Tree of Savior Forum

Please take action VS AFK Macro Users in CM/DS Automatches

isnt that…botting??? from what i understand, your character doing combo then reboot(prob wait for cd) and do the combo again. And same goes to the other alt.

it looks afk…because it is literally AFK


All members of guild are Inquisitor-Druid-Zealot, and everyone only casting that wide ass wheat grass to tick damage on all mobs. So the cm run is like only 3 people + 2 druid grass.

sorry I just assume you are trolling the macro players coz what else is your reason for pulling the mobs away. Trolling macro players would be a better assumption than saying “you just hoarding the mobs for yourself” or “you just showing off how strong you are soloing” right?


Nah not me…but everyone has problem with him if he really is Etesian: “the macro god” and “guild hopper” - everyone knew him macroing his way to the top. Well I dont know if he really is etesian, someone just mentioned that he is. Just consider this a warning tho, you dont want your guild to house more macro players right?

We all know report button is just a UI design and not really functioning as intended :smiley: We all reporting same dishonest players for years yet they still exists, still doing dishonest things.

All members of guild are Inquisitor-Druid-Zealot, and everyone only casting that wide ass wheat grass to tick damage on all mobs. So the cm run is like only 3 people + 2 druid grass.


I think I’m the one who gets the most Mvp.
Because Inquisitor-Druid-Zealot
Breaking Wheel + God Smash + Ripper, every time in heavy use it will grind everything on your screen.
Among many things I can find in other players’ macros (not me).
I was not expecting druid grass, just for a little rest with the CD wait.

so far i see your guild do cm always Duo, never solo.
all build and geared the same way even how you press skill in cm, so all account are yours

since i never saw which are your main, cos all only wear EPI12 gear + drako/moring accesory + same build
so either you are funneling or for RMT, or else why create so many account to farm cm/event right?

Down like Duo, saving you time in queuing.
And I thought to myself rather than relying on the other 3 players.
Most of the time, I’ll come across people who hate me, I think I’m a macro user.

Personally still can’t tell who it is because they play alone.

It’s the most unfortunate person in the game, so I chose to create multiple accounts to farm cm. Use the spending system to purchase equipment. And most fashions like buying it is happiness, I can’t do +16 or +21 myself. And spending on this game You know it takes a lot. To gamble
You don’t meet with me very often because before the update.
I usually play with my friends, one person opens the door somewhere.

The main id did not tell ??? X-D
You will only see us in CM / auto because
We will not interfere with Auto in other modes as it may interfere with other players.
In this topic, we want to show that we are not busy using macros.
(CM / Auto, I think it is designed for more convenience)

since many people doing anti-macro moves now(like pulling mobs away), seems the macro players also evolved:

  • Now im seeing SRs running in circles(they added movement so they not just standing)
  • also seen a dude using sage kino to pull mobs back to his macro alt duo
  • Use paladin then chat “come in barrier” so you wont stray away and pull mobs while he just macro heal+mass heal

Best solution here is add some deadly field gimmick (can be similar to DCP) to prevent player from just standing or moving in fix pattern. Adding ice walls, meteors, burning fields, the eye-laser thingy etc will be a good obstacle and honestly, Challenge Mode is not even Challenging at all even with free gears.

stopping to auto-match. You know that IMC won’t help you with your problem, instead, they will in the future force you to play more contents to earn your weekly silver. They cannot fight bots and macro users effectively because they don’t want to spend money on extra staff that focuses on just hunting bots and macro users actively.

As long as having unlimited accounts is legit and more rewarding than a single account, you will see bots and macros everywhere.


Stop Automatch and what? do field CM 5-7min per run? hell knaw.
Also you dont need to hire more staff if you could just reuse those DCP gimmicks and implement it in auto matches. That would be more challenging/fun and botters will cry they cant program a macro that can dodge random gimmicks.
Imagine that @chalami9nu(who just admitted he is using code from posts above) setting his grassy druid and dying since his macro alts are just standing, grassing, and godsmashing in place for the whole run :smiley:

It’s just a fast farming MOD if you want more fun at the end. This is not done for you.
But there is a problem with the players who use macros for a very long time.
I have been reporting on multiple SR accounts for a long time, but there is no effect. Long ago I found his SR on the map.
And now I can still find the SR in CM / Auto.

Just adjust to keep playing this game or quit playing / you.

(I Not Macros) :stuck_out_tongue:

Sounds like funneling tho and that’s equally bad

Generating a Code to run activity, using farming MOD, having tons of char with same build queueing duo but just standing and using 3skills…give it up bruhhh the entire server already know, your one man guild “Home-Less” is famous, and even how many times you deny, no ones gonna believe…
I played with you earlier and I laugh how both your account duo just standing at the corner spreading grass and god smashing the ground while we’re on the other side killing the boss.

OK how bout you stop smashing the ground and move your char on the left side coz we killing the boss there :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I think you intend to have a problem.
If you don’t want to play, you can queue up in a new room.
I can play even though there are only 2 left.
This is ridiculous and out to sea

bruhhhhh 3 legit hardworking players + your 2 macro alt, run is going 4-5min and more…and now youre saying even only your 2 macro alt can finish whole 7min run? not to mention all your 20+ alts only have free gears, not even properly set-up savinose lines OMG!

not to sound arrogant but… youre literally a heavy baggage in the run, its okay if your not properly geared when you are trying hard making full rotations and combos of your skills…but what are you doing? Stand > grass > 3x god smash > stand > repeat? Your god smash not even hitting anything most of the time, and you bragging that we legit players can leave while your 2 macro bots will finish the run???

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Yes i can can finish it
Although it will add a little more time
In most cases, what I see more than you.
I 2 players + 2 macros +1 search.
I find bad things But now you have me as your target …
I’m just showing me what I am.

well, IMC is dead set on making players waste their time with TOS. These events are now always a month long, forcing you to do old content again and again (or spam CM/DS) to get the best rewards, on top of being logged in for several hours.
It feels like enforced recycling as already successfully implemented for other MMORPGs in the past.

Auto-CM is according to the developers just a band-aid solution to the fact that there are not enough tanks and healers to actually play the game the way it was “balanced”.
It became the easy solution to reputation quests,though, so on top of being “easy” it allowed macro users/botters to have a new way to earn silver, leading to the situation now after silver was removed from the field drops and nerfed for dungeons.

I’m not forcing anyone to do field CMs (I quit myself because the game is boring,repetitive and unbalanced without hope), just giving a realistic answer to the case because we’ve seen how IMC acts in the past. Only god and IMC knows how many of the people playing on SteamCharts are actually bots/macro users and their multiple accounts, the game might be more dead than we are aware, thus the staff is reluctant to remove these “active players”.

And maybe some of them even spend money (wasn’t that a case in the past were certain botters had some sort of immunity due to spending money on the game?), making the staff more reluctant to remove their clients.

Oh,the tragedy unfolding in IMCs headquarters! Brandishing the banhammer over the head of the macroing player, he argues with himself like Hamlet “to ban or not to ban, that is the question”, just to ultimately not ban the player, ending up laid-off as a heroic sacrifice to be remembered for eternity in the chronicles of Rune Mi… wrong game, I actually forgot the name of the world of TOS :tired:

game fun -3/10, forum drama fun 13/10 :haha:


Thread just getting long and starting a drama…how about we summon @GM_Francis and investigate all those users that are mentioned in this thread. Specially that SyndicateBoss, who has 30+ alts, doing macro cm, abusing events, and is doing RMT…and as for @chalami9nu, who literally admitted he is macroing CM, he has so many alts that is hard to remember so just purge the guild “Home-Less” since all member of that guild is just his alt for macro CM

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I encountered something hilarious the other day … 5/5 auto cm3 … 2 other left the run … so there’s 3 of us left … there is this one player who died and wont resu ( dunno maybe he’s a BOT wink wink ) and this other dude was just chilling then saying “dude help us and resu” which is obviously his alt char gahahaha ( its pretty obvious though )

I mean I tried telling him to rerun but no … he kept on killing the mobs while the other one is dead XDD such dedication if not his alt XDD. Since we are halfway there I stick around and watched him do a dialogue with himself ( towards the dead alt )

We did manage to complete the run with the 2 of us with 3 mins remaining … zzzz and I was SM bokor FF not much AoE there and mobs are all flying type ugh … kurdaitcha is useless …

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Who wrote this? I had trouble ready all of that, feels like a bot trying to imitate human speech.

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Google Translate maybe?

Yup… he google translate.