Tree of Savior Forum

Playing with friends is too difficult

Level 22 takes less than 15 minutes if you know what you are doing.

I fully agree that this needs to be looked at. The biggest issue I have with this game is that I can’t easily play with my friends at all. Has anyone played FFXIV or Wildstar? They both have level-sync and mentor systems and they work wonderfully. They down-level your stats and skills so you are capable of actually adventuring with your friends. It doesn’t take a complete redesign of the game at all to make a feature like this.

Here is an example of how it might work:

  1. You are level 500.
  2. Your new friend is level 100.
  3. You join a party with your new friend, right click their name and select “mentor”.
  4. The game then scales you down to 100, scales down your stats/skills by 80% (100/500 = 80% difference) . Now, you can play with them, help them earn exp, etc and not 1-shot everything. Honestly I’d be perfectly fine with not even earning exp while mentoring as long as I can actually PLAY with them.

The issue in this game is that something like that is currently IMPOSSIBLE. Even being 30+ levels higher means you might as well not even bother playing with each other because you’ll just kill their exp gain.

This can’t seriously be intended can it? It basically makes it impossible to foster any sort of community or long term friendships in this game because as soon as you out-level someone there is no viable way to play with them again.

This wasn’t as much of a problem in the original RO because the level range was so much smaller. It wasn’t an issue for a 75 to party with a 90 because hey that’s just 15 levels. But in a game like ToS with eventually 600 levels this no longer works at all. As soon as you out level someone by 30 you’re done playing with them. Without some sort of level-sync or mentor system it’s just way too hard to play with your friends with such a huge level range.

Telling people to have alts for every friend at various levels is just a completely ridiculous suggestion. It worked in RO because there were 99 levels. It doesn’t work in a game with 200-600 levels. This feature seriously needs to be considered if this game is going to be successful.


Because i’m not a nerd like you guys, and took me 3 hours, anyway was enought to see how the game was build, tunnel oneside maps, heavy quest based.

And this level system suck, socializing and play with friends is impossible with a linear system like this that force you to go from A to Z.

Very sad worthless system.

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Oh man, playing the nerd card while posting on a video game forum. Perhaps you are too cool for this club and you should get out.


Asgard, it honestly sounds like you’ve never played a level based game with friends.

@coda19 I like your idea of the mentoring system and I would like to propose it as another option on party setting under exp share section…

:ballot_box_with_check:Mentor: All party members receive the same amount of exp as the lowest member of the party with no level range limits

what do you think, that way people can choose what they want and have more options instead of it been forced into them every time they form a party…

Since is a feedback forum i think i’ve the rights to express how i feel about my personal game experience, and judge from the other feedbacks i’m not alone that criticize this progression crappy system.
But whatever, we will surely fight with our wallet.

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Absolutely agree with everything you said.

Please read before you comment something. OP wasn’t talking about powerleveling AT ALL.

Mentoring system would be nice if the mentor person doesnt get the exp and if his dmg% is decresed by the level difference. Yes he would have more skills to use but he will be still weak. He could find it funny to use higher level subclass on early content with normal dmg for the required level while his friends would enjoy his company.

That should be easier to code (damage penalty per level difference) then some rank downgrading and spell removal.

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more like privilege. But OK you can express your “2 hours that should have taken you 15 minutes” of quality input.

In order to comment on progression, you should probably, you know, progress a bit.

True but the problem is you have NO experience.

Try playing past lvl 22. to give you perspective getting to 22 on ToS is about the equivalent of getting to level 4 on ragnarok or WoW.

Unfortunately though the tunnel maps are around to the end which i would like to see changed.

Is enought and i can’t go further for the simple fact that i like playing support, like in RO, but here progressing as a pure role support is impossible for 1) i can’t deal any damage to bosses if i don’t waste points into DPS stats like INT or STR and 2) there is no sociality in this game because the quest separate you from your friends and everyone grind in solo. Ok?

If they 1) rebalance stats and skills to allow better support roles and expecially 2) remove the quest and tunneling maps and let everyone party together, then the game can be decent and playable not only for me but for a lot of people.

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LOL what?

1-15 cleric is fine and once you hit rank 2 Krivis and priest are both amazing levelers better then some mages and most archers. They only way you would have trouble lvling at 22 is maybe cleric c2 which i have not tried.

I have more experience than you since a friend of mine let me played his Cataprhac 95+. But i don’t want go for the dps route, i prefer support, and play support is screwed atm since stats are unbalanced and the quest remove any social aspect of the game.
I play a mmorpg to play with friends not alone.

You are right mentioning WoW, is just another clone, an empty shell, sad from the RO creator that he endend up creating another copy paste mmo brawler with the same redundant formula.

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lol everything you say is so funny lvl 95 more play experience then me surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre. Anyway once agian most support for priest and lvl strictly off blessing and sacrament. And leveling like this is SO GOOD that many people consider priest the next best thing to swordsman.

Then play with your friends? everyone likes heal and blessing.

Im not saying either game was good or bad i was using it to display how little knowledge/experience you have in this game.

Pretty much what I’m looking for. I feel like it should be fairly easy to implement in game…

@thebloodyaugust @Kdchan

I get that you guys like having your argument here, but if we could keep the posts on the topic of this thread that would be great. Please try and limit discussion to the party system and playing with friends. This is not a topic about questing/your play experience/progression.

Not trying to be rude, just trying to keep the discussion relevant to the thread.

If you want to play a support class you should try going Priest and putting points into STR CON and DEX. You don’t need INT to support, and that way you can hold your own in battle as well.

I have a circle 3 priest who put 1 point into str,con, and dex 1:1:1, and I have supported both the 50 and 90 dungeons without any trouble.

The point of the beta is to test things, but you have to put some effort into it.

If we actually want people to take this seriously we need to keep the conversation on target… please stop comparing your online egos with one another.

@xenostar I think your post encapsulates the problem very well. I think a mentor system would be just the type of solution to the current problem. I understand ToS has lots of bugs and other things that need fixing, but if the game releases without a solution to this problem we’re going to see a lot of people closing the door before even entering the room… myself included.

I find it hard to believe the game has gotten through this much design & development without at least addressing the fact that a game of this style (a pure leveling, no real end-game) needs a system in place for players to interact with friends of varying levels. I’m certain this issue has come up in design discussions at IMC, it really just depends on if they see it as an issue needing fixing or ‘working as intended’.

In other games it’s not an issue, you all hit level-cap eventually and then can team up… but in a game that has no end to its leveling really, we’re going to see a constant divide between friends who don’t level perfectly in sync, unless something is done.

Let’s all keep in mind the game is in early beta as well, the party system itself wasn’t even working until a week ago.