Tree of Savior Forum

Petition: Nerf Agny Necklace. A lv 170 Rank 5 should NOT make same/more damage than lv 270 Rank 8 classes

Agny is just another addition to Tree Of Selfishness [or rather: selfish prick]…

I believe all the buff classes should get the option to either spread their buffs or keep them as a self-buff, with increased values.

E.g. Swell Left Arm adding 208 atk at lvl 15 for the party or 500 atk for yourself. That way support Classes can become viable parts of builds, and actually have a real gain from buffing instead of a DPS loss.
Bosses and monsters don’t die if you can only buff yourself a little, they die from damage. Classes with only damage skills don’t have this issue, and this sucks.

Buffs should always substitute for a loss of damage, so getting a certain buff should enable you to replace the loss of damage skills over time.
But, the problem that rises here is the damage attributes actually make a lot of buffs not viable. 1,5 -2x the damage is damage you can’t achieve with the bad buff scaling, and if everyone gets the buff, you’re the only one who has to pay with SP and time costs and get the least out of the buff, which is simply retarded. IMC even went so far and turned some damage skills into buffs like e.g. Merkabah with the Divine Protection Attribute, so why not the other way around and turn buffs into viable damage for yourself via attribute?

Same with Heal and Cure, they need “remove healing/curing” attributes to make them viable for damage, as pots and def buffs substitute more than enough for healing recieved damage.

Look how all those leechers run into your Heal,Cure & Safety Zone if you cast them and how they switch mobs to kill off your linked mobs to steal your silver. I believe this has to stop.
Either everyone becomes a supporter in one way or another, or everyone has to have the option if he wants to share his buffs, similar to how Archers can choose to share their Swift Step or not!

Agny is just shoving the ugly sight of Tree of Selfishness right back into the faces of those so-called “DPS-classes” who are now crying over “OP Pyro damage higher than mine q.q”, while supporter still have low to no damage at all and get their buffs used against them, thanks to the developers.

Tree Of Support: You work, others profit

You effing son of a gun why did you have to necro this? Happy now?

Ok people. Nerf pyro. Nerf sage. Delete wizards. Sick of this stupid topics now.

I fixed it as I play a Thauma3 and I find your whole wall of text useless and wrong.

Playing Cleric3 too right now.

Lol thank you again bro. you really help out a lot piece of shit

Oh gosh your arguments are too strong for us, we lost this fight :cry:. Please, return in your sandbox, you are trully affected by Tree of Talt.


Then you don’t play the game…
You don’t profit from playing a support Class, you have all the hard work and get nothing from it, you’re alsways bad in boss rankings, you have problems getting boss cubes from world bosses, most support Classes are not welcome to ET parties because they don’t bring enough damage to be viable or don’t have OP Ressurection/Ausrine/Melstis.

The worst part is that the self-support doesn’t help you to cover for the loss of damage. Doing a few damage on monsters with several k defence/magic defence and no way to reduce it effectively make you unable to support yourself to be strong. If a supporter can’t even support himself to firmly stand alone, he’s a failure as a support.

Always having to rely on others just because the games balance is bad makes the whole “support”-theme stupid.
I’d rather have it like in Dragon Nest R where prior “supporters” were given the damage they needed to catch up to the “damage dealers”, thus resulting in a ± equal outcome no matter which Class you chose, only defined by the way you play the game.

That’s the right way to go and gives the player true freedom of choice,
not the current meta with" hey, you got some flashy skills with no real effect, so you don’t get any damage". This discourages players from taking certain Classes into their builds and makes them useless.

Tree Of Support: You proft, others profit

I fixed it as I play a Thauma3 and I find your whole wall of text useless and wrong.

Playing Cleric3 too right now.

Btw, how can you even say this if you play Thauma and Cleric?
All that hard leveling process if you’re on a non meta build without Miko/Diev/PD is giving you what exactly? You have to spend way more silver to deal decent damage than other Classes have to invest, take longer to kill monsters, have problems against flying monsters, have problems against monsters with high mdef, have general problems without good equipment because of missing flee on INT builds and missing damage on DEX builds.

And what’s the gain? Does the game grant you more silver when in a party doing a dungeon or rarer drops for the effort of leveling your character?
Does it help you getting a field boss cube?
Are the people thankful for running with you because they didn’t have to spend $$$ on potions? The answer is no!

Your little pink world of fairies and unicorns doesn’t exist in TOS.

Supporters are just dirt-eaters right now, left in the eternal race to catch up to others with the little they have, having to spend more $$$ to be just as viable as a non-supporter and the game doesn’t reward you but kicks you in the butt as your equip gets worn down faster by getting hit, you get cced more with knockback attacks, thrown arround like a ping-pong ball, have a hard time to land hits on enemies that move around much because your skills are ± static/magic circles, you can’t hit flying monsters with Heal&Cure, etc…

GG, getting IMCed is basically everydays business of supporters.

the only solution is to make agny boost all damage not just fire troll answer dont mind me

Woa you have hard issues to read or ?

I do agree for WB everyone agree. For ET people want Chrono 3 and Priest2/3, support classes are not welcome ? Plus it depends on your definition of a “support”, if you think a support is someone without any damage, then that’s not really other fault.

My Thauma3 support himself, no problem on this (increasing my own damage + my own defense = I’m running lvl 200+ with Cafrisun set and I take 1 damage kappa). Same for my Cleric 3, he’s able to support himself.

It’s your build, nothing else. If you built something like Cleric3 Priest3 Oracle2, yeh ofc. The most funny part is you are the only one here to think that kind of thing when in game everyone is searching for a Chrono, Thaum, Pirest etc… Just wondering if we are playing the same game.


Maybe cuz I lvl up my Thauma3 alone ??? Until grind moments ofc (but I could grind alone anyway). For my Cleric it’s an alt, I’ll take Miko at rank6, maybe. Because it’s a male character and I don’t like the costume. Yeh I forget to tell you : I did Thauma3 just because I like the class and the costume, nothing else. And you see ? I’m not going on forum crying all my tears, I’m playing my choice and I’m proud of it.

You are totally wrong man. Thauma3 is the best class to don’t spend any silver in expensive gear. Like I said, I still have a Cafrisun set :kissing_heart:. I had Pyro1 in my build with Fire Enchant so : Sacrament + Cafrisun + Enchant Fire (with an Arde Dagger) for the whole game I was two/three shoting mobs with auto-attack (not talking about elites at 200+ ofc), soo… For my Cleric I have little issues to kill every monsters for the moment, it’s gonna change soon.

600k silver per run in 145 dungeon. 150k x5 when I used Swim Body on a silver truffle in my grind party. If I find a Silver/Gold monster I can kill it alone and make me rich in one second.

No, but if I’m rich do I need boss cubes lol ?

The answer is no cuz everyone need freaking SP potions anyway.

Lol man it’s cringe.

Ah I see you had just bad build + you don’t even know how to play. Nothing bad.

I’m not saying everything is perfect in ToS, everything need at least a little change. But what you are talking about is an issue from CBT2 when people didn’t know the game enough.


Can confirm, my Cryomancer experience was ruined by AgnyPyros! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
I trying hard on my Cryo DPS build and yeah, i know what you say - icemages is supports. But i think all we know that cryomancers can do decent damage if they builded right (with runecaster).
But Agny damage is just redicilous. When i or other teammates try to do something. low level Pyro can beat 20 pack of monsters in one click. Is this balanced? I don’t think so.
I’m sure that Agny Necklace will be nerfed and it will be fair

Im a Pelt2/Rode3/Cors now and last time iwas in the 200er dun with 3 pyrolinker and 1 archer something.

I use swash and before the first Monster Hit me they we´re all dead xD

The Bosses are gone after i use slithering high kick and 1 shooting star.
Its just stupid xd

I´m realy happy if i have no pyrolinker in my dun/mission runs…

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like this xD?[quote=“shenhuehue, post:151, topic:347707”]
I´m realy happy if i have no pyrolinker in my dun/mission runs…

In royal mausoleum @7bosses or canyon, they are more than welcome!

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So do we have a necklace to increase physical atk and doesn’t miss or get blocked? or something like Critical necklace that gives 100% crit chance?

I would love one…

We can’t even have gauntlets (demonas gauntlets) that increase slash damage for 20% without bugging for more than 1 year.

It’s pretty obvious at this point that IMC hates physical classes, and moreover, swordsman.
The best thing left they could do to finish us would be to give ridiculously inappropriate classes for R9.



Agny is wizard’s only hope. Agny is fine.

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wizards keep saying that IMC hates magic classes… Swordsmen keep saying that IMC hate physical classes…

Which one is the truth?

Stop saying something is OP just because you can’t learn to play your own class or see that other people are stronger that you.


IMC hates archers (Missile Hole).

The only remaining is Cleric, IMC loves Clerics.


Sure, except for Bokor, Monk and Sadhu, got to have joke classes and suckers (like me) who rolled one.


anyone caught in monk energy blast dies

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Can’t understand people who says that Agny is fine. Trolls maybe?
Because when highlvl boss in dungeon dead in 2 seconds by Pyro skills i don’t think that it’s normal :smiley: Of course i don’t mind when dungeon run go fast and nicely but it’s just…really looks unbalance. Like someone said - give this type of necklaces to all classes then :slight_smile: