Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Circle resets

I have a feeling he’s the same kid I reprimanded in a PH ToS facebook group. He kept posting a screenshot of a Q&A page on founders pack saying there will be no stat reset forever. lels.

PS. my bad, didn’t know he posted this.

Let’s forget about what IMC announced via FB, or who wants resets or not. Let’s just take a moment to appreciate this stupidity.


You spelled “illegible” wrong.

They didn’t give any promises. Just a regular chat with players. And the most desperate players who want resets started to quote them.

My notion about reliable sources of information is different from yours.

Not really. Just no direct answer.

Now I think that replying to a @tonyostark’s post was a mistake. He definitely has some kind of grudge for me. Sorry, but I cannot remember.

Also thinking that calling anyone a kid will make him adult is pathetic.

As well as his hypocrisy. Talking about proper arguments after spewing so much random BS.

OK, now it makes sense.


welp. still not defending his stupid idea of “not easy” = “never going to”. c’mon, give us something to discuss about. you’re no fun.

when somebody points out your mistake, you actually just shrug it off as something personal? lels. let’s get back to the topic please.

never claimed to be on a moral high ground. I just point out stupidity when I see one.


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aww yea.

i hope it’s true and gives a full reset from the ground up in a game that has more class combinations than most MMOs out there and the only means of true experimentation is literally losing your progress over and over by rerolling or forking out money for more character slots.

Replying him may be quite fun. Well, first few messages. I have a feeling that I’m losing a few brain cells, each time I do this however.

And then we have the people who thinks that means they are working on it. Also “big surprises” means its confirmed.

“We will, however, consider making it possible to give up class advancement quests” This means they wont do the previous thing, but maybe they will do this other thing.

Im still against class resets, but in favor of rebirth with xp bonus.

People complaining about long que times now just wait til people stop making new characters. People want reasons to revisit old maps, then they want to que anywhere and move drops to dungeons. I think people dont know what they want. Maybe they want it to be a game where they just do everything from a lobby and not an rpg.

The above isnt main arguments or anything, just thoughts.


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Thats not a bad idea. Dodges all the opportunities for exploits (at least the ones that come to mind for me).

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As always, there is a lion’s den and a tiger’s den that likes to come and greet the zoo visitors.

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Class reset discussions. Classic.

Still rather have a reset to Lv1 then level back to your previous level with accelerated XP. I don’t like the idea of press a button then just start redistributing.

Either way… Have friends that are wage slaves and slaves to their children. So… I’m fine with a reset in some form.

Yep, was going to say this myself. It’s not about the first part. They said it would be no easy task, HOWEVER they will INSTEAD might make it possible to give up class advancements. Is more how it sounds then; Hey guys we kinda, might, maybe, do, sorta, a reset, but who knows, could, would might, sure why not, well I don’t know.

you can’t have [] or any other Special signs in your teamname as far as i know
[GM] therefore suggests it’s the real one

also mango is a real gm i don’t think someone could impersonate it - yet i havnt tried it and wont try it – also he was wearing the GM uniform
( GM Mango Gives Info for Optimization for Tree of Savior )

Thanks for the heads up, well you see the news spread like fire out of control but lol this is really a good news for me :grin: