Tree of Savior Forum

Playing with friends is too difficult

After playing Black Desert online recently I realized something. They went the route of making the grind occur between level 50-60. Whereas this game makes the grind occur over a series of hundreds of levels. The problem with that though is that it’s too easy to get spread out over the level range and then you can’t party up anymore. A system like in Black Desert where a level 54 can party with a 50 easily is much more reasonable as exp can still be shared.

I really hope a level sync feature is added to ToS. It was implemented in Wildstar and worked very well, and would be a great fit for this game. I really think this should be considered.

They could always have an auto level scale system where as soon as you enter a place that’s too low of a level for your character, your effective level is reduced appropriately. You still gain exp this way (even if it’s a bare minimum) and your friends gain exp appropriate to their lower level, too.

On any game that has durability loss, it’s going to end up being a money sink to play with your friends, sadly :< If there’s any synchronization at all, EXP still needs to be a part of playing.

made it clear? I don’t recall IMC ever saying “guys thou shale never party with friends and thou shale never trade with friends because we don’t like it”.

Your not giving the hole facts and your twisting there words please stop that heres a reason why they don’t want trading its simple how can gold seller give you money if they cant trade it to you blame the gold seller not the staff trying to find ways to stop them…

The same applies to the level range unfortunately the easiest method to program is have a level bracket because having a level sync method is very hard to code also impossible to see if it can fully balance without giving someone who level synced from say 200 to 20 the right stats on the gear as I notiested from FF11 and FF14 this was a issue that even when level synced end gear was way more higher stats then it should have been and also this prevents level boosting service’s for real money we learned that from ragnoark online.

you meen like wild star that could possibly work because areas have a level on there map right? if they put the cap to that level it could prove a number of benefits and cons lets brake it down.

Areas with a level cap would have a more structured exp rate because you would gain the same amount if the max level of the area was say 20 and you become 20+1 so you would initially slow down anyway so people can capture up to your level.

Exsample would be killing a enemy at lv 20 and gaining 200 exp if you reach lv 20+1 you would still be getting 200 but due to your next level exp going up it would appear a slower rate of gain but you would still be within the level of your friends.

Areas would be challenging because monsters would be a challenge as you could not out level them too much.

No show off high levels one shotting everything just to show of as they would not be able to.

Thease are all I could think of please add more if you can think of any.

Cons would be I guess lower skilled players having issues if its too much of a challenge but I guess that could be fixed if they get better at it.

Over population of players this would be the biggest con but we have channels so that could fix it for high populated areas.

Kaysgamerworld good suggestion I would say post a suggestion on it maybe the moderators could pass it onto the dev team what’s everyone else’s thought’s on this?

Also to add have a mentor system where you would have to be friends with this person for X amount of days for it to allow you to level sync to this to somewhat lower the chance of level service’s from RTM because no one is going accept a deal with these scumbags if they have to wait for x amount of days for them to power level them :smiley:

A real friend would advise you to stop playing video games. Farm for gear to give to your friend with your high lvl character for best results at this stage if you consider yourself a friendly friend, ok friend?


Haven’t really been following this topic but I understand why the EXP thing works like that from the designer’s point of view. But it really sucks from the player’s point of view.

You know, even an implementation like raising monster difficulty level (not EXP or drops) according to the level gaps of the party members would be a useful idea. So, you can still share EXP and play together in a high level dungeon, you’re just gonna have a really rough time if your low-level friend hasn’t caught up to you because the monsters are gonna be super hard. It forces the high level players to compromise by playing in a lower level dungeon where you can handle the difficulty of the mobs.

So you mean a equaliser system? I guess this could work in cinematic battles where when it loads up the cinematic battle It puts variables such as player levels into account stats and class and scales the boss accordingly but that could be a pain to code none the less you seem to be onto something.

I don’t think it could work in the field involving other players haha

You haven’t been following this game long have you? They have restricted trade/market. They have made it beneficial to do dungeons alone without your friends. And you can’t use pvp or dungeon ques with more then one person. Their changes are very clearly reducing player interaction as much as possible.

Also regarding the gold selling there are TONs of threads explaining why it doesn’t work and how its nothing but a bull ■■■■ excuse, also how gold sellers are currently selling on KToS which i am sure they will use the same method on international. However im not going to explain all this because as i said there are MANY threads where you can go read that.

Maybe its just me… and hear me out here. While this might sound a little sarcastic, and it is… I really think this has some truth to it.

IMC has a long road ahead of them with new features, bug fixes, playing cat and mouse with botters/hackers and all sorts of other behind-the-scenes enhancements that we will probably never know about or appreciate .

So rather then try and have them come up with a system that is most certainly going to be very controversial (“powerleveling has ruined all the things!” -vs- “Not enough benefits while level synced with my newb friends, this sucks!”). How about this: We all excersize some patience, and self control.

Instead of logging in and rushing to get through as much content as you can, get in contact with your friends, find out when they will be on, log in when they are on, and play with them. If you try this and they are still outleveling you, then you either dont have enough time to play, or your friend has to much time.

In either case you should really just re-evaluate your entire friendship because its probably based on a lie.

tldr; Stahp.

But the game penalizes you for playing with your friends lol.

How is a reward for randoms using a dungeon finder a penalization to people playing with friends?

Because you have to que alone, you can’t have you and say one friend que with 3 randoms.

Then the only viable option is to stop being friends with people. It was so obvious all along, why didn’t I see it! Get away from me plebians!

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How about instead you don’t queue at all, and you run the instance with your friends? So what if people queuing get an EXP reward? You are not dealing with randoms who are most likely terrible at the game.

Then you need 5 people what if you only have 3 or 4? who is going to want to give up the massive bonus to play with you. It is a massively flawed system that needs to be re addressed. Im pretty sure they know it to, i think its more a matter of when it is changed not if.


And then what happens if you make friends with one of the randoms? Its a slippery slope of friendship and love, I dont like it one bit.

If it was you thebloodyaugust, id make the sacrifice.

Tempting, do i have to be your friend after?

It would have to be on the downlow. Cant let IMC find out.

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