Tree of Savior Forum

[poll] Rank 8 - Class Rank Reset

I indirectly buy TP. i buy tokens from the market, which people sell for silver. I farm that silver. They keep on buying more tokens because i keep on buying them.

Not everything needs to be a direct transaction. I have no issue’s plumping money in a game, i just dont see anything interesting to pick up atm. Wish they would implant new skill animations for real money. like path of exile did.

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I think people will still buy more character slots, because more characters slots means more characters, and more characters means a higher Team level increase.

High Team level increase means more experience gained, so their main characters will level much faster.

I’m completely for class reset implementation because it encourages player retention/interest in the game. Even if someone screws up their build, a nerf happens or something else happens that makes their build uninteresting for them to play, they have the option to change that.

IMC profits, players feel more inclined to stick around despite potentially-drastic changes to their current builds… everyone wins ^o.o^


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I still want to understand what risk a class reset by itself bring to the game balance. Someone know any story of a game that broke down because of people resetting their classes?

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I’d only agree to a one time offer on total class reset on the final rank release.


They have characters that can have whichever class they want, much like in the infamous ICBT2 end incident.
They also have their own closed enviroment servers in which they probably have a buch of characters for each tester, and there are items to jump levels in the code (Some where even given as compensation for people with Centurion characters in KTest when it was removed) which alongside the fact that it’s possible to force a class advancement makes it easy to setup characters.


Most people won’t spend money on a game that severely punishes you for your mistakes ^o.o^

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In a game where the concept is for the player to make decisions without the ability to reset it, IMC should encourage players to reroll more. The players should feel that a reroll is beneficial rather than a chore, like part of progressing rather than hindering his/her quest to have the best/most powderful/awe inducing character.

My suggestion is to introduce more Team bonuses:

This will help elevate the negativity the players feel when they chose a wrong build. The ‘flawed’ character will in turn help them get a much better character when they reroll. They can also keep that char to play when the skills are balanced.

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That concept only makes sense if all ranks are finalized and all major skill balancing completed. The recent change to Barb’s Cleave is a perfect example. The folks who went Highlander3 didn’t care for a +50 crit rate boost for 5s so maybe they chose Pelt or even Sw2. Then IMC threw a huge curve ball and changed it to +50% slash instead. Should they just carry on and be the worst Highlanders in their server?

That’s completely unfair for those players if they were already rank 7. More often then not, those players will choose to quit the game instead of rerolling for such a stupid reason. There goes your customers and IMC needs to understand that there are too many customers in that sort of situation nowadays.

IMC will continue to make major changes to skills like that and that’s understandable since we’re only like 50% into their total intended world. What is not understandable is how they’re not offering a Plan B for those players who got stuck with that dilemma through no fault of their own.


Yes, I agree with what you said. A major change like an entire class rework warrants a reset.

One of the problems of implementing resets like the example you give is, the skills are still balancing. A curveball is thrown here like the 50% slash and makes the other 2 options not as attractive as before. Do note that there will be more changes down the road, and for each balance tweak like that the players demand a reset how will you do about it?

I do love the concept of having a plan B in which it allows the player to fix their ‘mistakes’, but it shouldn’t come in the form of a potion which is like a quick fix. I would rather it be a huge long repeatable chain quest which requires the player to invest a certain amount of time and effort to get the reset they want to prevent abuse.

Simple, if the change is so major that it can turn builds into a laughing stock when compared to their counterparts that were able to take advantage of the new change, then anyone who suffers from the same fate will receive a reset for 1 rank.

I posted my ideas above somewhere and I’m positive I removed the possibility of abuse. It also works for only 1 rank which is fine for repairing a build in these cases, and it requires a bit of time and effort.

I don’t know how they do things in Korea, but in the west we have a saying; the customer is always right. You need to do everything in your power to keep your customers happy. Otherwise they’ll leave for your competitors, which is exactly what happened to ToS, and it will continue to happen unless IMC changes their mindset.

Every other MMO I’ve played has offered a plan B when a major change happens on the company’s behalf. This is why you need a publisher that understands the western market, one that will react faster to situations like these instead of just watching your customers disappear one after another. Hopefully something changes before it gets too late.


Yea, that makes a lot of sense. So because IMC isn’t obligated to give class info, the players are obligated to waste hundreds of hours rerolling characters because they’re going in blind… I see, so the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the players… interesting logic, I wonder if this is the strategy blizzard used to build the most successful mmo in history.


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If they did that everyone would just reset to the newest classes every time since it’s usually the newer classes that have the better skills/higher damage. It’s not fair to those that planned out builds ahead of time and didn’t take whatever is the latest thing.

No because this is a RPG game, and resetting a whole character is stupid for gameplay mechanics. Everyone would pick the same class to get rank 8 fast and then reset to the best build for their interest. No thanks.

Also, i don’t want nerfing in this game or any other. That breaks the game too, even when my own character have flows it is not resolved by nerfing others.

40 euro’s isn’t much for a game? that’s mostly what a full fletched retail game cost.

Now you are just being silly.

the other parts made no sense to me, can’t really react on it.

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Just quit once you’re build gets fcked up that’s it.
Am i right haters? :wink:

I think they should. It is a good practice, fairly common sense, and it is fair to your players. Plenty of games also do something along the lines of this too, even free to play games with pretty blatant emphasis on their cash shop.

One good example would be Phantasy Star Online 2. Every time they released changes to existing skills, which might cause players to change or reconsider their build, they provided a free reset in your mail for each of your characters.

If you are concerned about people banking them for later use, then just add an expiration date to the skill reset item so that isn’t a problem.