Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Circle resets

ye just expect the worst which is why im thinking what @atari posted is what the gm is saying lol.

Yea its once in a while but its still a in favor option. If you increase the number of in favor options and have less options for against your literally forcing a bias as it makes more people pick the in favors as the options. If you believe me or not is irrelevant, it doesn’t make what im saying any less true.

Then you can tell the OP to add it, I told him, he did.

A simple suggestion actually helps rather than offending, no?

But really, against or for, anyone with the right mind will see it as the same thing.

“No to class resets on cash shop, unless they’re only for events”
“Yes to class resets but only on occasional basis like events”

I’d vote either.
This just makes the poll longer with redundancy

If you simply want a direct “no” option, it’s in the poll.

… you seriously don’t understand what im saying. Just because you put no in front of something doesn’t make the statement against that would just be adding more in favor options skewing it even more lol.

What he needs its for options = against options. He lacks against options for players that might be against it for balance concerns / pvp / or exploit issues etc. And when people don’t see a option that they like they just pick the closest thing even if it would move them from a against to a restricted for because their option isn’t available. And having for : against at 6:1 creates that in plentiful amounts.

Yeah this is the exact problem that I do not want to encounter on lvl 300+
We need at least an rest for the latest two circles.

Hmmm? You really should. I doubt it would be a big difference and would just make the poll look more redundant with votes scattered. It already is now and this poll is pretty much OK to me.

Yea no ■■■■. Thats why most people do a poll with

1 For
1 Neutral
1 Against

then ask people to post why they chose each.

Right now this poll is the equivalent of having of having 2 doors one open and one locked with a poisons snake in front of it. Then when the results come in wondering why everyone chose the open door lol.

welp. which part? :stuck_out_tongue:

as if ad hominem arguments are proper arguments. lels.

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I don’t see the “You’re an idiot, and people need to stop asking such idiotic questions” option.

I’m gonna give a bit of a different perspective. I already quit the game a couple of weeks back but I hopped on the forum since I saw a post about a GM hinting at class reset on reddit. I’d like to see this only because it would make me give the game another chance. I was actually pretty happy about my high level characters but I wouldn’t mind trying something new (especially since I have 2 over lvl 200 archers). It’d be fun to try a new build and potentially get back into the game again.

I’m sure I’m not alone in this, and I’m sure there are plenty of people who have been gone for way longer who would come back for a class reset (just like I’m sure there are people with 280s who will come back for Rank 8 for a bit). My point is, I think it has the potential to bring back at least a small chunk of the player base, but it might not be a permanent fix as the same problems that made people leave in the first place might still persist shrug


Lol, I see what you did there.

Between the bias in this thread and the bias in my thread and then the fake thread on this subject right in the middle of it, it all evens out and leads us to a clear and single answer.

I don’t need to write of it. The clever know.


What are you doing then?

Joke about resets in the world chat (Or I guess so. The screenshot is too crappy) + “Good news” from a FB page = Proof.

At least 2 members of the staff are now aware about confirmed stat resets.

At the same time official statement in the QnA section isn’t a proof.

Deluding yourself because you want those resets is ok. This doesn’t work on me however.

I’ve seen so many thread like this before. My opinion about this has changed.

I have a suggestion tho. Class reset should only work on Rank 6 and above. Once class reset is used, an item will be placed in your inventory that contains experience that will make your class level to 15 (stats will not reset). The class reset item can only reset 1 rank which is your current.

So for example, you’re at rank 7 and you want to change your Rank 6 and 7 class, you’ll be using the class reset item and you’ll have 2 items that contains exp to reach class 15 for Rank 6 and 7.

However, if the class reset means resetting from Rank 1, then i might disapprove on that reset idea. It will totally ruin the games concept.

1: Actually, if you’re talking personnaly, I’m for this system and I hope it’ll be done.
2: I’ve been in a lot of staff teams, and it was recurrent to say things that will make players think about it, so we see their reactions. If it’s good or bad, we know which decision to take without consequences, because we haven’t confirmed anything.
3: Some problems occurred with the FB, like recently, they said themselves about the optimisation of the game, when a player was asking, “We’ve corrected the FPS issues.”, which is absolutely false.
4: Obviously it’ll happen, this doesn’t harm anyone if they do it correctly, and a lot of people want it.

They did say something, but they haven’t confirmed it, that’s my point since I want the reset, a confirmation, not “Maybe, we’ll see, there’s a surprise”. I don’t want to be hyped for nothing.
A confirmation would be a clear “Players will now have the possibility to reset their circles”.

try again. learn how to read next time, ok?

inb4 someone assumes I believe whatever proof they have on reset being confirmed.

There in lies my concern with this system because of how the class system works in this game class resets are ripe for exploit. And for them to implement it “correctly” it would require a mass of restrictions and limitations to prevent. And at that point would it even be worth implementing?

try again. learn how to read next time, ok?

IMC: "class reset is not an easy task"
atari: IMC intends to NEVER implement class reset. it has been set in stone. spouts nonsense everywhere

i rest my case :wink:

Alright, so you didn’t defend my irrefutable proof that you defined the statement absolutely wrong, glad to see you admit it.

Even more funny is you think that two different staff members would collectively lie like it’s a huge prank. I mean, if they did, that would be pretty funny, but at that point it’s going to them more worse than good by lying about a popular topic to the player base.

Deluding yourself that “it’s not happening” is hilariously sad. Cringe worthy even. You can’t even think straight and you’re just spewing any form of ammo you could fire without even thinking how easily refutable they are.