Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Circle resets

i’d quit outright if they implemented resets.
why did i bother suffering through a chrono just to have dps get there as easily?
i’d be in favor of making the grind upwards easier, balancing the classes and making a testing environment.

Where is the “they should be implemented as a free feature that is accessible whenever”?

I don’t mind either way.

Test server, I presume. Yes. It’s most fundamental for Moba game where every new player try their build in a restricted server, who can spam, test or do whatever they want to find the game. But hey, 3 more server for 3 main region is money, and it wont create a profit for the company. So why should they do that anyway?

20+ here. Already tired as flower

So as of right now… Only 24% don’t want it to happen in any form… And we’ill increase churn just because it invalidates one of the most popular complaints about the game. Fully embarrassing that mindset fully will eventually dumb things down but in this case it’ill happen. There isn’t enough opposition. And there is pretty solid evidence that it’s being worked on already.

I hope it will at least take effort or sacrifices to respec when it’s implemented. If players get refunds on trained attributes that could be taking it to far.

only 24% that use these forums, which is probably not that many players given the game is offered on steam.

This is quite nice.

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worst $40 i ever spent on a game
glad i won’t spend more, thanks mango

as I said in my previous posts and as others have pointed out he mistake in how the post was misunderstood, you have to know that these are two different statements:

“Implementing this feature is difficult so we might consider going for the alternative”


“Implementing this feature is difficult so we decided and are announcing that we will never create such feature. We’ll instead resort to the alternative”

It’s quite obvious which of the two is closer to the statement of IMC which I guess I failed to elaborate to others who can’t seem to figure it out. It’s one thing to take their word as it is and another to twist their words for one’s own ridiculous interpretation. I believe others have already pointed this mistake already.

Anyway, what you said on the other hand is just a matter of nitpicking and interpretation. Though if they implement resets without any bugs, I’d be more surprised more than anything.

Sorry but its actually simple to implement. Prettymuch all the avaiable hacks for the game have this already, completely undetectable outside of IMC manually going in and checking date/time stamps on when the advancements on each character reported happened.

Anyways, It seems only 20% roughly are actually against it. 80% for it or neutral is a pretty telling sign that it should be in the game.

Well I know nothing about programming but I agree, given how ridiculous hacks and how endless the possibilities are for add-ons, resets shouldn’t be difficult. It’s just a matter of IMC messing up as usual.

All im saying was the statement doesnt mean they ware working on it. If anything it means the opposite. Can we even give up class advancement quests yet?

The statement was a while ago though and things change.