Tree of Savior Forum

Playing with friends is too difficult

I absolutely love this game, and am quite addicted right now. I was able to get several of my friends into the game as well, which is super awesome! I was so excited to be able to play and party up with all of my friends. However, naturally we all have different schedules and play times so we began to spread apart in level. When we are all on, we have tried partying up and going to the quests of the lowest level party member to help with the grind, but it just ends up ruining the EXP gain.

Our party consisted of a level 20+, two 30+, and one 70+ character. Every time the 70+ character was in range, the low level characters would get basically 0% EXP gain. We tried testing it with all 3 EXP settings, and the only way we could actually get decent EXP is through the “Individual EXP” setting. However, this is not very optimal for those who don’t get many kills.

So, are we using the wrong EXP setting? Is it just impossible to play with higher level people? I’m not looking to get “rushed” through the game by higher level people. I just want to play with my friends.

I would suggest a “Mentor” style feature in this game so that higher level people can play with their low level friends. Just equalize the levels to the lowest party member, and make the EXP distribution equal across all parties. This way the high level character isn’t just destroying and one-shotting all monsters and bosses, and EXP isn’t gimped for all party members.

I just want to easily play with my friends without getting screwed out of EXP because of a level difference. Thoughts?

EDIT: Based on discussion below.

The level syncing is only while in a party, you can only sync down, and the person syncing down gains no EXP benefits. They would still get drops, so you still earn money through items. This would apply to people who are already outside say 15-20 levels? Whatever seems appropriately “too high.” If you happened to have missed an NPC, you can still earn the EXP/cards from any missed quests. Otherwise, no EXP gain.

This would be no problem for the people who are way higher level if they want to play with their friends because they will obviously be playing more alone anyways. Then everything is not being one-shot and you can’t hide in the corner of a high level map. The incentive is simply to be able to play with your friends. Not to be able to rush your friends, or gain some other bonus/incentive for yourself.


This has been recommended a few times and with 500-600 lvls this game really needs a option like that.


I tried looking around, but it was difficult to search the forums. Sorry for posting about the same thing. I just hope that the devs hear it is all. I can easily see my friends and I getting several hundred levels apart, which would suck a lot if I can’t play with them as a result…

I think this is a HUGE deal for the developers to address. As it is now, this game facilitates next to zero gameplay with people outside your level (above or below)… unless you want to cripple the exp gain of your friends and yourself. Group play is great, I enjoy questing with people my level… but I have friends with varying amounts of time to play the game so some get ahead of others and then we end up just alienating eachother.

I may be missing something, maybe the game supports team play with people of varying levels that I’m just not aware of? As it is now, you either have an alt for each one of your friends, you stop leveling when the other person stops, or you cripple their exp and your own and try to play with them regardless. None are good options, and it makes playing with friends difficult and discouraged.


You already have a shared pet between all your characters for powerleveling, yet you still want more.

I’ve read the sharing level range is 20 levels, and +10 / -10 levels is the range of monsters you can kill without too much penalties.

It’s good like that.

no one here is talking about power lvling they just want to play with their friends, did you even read? Im sure myself and others wouldn’t mind if we were lvld down and could only use low lvl skills while playing with our friends.

You already have a shared pet between all your characters for powerleveling, yet you still want more.

Uh, no. I want the opposite. I wouldn’t care if it was a slower EXP gain, as long as it was actually possible. I just want to be able to play with my friends, and naturally we won’t all end up being the same level.

I don’t think OP is talking about powerleveling here at all, he’s trying to point out that playing with newer, or less “hardcore” friends is not supported yet. If I’m level 200 and my friend joins the game and is level 30, do I just tell him cya in 160 levels? You actually can’t play with him unless you want to destroy his exp gain which sort of defeats the purpose of playing together.

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As easy as making a character together and playing together from the start, unless cooperating is an issue?

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Wow you really didn’t read anything. Beware the ignorant child poster.

Since you didn’t read ill point out that they stated people have different available and amounts of time for play so they won’t always be in the same lvl range.

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This actually means they can’t play together.

The only way they could play together is with the high lvl player crippling the xp for the low player which means they wouldn’t progress. So it might as well mean they can’t.

Hey guys! I have a great idea for an MMO style game! Lets make a game where people who are actually friends with each other can’t play with each other! What a great idea!


In real life, people have different jobs, and different time ranges for relaxing.

Wow! Does this mean people can’t be together at all times even if they are friends? Yes.

If they want to play together and can play together then do it, but saying “we can’t play together because: reasons” actually means that they can’t play together.


Then make alts that you only level together. The game does not need to change because people can’t co-ordinate.

If the higher-level player wanted to play with friends he/she would slow down or not get ahead of them, and level an alt in the meantime.


While that is what i do because i like alot of classes not every mmo player likes making a myriad of alts.

So the only option to play with friends is to make several alts all at different levels to play with my several friends who all get on at different times and for varying amounts of time? That is seriously your solution? So I’ve gotta have like 5+ characters at like level 20, 40, 75, 100? Where is the fun in that? I just want to play one character, why can’t I play that one character with my friends in an intuitive way?


If you want to play with friends, then communicate with them and play when they are ready to play. There are very few MMOs that build in this kind of mentor system, and that should speak to you on how complicated it is to design.

This is a situation where you want to play with friends, but you also want to play on your own time. The obvious solution is to have alts, and it will also improve your knowledge of the game by playing different classes and types.

There are very few mmos where you can have over 400 lvl difference from your friends.

How many friends do you currently have playing this game? I currently have 7 friends playing. There is no way I can keep an alt ready for each of my friends at the level they are at. What happens when 4 of us are on, and only two of us have alts around the same level? Then I have to choose which friends to play with? Or all of us have to start new characters over just to play with each other?

Not many of my friends even want to play multiple characters. This is a game where you can get over 500 levels and a huge variety of classes. So I have to spend my time making 5+ level 50-100 characters doing the EXACT SAME QUESTS OVER AND OVER, instead of just working on one guy?