Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Circle resets

So I figured I’ll add a unbiased poll regarding this matter since the other one just opened up arguments. Feel free to discuss the matter in a constructive and respective way with each other. And if you feel the poll isn’t fair let me know so i can make appropriate changes =)

  • I would like to see circle resets for all ranks implemented through cash only means
  • I would like to see circle resets for all ranks implemented through events and cash shop
  • I would like to see circle resets for all ranks implemented through events only
  • I would like to see circle resets for the current rank through cash only
  • I would like to see circle resets for the current rank through events and cash shop
  • I would like to see circle resets for the current rank through events only
  • I believe by implementing circle resets the game will loose its charm and unique game style
  • I am neither for or against the implementation of circle resets

0 voters


Needs an event only option.

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Circle resets are necessary. Tell me where is the fun if you have a Lv 330 character with R8 C1 only to discover you don’t like at all their future C2 / C3 skills.

I agree that if you know all possible combinations and you fail in your build is your fault. But I can’t see the future, so it’s not my fault if new circle skills doesn’t fit with my PJ.

For example, C2 Plague Doctor skills are basically PvP oriented. I have a cleric only for PVE, if I had selected PD as C7 thinking PD2 skills would add more healing / PvE supporting skills, what must I do now? Reroll the PJ to fix a mistake that WASN’T my fault? (because I can’t see the future).

As I said, is fun reroll if you commited a mistake. Is not fun (and is frustrating) if it’s not your fault.


Much better poll. I chose neutral, for the same reasons as in the other thread.

Honest opinion: I know a lot of people quit because they screwed up one too many builds. Be it stats or just class choice. Think it should have been added forever ago, but perhaps make them rework for the experience some how.

I’m fairly certain this is only coming because of rank 8, perhaps as a gift or reward for an event? I have no idea.

I play the game because I like how I play it, so why would I quit? Someone wants to spend 500 TP to reroll their character so be it. Wakfu allows it and it’s a pretty successful venture. It influences the game in very few ways, besides people changing easy classes to hard ones. There will always be plenty of people not willing to pay or who want to level hard mode.

This could also draw more casuals in or back. Like it or not, they help pay the bills too.

The freaking mounts with stats you can’t resell on the market is more P2W if you ask me, not that I have a problem with those as the stats right now are quite minimal. However they cannot be obtained by just playing.

So yep, neutral, perhaps leaning towards yes to resets just because I can see the reasoning behind them.


Events and cash shop so not only whales would be able to make use of such golden feature

I agree. Choosing a class should be less punishing when you reach a higher lvl. Then at least you have some time to decide if you want to stay with your pick if you have access to a circle reset. Should bring you back to your previous rank and take away your class costume with it (or perhaps you cant simply wear it if u dont have the required class)

I think it would be appropriate to have it as a cash shop item and a event reward. That way they can get funds and its available for the players who dont want to spend cash.

Another one?! Seriously, no offense but do people NOT use search?

To the OP: No, No, and No.

Maybe: @Rank 10 when all skills/classes get balanced.
May only do once per Account/Character. 50$ Item. Lose all EXP to the rank you want to reset. Rank 8 wants to fix his Rank 2 Class: You De-level to lv15 and have to grind your way back up with a XXX% XP per Rank Reset til you hit your original rank.

That is the ONLY way I would be okay with it. If they do implement Resets, IMC going to owe me a fair amount of TP for all my Character slots I bought.

Edit: I will give you a like just because you set it up well however, you had far to many “For” and need to balance it out with more “Against”.

Oh my goodness. All rank resets through cash shop AND events? And it’s in the lead? And here I thought I was being nasty when I made my terrible poll that painted circle reset supporters as lazy whales.

@ridleyco Your poll was EXTREMELY handled, you create 4 options only with negative aspects in answer. Shut up kid, go back to school and do something better than create full rage topics in this forum :~

Was it? I mean, it can’t have been that off the mark when you compare it to this one and the sheer number of lazywhales.

Normally I’d agree and as a general rule of thumb I stay out of these threads. However since it’s impending from what GM Mango has stated, I think a fresh poll can more accurately show what the current community would like to see. I’m curious to see the results, really.

You are a noob. Because you think that if you did a good build (its your merit, gratz for you) you should have advantage in relation those ones who have done a mistake in their build (demerit of them). So summarizing, you are a bad winner who wants your opponent weaker than you, before the fight starts. So you are the true lazy ‘-’

I’ve seen what he said; and I still think it’s not going to be what some people are hoping for. They’ve said before, that a Full Circle Reset they aren’t interested in doing but they are planning to make it to where you can change your Advancement choice.

I’m okay with Circle resets with very steep penalties and a high price-tag, and IMC giving me back all the TP I spent on Slots to try different builds depending on how they handle Circle Resets. Why buy more Slots when I can just reset a Character to whatever the “cool” class is? Anywho~ Just my opinion. :slight_smile:

Not this [][][][] again …

tp in exchange for the character slots and the characters in the slot based on level? sounds interesting… but nvm i remember the exp bonus from team level

Oh I have no quarrels (pew, pew… get it?) with your opinion. I just meant I think the poll is a nice idea, to get a fresh perspective from the current community. As it stands its dwindled quite a bit since a lot of older threads took place.

I already stated my opinion on it, so shrugs. I want to see where this goes, since this is pretty big news.

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SAY YES CIRCLE RESET :slight_smile:



Yep, I think that’s what Mangos news is going to be. Which I am happy for. Advancement change, sure. Class Reset. No.

I will take the WK role (or bad guy or w/e), it was peaceful until some “smart” people start to past SS of a supposed staff leaking info that is not even in the official forums/site announcements.

Well i won’t touch this subject, it is ridiculous anyway.

Peace. :v: