Tree of Savior Forum

Why is Sage Immune skill nerf while Diev3 Austrine wasnt?

Diev3 still has timer for its immunity while Sage just had its nerf and has hit count while the other doesnt ?

You realize Missile Hole is an instant cast party AoE buff while Ausrine requires a margin of effort to take the buff (often times buggy in detection), has reduced time per person that takes the buff, and the statue itself can be destroyed rather quickly?

Did I mention how it has less than a third of Ausrine’s cooldown and doesn’t consume reagents?


Because Ausrine is a godly skill.

Missile hole after nerf (?).

Because Missile Hole has 10 more levels to balance around, is instant to cast, and lasts a long time so you can’t wait it out.

It has a count hit now and I think it’s 16…

That Feather c2 skill so AWESOME