Tree of Savior Forum

Plague Doctor Suicide Getting Old FAST


Can you please fix this bug already, you have known about it for how long now? I am so sick of casting black steam death and then dying before I can even reach for an antidote or cure, dispel scroll etc b/c I have umpteen zillion magic attack and high attributes.

If your PD is well-geared and attributed you literally die before you can even react. This isnt some mildly annoying bug like most that you leave in-game and we adopt as an “feature”, this shi* needs to go like as of yesterday.

And to anyone like DrRM who is reaching for the reply button to play ToS hall monitor go DIAF, IMC does not read the bugs/gameplay reports etc section, you only get robot GM messages.


Maybe this is why this attribute exist

I dunno
Although it still won’t help but maybe is intended to be like that,you never know with IMC LMAO

Plague doctor is completely bugged, outta of nowhere disenchant and black death steam no longer works on the same target, incinerate can be removed by right clicking the debuff icon (This is shit is happening since the game “launched”) and yes i made a lot of tickets, even asked my friends to send too. “We’ll look into this issue” is the response for months now.


Ya I love Saintone’s build but the black steam death spreading to myself and party members randomly and incineration’s random hitbox drive me crazy, half the time I am directly infront of the target and incinerate just completely misses everything.

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incineration and black stream hitbox is not only too small but the desync with server causes your attack to miss because the position displayed is wrong :rage:


Ya, the desync is really bad, sometimes ill hit my incinerate while facing the target by the time things unfreeze ill be facing the opposite direction flame throwing empty air, super annoying.

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So I wasn’t getting hallucinations… Black Death Steam does weirdly affect the caster sometimes… @.@

Ya, sometimes its just now and then but earlier tonight I was killed 4 times in 8 minutes by my own skill while farming orange mats, its been happening for quite some time and IMC has fully ignored the issue. They spit out the usual automated message about forwarding it to the correct department which is code for the IMC trash can.

Anyone with a PD please take a moment to make a brief reply or like the post, lets see if we can get another fake promise from a staff intern please, thanks.


I have a PD2 with Black Steam Death… I haven’t yet once died from it. It happens in PvE? It is happening on certain mobs, any mobs? How long has the problem existed?

Albeit I haven’t been playing them for just over a week after making a new Druid C3. But I’ve been farming level 280-300 mobs for large amounts of time without a suicide.

Ya its a random bug we’ve had for a couple months atleast now, the black steam death poison can randomly spread to the caster or caster’s parties members, some people can get away with using an antidote but others its just an instant death sentence due to their cast’s potency.

That’s weird… What server are you on? I’m Fedimian.

I’ve had me and my wife farming stuff without any of these issues. I keep thinking that it might be some passive or skill on a mob you’re fighting? I might be wrong, but that’s what’s nagging me.

Oh and yes, I have the spread attributes for both skills etc.

Its not an isolated/server issue bud, this is common knowledge and been going on for a long time, you’ve just been lucky then.

this happend when you put a totem (diev), and it can get the poison, and spread it to the party members or you.

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Well I regulary make forum posts being angry about this bug - IMC doesn’t care like usual. Actually this bug is the only reason why I am still happy to have a ton of CON. It’s the only way to survive with Stage 7 Skull Smasher. :confounded:

So now I know Why I get affected by poison when I’m the only PD in PvP and there are no wugushi or what ever around. I can confirmed it happens on Fedimian Server too. It probably have something to do with diev statues, because as long as I remember it only happens when i tag with/against diev

Ya which is SUPER annoying b/c the most common/popular PD build is centered around 3 circle diev and its hard to effectively farm several rank 8 maps without atleast your silence statue.

@GM_Francis @STAFF_Ethan @STAFF_Amy @STAFF_John @STAFF_Max @STAFF_Yuri etc etc

When will this bug be fixed, you have been ignoring the gameplay/bug reports and tickets for atleast 2 months now?

That is why I stopped playing my PD and made another main. That and the diev statue bugs. Btw, I thought that BSD suicide was due to a teamate casting inq, breaking wheels, it was the only times that I know spreads BSD to my team. Can you confirm?

nah has nothing to do with inquistors, its from black steam’s poison, kills me solo several times a day