Tree of Savior Forum

Petition: Nerf Missile Hole. A single Rank should NOT make entire classes from Rank 1 to 8 useless

this is what lunarRabbit can’t accept xD

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@jchsc32 asdfsafasfsafsa

sorry I dont participate in “nerf X skill or class” herp derp fights, this cancer kills games

some baby is killed by “X” skill in pvp, whines about it for 4 months until that skill is nerfed, then they get killed by another skill and the whole process starts over

get pvp out of the fkng game, problem solved, there are 27,387,489 fkng mobas out there, quit crying and go play 1 of those, let ppl pve


@LunarRabbit its very obvious that you have a personal grudge against Sage in TBL just because your SR isn’t so great anymore. That’s the only reason why you made this thread. I’m sorry but you can’t be on top all the time. Also the fact that you take TBL this seriously is very disturbing. I usually tend to agree with you, but you are dead wrong on this topic. If anything needs to be fixed in TBL its the whole dam entire cleric tree not Missile Hole.


@Dilgele_Lover: Lua, you can PM me on forum or discord. I can help you on learning (not teaching from 0) if you want to.

There goes, I have to answer 1 by 1:
@TeamChespin: remove you, world gets better. Your posts are ignored from now on.
@gwa_pao: same for you.

@Balbunis: for people who main Sage, learn to play more cautious, for Doppels that can’t touch Diev build in TBL, learn to play, I see a doppels doing great, I agree, Monks and Sadhu needs buffs too. “You” as in all archers and all GvG rosters that can count on archers? Or “you” as in the person you want to hue? lol

@gwa_pao I agree that wizards and clerics are better than archers, even catas. Did I ever say otherwise? No? Yeah, you’re ignored from now on for several reasons (and being salty because you cannot draw nor read).

@jchsc32 that’s the point, Missile Hole isn’t a skill that kills people, it’s a skill that gives 100% uptime on immunity to Missile, it isn’t a thing of “I get killed by this” - this is exactly the argument of people like @CasualGamer which I’m answering next:

@CasualGamer It’s very obvious that you know nothing you’re talking about. Like I said a LOT of times, I don’t mind my SR not being great, Missile Hole isn’t the only counter. What I get sad about how Sages disables entire archer class tree from Rank 1 to Rank 8. The only personal thing I can find here is how some of you guys can’t counter my arguments and start hueing/attacking/going out of topic.

I don’t have anything personal to Sages in TBL. The skill is basically a 100% uptime Ausrine vs any archer, that’s the only reason I made this thread. There’s a huge difference on caring if archers don’t get top ranks vs caring if entire class tree is almost unplayable in PvP.

And, I’m sorry but I don’t care to be top all the time, I don’t even TBL on all sessions, do you think I take it seriously? I’m sorry, but you’re totally wrong lost on how hues are going away with the initial idea of the topic and getting this to personal things.

FYI: I don’t even TBL in most sessions, most of them I am watching anime, doing my ET runs at TBL time, playing Terraria, playing something else for fun. I only TBL from 1 to 3-4 days a week in one session only usually.

From your own words: You are dead wrong on this.

I agree, Clerics needs to be fixed. But like I said a LOT of times, they’re easy to deal with because whatever skills they use, it is not 100% uptime like Missile Hole, that’s the reason Missile Hole is the most unbalanced skill at the moment.

Think the other way around? Mind explaining, against archers, how Ausrine or Revenge or other skills can be more overpowered or how they can’t be countered (such as Missile Hole have no counter at all)?

Or is Missile Hole “balanced” just because you almost never die to archers anymore?

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There are several ways to improve Missile Hole properly and discussion on how it is broken:

Some are discussed here:

More here:

More here:

More here:

More here:

More here:

Missile Hole being pseudo invulnerability vs Missile.

More here:

More here:

More here:

More here:

More here:

From here:

The great reason Missile Hole is unbalanced:

With Lv.16 Missile Hole (Divine Might): 49 hits for 3,5 minutes. Cooldown: 31 seconds.

So… is it only me who cares about Missile Hole? The skill is unbalanced and needs rework. This needs to be addressed now while the max level is only 5.

God, is PvP nowadays overrun by Sages?
First it was " Ausrine this blah blah OP" “Revenge Sevenfold that blah blah too stronk for my 2 brain cells to adapt” , now the whining is coming from Missile Hole which can be removed with 1-2 Multishots…

How about stopping to play PvP if you’re fed up with it?
That was always the way I dealt with it when the developers made PvP unsightly in RO,B&S or DN. Arguing doesn’t help in any way, there are ways to counter, there are ways to remove it. PVP is not the game, nor is it endgame, nor is it required to do to achieve anything of worth.

It’s a feature for gods sake, not TOS itself. The skills are introduced and balanced for PVE and that’s it.

By the way, if you dare to attack other Revelators/Saviors just for fun and fail to complete your treasonous folly, you blame the others who didn’t want to die by your hands for protecting their life with Missile Hole, Ausrine or Revenged Sevenfold?
Are you perhaps defecting to Giltines side? “O tempora, O mores !”[M.T. Cicero, 70 B.C.]


For that to be true the skills would have to show some form of balance in general. And we all know the skills in this game are not balanced around anything lol.


Have you even attempted to charge multishot at pvp? I mean, standing still for 3 seconds isn’t a lot, but, man. you’re standing still!

Also, I’ve not read the whole story but chasing after the godess wishes seems to bring more harm than any demon out there. are we doing good ?

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No. They are not. They are overrun by Clerics.

My point is exactly the opposite. PvP nowadays just pushes Archers away to “useless”. This is what needs to be fixed.

Did I say I’m fed up with it? No. I just want Archers to be useful again in PvP, they’re more fun to play than Wizards, that’s it.

Like I said, Ausrine and Revenge aren’t unbalanced like Missile Hole and I already said several reasons and gave you A TON of topics containing same reasons.

So, here we go again? Do you play archers in PvP? No?

Don’t talk about what you don’t know, thanks, your information is not useful since you lack the experience to talk about archer’s skills and point of view. Mind giving more solution reasons that are in line with everyone else really playing as archers? I am not the only archer in this thread, if I say something that isn’t true I’m pretty sure any archer will tell that I’m wrong, and I, myself, call any archer out there to say that I’m wrong if I am (trolls doesn’t count).

Missile Hole is unbalanced and needs rework.

Tree of Savior is unbalanced and needs rework. Fixed it for you.

i need a vouche to change my class MISSILE HOLE to runecaster, after nerf the SAGE skill


another typical showcase of “look at me, im special”

gm already say they read forum, and lunarrabbit found more than 10 similar threads about rework/nerf MH

but lunarrabbit feeling theres a call of destiny (compelled) to create this thread instead of replying to any of the existing thread.
u just wanna be center of the spotlight.
(and u wonder why threads are getting burried? because people like u lunarrabit dont wanna keep it in 1 thread.
dare to blame the hues for difficult to find info? but u manage to found those threads?
feeling proud because u blame it on the hues?)

how long was it since rank8 is out? 5months?
by the time imc implemented all the necessary changes for classes, this thread wouldnt be relevant anymore

how much do u wanna bet, that, next month, another lunarrabbit-wanna-be will make another “nerf MH thread”?

tsk tsk tsk

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may u take ur own advise ?

coz the whole 11months of my tos forum career i didnt bother u until u came about recently

now u feeling the bullied? when u are the first to throw allegation around?

u just discredited yourself by your own action.
and u want people to take u seriously.

u and imc is similar. Both are incompetence lots and still have face asking for respect.

no wonder lunarrabit rate tos 10/10

coz i done giving suggestion when imc took 2months to fix party-quest bug in july2016.

coz i realize, whatever wall-of-text suggestion i write this moment, will not be relevant again in future when more changes are made.

coz i realize its easier n happier to go jolly around making memes in tos.

i wanna see your faith broken when imc dont address to your awesome-threads and cant deliver their promises by 2020.

hence, the poll…

what will most likely to happen first

  • imc listen and bring changes in fast, coz QQ threads popping up like rabbit breeding.
  • lunarrabit quit tos and fed up, even the most positive attitude does nothing when imc go deaf ear
  • haukinyau got ip banned~ huehuehue~

0 voters

PvP is a important part of any mmo and the unbalanced PvP in this game is one of the MANY reasons why the population is low. Sure, let’s remove Revenge Sevenfold lv10 with my autottack that does 4k damage, or better lets multishot the 5 players from the other twice so he can do some damage, that’s some balance right there!
The point of the thread is to comment on a balance of a game mode that people want to enjoy, those skills NEED balance for PvP just like damage needs too.

1- Feeling bullied =/= Having someone that knows nothing insult you and going offtopic.

I’m not like you. I don’t need attention. You’re the one hue’ing for attention, lol.

2- Of course you didn’t bother me until recently, because you like to doom post on that thread and I “dared” to post there and contradict you, lol.

3- Mind telling where I discredited myself aside from answering hues that pushes the thread down? You’re the one pulling things from nothing. Proof?
“uuuh, hue, you do 0 contribution”
shows one of my contributions
“uuuh, hue, i retract myself”

Again, you know nothing. Go hue another place, please. This thread have a serious purpose.

4- If you realize it doesn’t work for, don’t mess up with my topic, please. I did my topic in a good format and you hues are the ones making it go offtopic. Now, again, go back to your corner, please, while we try to discuss the skill here, since you don’t even play anymore? Thanks.

I didn’t ask a suggestion, I asked something so you can answer to myself. Any valid points / ? You don’t even have one, stop hueing.

P.S.: Still waiting valid points how why do you think Missile Hole is balanced, or is Missile Hole “balanced” just because you almost never die to archers anymore? ^^

coz its not a simple fix 1 MH and get done with?

u do coding urself, u know it only took em 1min to edit the value in the codes.

havent u wonder why they dont?

I didn’t ask coding stuff nor how IMC handle. I asked:

Can you show any valid points how why do you think Missile Hole is balanced?

Or is Missile Hole “balanced” just because you almost never die to archers anymore? ^^

Mind answering or will you continue with your “you don’t agree with me, I’ll hue you” attitude?

this remember “swordscry about sb0 shield”

in the end of nerf, sb0 only affect melee

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