Tree of Savior Forum

Petition: Nerf Missile Hole. A single Rank should NOT make entire classes from Rank 1 to 8 useless

Meh I would suggest everyone just stop doing PVP in this game. Total waste of time, it’s not based on player skill at all. More like your luck in getting cancer builds and RMTers on your team.

Maybe IMC would care more if they notice nobody queues for TBL anymore. Everyone needs to stop queuing TBL to send them a message.


Big words for a little rabbit.
I think you’re using the wrong rabbit hole there.

Bragging about rank in TBL? ET? Solo?
Since when do ranks matter in this broken unbalanced game?
How many/few folks are still playing TBL?
It’s hardly a matter of player skill as much as it is player investment.
Max attributes?
Max transcend?
Max gems?
Max upgrades?
Best gears?
Best potions?
Best keyboard/mouse/controller?
Best internet connection?

And also, why should I read the posts of a hook user?
You cashed in on the GvG free TP abuse so why are you crying over a little missile hole?

Why do I think Sage MH is fine the way it is?
Because it doesn’t matter if it is or isn’t, IMC is still gonna milk the players.

If MH is not “fixed”, will you be able to sleep at night?
Hakkim is sleeping in players money just fine…sleeping like a baby without a care in the world.


MH is fine as it is now

but game is alpha testing phase granting public access for qa n collecting feedback, plus milking monie on an unfinished product.

everything needed some changes as everything in game affect each others. its a chain reaction.

MH is fine as it is now. But MH is too OP if imc finalize it in this state.


lunarrabit want to jump in queue when there is over 9000 issues on imc’s plate

n u called ur self programmer

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Only lines I care to answer about your post.

  1. Again, don’t group me with those Hook users.
  2. As well nor me nor Crimson abused GvG to get free TP, we don’t need that :3

Ofc, your opinion isn’t related to PvP at all because you don’t even play the game. ^^

programming cheat maybe lol
lunar is a proud hooker.

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All addons I code for myself and friends are on the manager :3 Salty because you can’t read, can’t draw and can’t code? My bad, sorry, joke, get good, then come back.

Don’t play PvP anymore.
Don’t want to watch my toon get OHKO by some shatton archer.

Long live Sage Missile Hole!


i just posted in my discord channel n people laugh at this lunarrabit


“tos is fun”
“tos no problem, i can find queue.”
“only u have problem,”


if MH is such a turn down/let down, do u think 4k player still be playing?

people still play, so no problem.

fix will come , with or without you creating a baiting/attention grabbing/im so clever i made this thread first


deja vu.


It’s kinda sad to see how hue turns into Insult Mode on when they see they can’t hue :\

selective reading activated.

by lunarrabit.



I’m lost, what is @LunarRabbit talking about again?

Nerf, programming, get good, can’t draw, I make addons, crying, salt, hue, broken, pvp, rank, shotgun, hide, spam, constructive criticism, hues, laughing about you, complaining, Crimson is full of RMT/hookers, ??? ???

Obligatory LOL cause I’m laughing at the bunny breeding.

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All I have to say for you guys: another yet example on how hues takes constructive threads and shadows the constructive part with pointless messages. xD

“i dont get it, why do people wanna play and still complaint about it”

“just quit or wait for it”

“u guys are cancerious/toxic”


double standard


Why can’t you think of it as Hues helping you bump your thread up?
Whatever happened to “positive thinking”?


Did I ask you help for bumping thread? No? Fine, go away :3

On people still interested in constructive posts:

Any ideas on how to balance Missile Hole properly so it’s fair for everyone?

Maybe they can just buff and nerf Gohei at the same time. Specifically:

BUFF it so that it can remove Missile Hole but knowing IMC, there’s chance this will affect other buffs as well making the skill more OP hahaha

NERF it so that it has lower overheat OR longer cooldown OR a nice balance between both (e.g. no overheat but low CD or 3 overheat but 15s? CD - I dunno, just being generous to our cleric overlords here :stuck_out_tongue: ) but again knowing IMC, there’s chance they might just nerf the skill to the ground.

Anyways… // jumps out the window

EDIT: I wanted to add an archer joke somewhere but I can’t shoot you guys any… oh wait


Here’s an idea:

Get rid of archer tree and shooters as a whole.

No shooters = no need for missile hole

It’s fair, everyone can be melee and AOE.
And it gets closer to IMC’s Tree of Clerics.


here’s a better idea:
get rid of LunarRabbit along with his ego.
