Tree of Savior Forum

[POLL] Circle resets

They’re too much in the state of denial to even bother.

Doing a class advancement was possible during iCBT2 and kOBT (and I think release of Korean servers) through a lua script. It took awhile for IMC to disable the possibility of players using LUA scripts to invoke the advancement, but my guess is that Hook64 simply enables users to access the advancement quests again ^o.o^

I don’t think its related to what IMC has in store for Circle Resets. My best guess is that IMC will implement a Rebirth-like system that players can pay for and get 1000% exp until they reach the highest base level of whenever they did the Rebirth (highest is necessary, in case they rebirth again before reaching the max base level they rebirth from). And of course reset any advancement quests so they’re doable again.

Reason why I think IMC will go this route is because it is, conceptually, the simplest way to implement the reset feature.

Clear official statement about no class reset plans.

"I don’t believe them, they didn’t say NO, maybe they will implement it anway, not an easy task != impossible".

Vague statement from a FB page


Forums … forums never changes.


Now that I would be okay with. As I’ve said in a few previous post. As long as it’s not:

Ride the “Insert Awesome PvE Build here” to Rank 8, then Insta Rank Reset to “Insert awesome PvP Build here”.

I’m okay with resets if you have to earn your way back up to your current rank, and being that you would have to grind because you’ve most likely quested up to that point, it would be a hard choice for a lot of players to make.

Yeah, I think people saw, even the FB message, but it’s not like he said “Yeah we’ll definitely put this, totally sure 100%”. It’s not a “yes”, neither a “no”.
We got nothing, so it’s still at the same point, this way we can’t bash them if they don’t do it, because they never confirmed anything.

Remember : The hype kills everything.

What does @Mindy think about class resets?


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Except however, it’s not a clear statement at all. They explain some stuff and that’s it.

You’re part of it too, you know.


We didn’t just get something, we got two things, one in and out of game, people are so blinded by denial they imagine conspiracies like the FB isn’t real or the GM is an impersonator, GM didn’t say it for the LULS. get it through your thick skulls that it’s going to happen eventually whether you cry or not.

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Your state of denial is popcorn worthy that you’re twisting the English language into your own wrong definition. May the grammar nazis be with you…

Cross statement with a legitimate Game Master in-game:

Thus proving a coordinated knowledge of its existence by two different staff members of the company.

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I doubt that anyone that have Lodge lvl 30+ wants to play new re-rolled characters. I doubt!

I compared and saw amazing similarities with these anti-circle reset people to anti-vaxxers and conspiracy nuts (like flat earthers) before, and it’s never been more clearer than it is now.

They even use the same debate methods that these disgusting people use. It’s sickening really. I just hope they’re really not anti-vaxxers or conspiracy nuts IRL, that would be cringe worthy.


reset supporters be like:

non supporters be like:

and im like

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Some truth in this, the amount of characters to play is already too much @level 30+ it is kind of hard to even think of a new build, let alone think whether should a character reset or not.

Next level of blind ignorance


The way this poll is written is so Bias that the results are worthless lol.

idk how you define bias at this point.

There are 8 options

6 represent some form of in favor

1 neutral

1 against

Its pretty clear how that would skew results. If you want to provide multiple options for you would need to provide equal options against.

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Don’t use any type of IMC public information to base yourselves on anything.

Have ppl already forgotten Rank 8 previews vs. actual release?

Besides, they are the developer, they can change anything they want at any time, regardless of what they said before.


oh hmm,… make you’re own poll i guess,?

If you read the “in favor” closely you will realize there is no need to make more “against” options, for example…

“I would like to see circle resets for all ranks implemented through events only”
^ Events only.

This is the same as wanting stat resets on an occasional basis, not every time and placed on cash shop 24/7 so that people can go with the meta build.