Tree of Savior Forum

(Personal Experience) About the viability of Swordsman classes late game in PvE and/or PvP

Is swordman 3 a must?

How about Swordman-Pel-Hoplite-Cata c3?

Swordsman 3 is due for max Restrain for PvP uses. It’s basically sorta like the ‘optimal’ PvP build. SM1-Pel1-Hop1-Cata3 is also PvP viable, but not as good as Swordsman 3. However, it is much easier to level up due to Pel1 and Hop1. Pel to taunt and Hop to taunt without switching weapons, people will welcome you in parties. Swordsman 3 really sucks in grinding… It’s just basically whether you are willing to grind it out and get better results or enjoy easier leveling and get slightly less optimal results. I dunno, as long as you have Cata3 you can still kite the heck out of anything so yeah.

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But i dont think its right only cata3 is viable. When battle league and proper gvg is out there will be so much qq they will prolly buff swordsman to a point we can roll all the other classes with ease like in other mmos w/o cata3. Something i noticed is the melee gungho classes usually has the most qq and is the loudest and eventually becomes op in both pve and pvp.

Well, it ISN’T right that only Cata3 is viable, that’s why people are making noise about it now. Only one circle (three circles) of the Swordsman tree is practically usable in PvP, that’s pretty broken balance right there. Apparently I heard Swordies were quite OP in CBT, and they nerfed it.

ATM in PvP, it’s not a balance issue that can be solved by buffing some numbers, etc. It’s related to the mechanics of it, like how Melees can’t ‘catch’ ranged characters, lack of proper CC, small melee hitbox, small character collision size, etc. Even Bash’s knockdown doesn’t work properly, when the person is moving in direction and you bash him, on your screen you don’t see him get knocked down, it just seems like he’s moving around (though on his screen he actually gets knocked down). There was a video someone posted somewhere showing the comparison of what happens on your enemy’s screen and what happens on yours. And basically that’s the main CC that you and I have (our build) other than Hook, LOL.

EDIT: @Delcas, yes it was some Skyliner or something, PvE related. As for PvP, they were never good cause of the core mechanics itself of being a melee. In games like RO1, melee didn’t really have a problem cause you can just click your skill on the enemy and your character auto-moves to him and does the skill, and during your skill animation, even if the person moves away, the hit still connects. I understand ToS has different mechanics in the sense it’s a ‘real-time’ thing where you can freely aim your skills (non-AoE ones) as compared targeted-aiming like RO1 (you can’t Bash at nothing), but the technically this is one of the main problems that melee have, even trying to land a hit on a moving character (let’s not even talk about Chrono buffed units) is not easy, the way the game is made in relation to ping/connection, the person’s position you see on your screen might not be his real position, etc. They could remedy this somewhat by making hitboxes bigger, but in the long term they really gotta figure something out. As for Stoneskin, it got nerfed in team battle league (I think they should nerf it in normal PvP too, retain for PvE), because as how it stands right now, getting like 70% of my attacks blocked by ONE buff isn’t fun at all.

That didn’t apply to PvP.
Swordsmen always had trouble in PvP due to ranged CC and stoneskin.

Both cata3 sw3 and pel/hop do similar role in pvp. The major difference is when sw3 come in and kick pelhop’s ass and not allow pelhop to do their job and ur team will have less strategic option. However, as long as u dont run into sw3, ur rush and impale still can mess ppl up with advantage of +3 aoe ratio.

Switch to pve side, sw3 is trash that make other pve player roll their eyes thinking omg not another one… While pelhop is like a super model everyone want to date.

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what if the pelthop guy have a plague doctor in his PVP team?

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His still low lv. Dont mind him. He came from the cata3 thread like me.

Lets see him tank at lv280 sw3 cata3 full dex at high lv grind zone and et…

I m 28k hp unbuff at lv253 and i cant even tank a group of 12 at storage…

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after reading almost every post in this thread, i kinda want to give up on my new swordie. but i think it’s easy to level as a cataphract anyway so I guess I’ll just play it with some hope that the swordsman class will be FIXED eventually. (yes, not buffed or improved. but fixed. I have yet to find another MMO where there is no legit melee dps class)

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Oh hi there i have some questions. I want to build max aoe possible with pelt 1 in build so people will still love me a little (very little ._.). What build would you guys recommend me? I dont understand jack about swordman, but i would like to have one.

depends on what u wanna do. Atm Swordsman > Pelt > Hoplite 1 > Cata3 > goon or templar is probably your best bet. Decent aoe dps (not great but decent), good taunt, bad at pvp (but not completely garbage since u have mobility) and good in dungeon.

Sw3 Cata 3 Goon is a pvp build and pvp is not balanced atm so you have no incentive to ever roll a pvp swordsman because they suck a$$.

Sw1 pelt 1 hop3 doppel goon is a decent “dps” alternative in pve. You’ll have the damage but not the mobility. It’s good for bossing though because cyclon + stabbing = love.

Those 3 are the standard cookiecutter swordsman that open up the most doors for you as a solo swordsman.

If you’re after party grinding, corsair is the most useful by far because $$$$$$. Set up those jolly rogers at dina bee and get filthy rich.

Whatever you do, please take at least 1 circle in pelt to make your life easier.

They’re right though your full dex swordsman is gonna suck A$$ past a certain level, and i hope for your sake by full dex you don’t actually mean full dex and little str and con because not only will you have pi$$ poor crit damage, magic mob will shred your hp and you won’t ever be useful in any grinding party (which is the only way you level in late game). With so little hp, not having pelt will be the least of your problem.

But i’m sure you already know all this. Plenty of people who have gotten past 200, decently geared, have warned you about your build and its down to you to listen or not.

im a full dex sw3 cata2 lv160

i laugh at other pelt/hop/barb/corsair… cant tank cant dps just leech.

Possibly the most retarded thing I’ve heard in a while.
You do realize swashbucking increase the number of mobs you can aggro by one, right? And the usefulness of corsair is not in tanking but the buff it provides, right?

Further, do you even understand that 2 circles in swordsman don’t really give you a big damage increase over pelt cata because the only decent scaling dps-ish skills from swordsmen 2 and 3 is restrain and double slash, and restrain has a 120 second cd?

Finally, did you know Strength grow way faster than dex and a full str swordsman could have over 600 str by lvl 280 while a full dex swordsman will only have something like 300 dex?

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Do what you want, but please refraining from spouting non sense like :

" i laugh at other pelt/hop/barb/corsair… cant tank cant dps just leech. "

because you honestly have no idea what you’re on about.

One look at the things you get from cookiecutter cata build and the things you get from swordsman 3 you’ll see which build has better kit:

Swordsman 3 gives you -

✓✓✓29 second pain barrier (very good defensive spell , but i doubt you maxed this since you wanna be a “dps swordsman”)

✓✓ Restrain (very good skill but pvp oriented. 40% chance to stun with long duration and even longer Cd, lower your hp and doesn’t provide extra damage. Slow is good but you already move faster than everyone else so i dont see how this is useful.)

X Thrust ( garbage. no one max this)

X Bash (garbage, with useless knockdown that cata already has a ton)

X Pommel strike ( lel useless skill)

X Gung ho and concentrate (both fall off very hard. I’m pretty sure you know this.)

✓✓ Double Slash ( only decent dps skill


Sw1 + Pelt 1 + Hop 1 gives you -

✓ 19 second pain barrier (Decent. 10 second shorter than sw3)

✓✓✓ Swashbuckling (increase max Hp, aoe taunt. Useful at all level.)

✓✓Manual C block (increase block rate, no mana cost. useful at all level)

✓ Guardian (increase defense and 18% evasion, lvl 1 only decrease damage by 14 but you still get evasion bonus. useful across all level. )

X Umbo Blow (15% chance to stun for 3 second. mediocre otherwise. Falls off)

✓✓✓ FInestra (+ 50 crit rate, block rate + 10%. cost only 17 evasion. Best spear skill hands down. except you only have lvl 5 max. Still decent.)

✓✓ Stabbing (crazy good for a c1 skill. Output equal damage as lvl 15 Earth Wave. Increase magic defense and evasion in the duration.)

✓✓ Pierce ( decent on large sized bosses. instantly deals 3 on large size and 2 on medium size enemies.)

X Synchro (both stabbing and pierce are just too good so i didn’t lvl this.)

Just stabbing and pierce alone will deal the same amount of damage as your double slash, not to mention you get access to a tons of decent spells thats good for pve.

The only skill you miss out is restrain, which is again, a pvp skill.

You honestly think you’re outputing more damage than Pelt cata in pve, using only sw1 and sw3 skills and right clicks, without finestra stabbing and pierce, and without str?

I’m sorry good sir, but that’s completely delusional.

The most important thing for any player is to have fun, I definitely agree with you on this, but try not to mislead other players who wants to pve with your clearly pvp oriented build.

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