is no way your build can be ruined thanks to new class releases that might not suit your current build.

Its more a matter of, “oh snap, the new releases is a better choice because look at that new archers aoe potential, my musketeer build cant AoE like that, my single target build is now ruined”

And obviouly dps classes that is in the top are to be expected a nerf sooner or later, take a look at elementlocks. “oh snap my build was nerfed, i demand reset or i quit, because my focus was on rank 7’s current endgame only, i would never believe one of the top dps classes would ever be nerfed”

There was a thread about scouts cloaking having a bug fix not letting Schwarzer.R. Not being able to cloak while mounted anymore, and deemed that build useless aswell, but hello, that was a bug being used.

But sure, lets say peltasta was reworked to the point where its no longer a shielder, it is now a 2h spear user, thats a radical change to a players build, Sure, that deserves a class change at IMC’s expense.