Tree of Savior Forum

Playing with friends is too difficult

I guess its time to hop on the derail train… Thanks @Kdchan, @thebloodyaugust, and everyone else who bickered on this thread and basically ruined it. No point for anyone to read down this far because no discussion has been relevant lately. I can only even mark 3 posts a day as off-topic. Great that helps me nothing in this thread.

Just please stick to the topic guys…

Why don’t we discuss alternative methods of working around the inability to play with friends of different levels then? Right now I only see three real options.

  1. Make an alt to play with your lower level friends, agree to only play those alts together.
  2. Make your main solo/party character a support/healer and just tag along on individual party mode. Don’t do damage, let your lower level friends kill the enemies and just heal/buff.
  3. Play a different game together.

To be fair there isn’t much discussion left we discussed it most people (at least most in this forum) have agree that a system should exist and its largely been agreed that a mentor system or extra xp option in party settings is the way to go. Is there anything else to even cover? we diagnosed the problem and provided solutions.

I tend to agree, there’s not a whole lot of discussion left for those of us who have spoken our mind on the topic. I think we moreso just need to keep it relevant so if others see this thread they will take it seriously, rather than just seeing it as a flame war.

This is probably the easiest option, and the option my friends and I have chosen to do. The downside is then you have a plethora of alts, don’t really ever get far in level, and don’t learn much about the “end game.” I’ve only ever hit Rank 3 on any one character as a result.

I actually really like this idea. You would have to set the EXP in the party to “Individual EXP” and let your party member kill everything so it would be fairly boring than actually getting to play, but at least its something. I’ve never actually attempted to build a full support style class, so I’m not sure how effective this is, but it is worth a shot for sure.

Lol. This is another option my friends and I reluctantly use. Smite FTW!

I definitely agree. But if you feel like you don’t have anything else to cover, then don’t post about unrelated things. Simply stop posting until others post and chime in. If you have anything else to say that relates as others post, then continue the discussion. Pretty simple forum etiquette.

Not with pure builds (+con , or +spr), is because i called it unbalanced and need to be adjusted. Atm only dps advance at decent pace in solo, since the game force you to do so because is pretty linear, the problem wasn’t a problem if the quest system is removed and party can occur everywhere like in RO.

  1. Make no sense to make another character just to play with your friend since there are 600 levels, better if they remove the quest system altogether and let everyone party in the same area or with your friends like in RO.
  2. Same as point 1, not fleasible atm.
  3. Retarded and illogical suggestion, we are here to post feedbacks and suggestions on what is broken, we are in beta for this reason. If the game stay in thsi way even at release i will not play, easy as simple.
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You know the quoted post is just expanding the list of unrelated posts. Annnnnnnd so is this one lol.

Well this is not entirely true, were here to test whats broken on the server end of things, they get all their balance and other changes from the KCB Testers. Other wise you think they would keep us on the current patches. But with that said if your not happy about the current state of things the best way to send your message to imc is to stop playing. Games need their players so they enough votes like that and they have to change.

You say “Like in Ro” but then what happens when I cant play together with my friends 24/7 and in 1 day I go from 70 to 85 and they are all at 65-75? Oh ■■■■, I cant party with them anymore because exp share range was 10 levels(pre renewal). Stop acting as if RO “never” had this problem. You had someone 99 in your party? tough luck, can only party with 89+ people(reborn, trying to get to 70 job level this happened a lot).

I agree it’s not a real solution to the problem. My point in adding that a current available work-around was just to emphasize that without a real fix to the issue, we don’t have many better options. Just like you said, if the same stays the way it is (at least in this aspect) I may not even play.

Absolutely. Obviously RO had its own problems, I think the reason why this is such a big problem with ToS though is that instead of potentially 99 levels to divide you from your friends, we now have 600.

Make it 1/10 of the max level, kinda like RO was.(1/10 of 99=9.9=10 , ez pz)

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not a perfect fix but 60 lvl share limit would help mitigate the problem for us but it also creates the issue other players are worried about with power lvling.

When a level 40 mob gives almost as much exp as a level 100 mob, it isnt that much of an issue anyway. Level 4x-5x characters can already plow through tenet chapel 2 like it was nothing. I farmed there for 2-3 hours without even stopping to sit with my Krivis when I was 4x.

Yes but now imagine someone 50 lvls above you over killed every mob you would have killed and you got that xp bonus. You would have been there maybe a hour.

Yeah I get ur point, I didnt stay there to level tho, since you actually dont need to grind till 140(if you abuse dungeons like you should, exp cards will carry you to 140 easily). All I wanted was a drop :’( xD

This game really needs Level Sync. Many people know it from FFXIV, but in FFXI you could turn it on at any point and it used to be great for leveling together. A level 60 character could join a level 20 party and their stats, skills, gear, everything would be synced to level 20 and everyone could party together. Yeah, the level 60 would be getting slower exp, but it was still worthwhile for the level 20s to have them around as an extra person.

If ToS ever gets something like Level Sync I would be soooo happy. I have to make like 10 characters just to play with all of my friends currently, it’s a chore. This MMO needs ways to keep people together.

Exactly, we are here to report broken features, and stats and classes are actually heavy broken if you didn’t notice, or you think that the people who complain want the game fail? We want this game to be succesfull, is because we post what we consider bad.

RO didn’t have quest in the first place and party was prevalent, while here quest progression force you to follow a predetermined oneside path and people prefer solo for thsi reason remove any social aspect that made RO a great game.
The game is broken atm, this aspect should be fixed or at least if isn’t possible, made classes and stats better balanced for soloers and pure support roles.