I’m not sure, but base camp isn’t the skill for repairing right… ? Maybe you can ask other Squires who are doing ET atm, they would be able to give you a more accurate answer :S As far as I know, you can’t go out of ET and re-enter again, maybe I’m wrong. Lol
I’m winning my 1v1 fights too man… Except against Wizards with CC and Clerics with Stone Skins and Cata3 and Archers (who have a hint of PvP abilities) who know what they’re doing, that’s probably more than 50% of the population. It just depends on who you PICK to fight (also the videos that you PICK to show). That’s 1v1, it has no place in game right now, other than just for fun. Competitive-wise (GvG and Team League) it’s always 5v5 or more. Melees don’t really have the liberty to go in and kill stuff. You’d probably get killed before you reach them. That’s just how melees are in the game atm, due to imbalance. You can’t expect your team to cover you alone when you go in. Just not worth the trouble. They can’t even cover you if you wanted to, safety zone is static, heals are tiled. If you are depending on your team to CC for you while you go in and DPS, well other classes can do the same as you do, from afar. Maybe even better DPS. It’s just not what you think it is… But you’re welcome to try once your guild is up That’s why I said Cata3 is good for PvP, because of their insane mobility, they can run circles around the enemy and get away with it because it’s difficult to hit them, even with mouse controls…
In 1v1, Hook doesn’t need to land to secure kill, but if you are kited by a ranged character, without Pain Barrier (at Swordie1 it’s 15s duration with 39s CD, it runs out pretty fast when people know how to kite you properly) you can’t even sprint because getting hit would stagger you and basically you get kited to death. Of course, if you’re talking about a noob who just stands there and shoots at you, that’s a whole new different story then… Or if you’re fighting another non-Cata3 swordie then it’s a win for sure, I’ve won 95% of all my 1v1 matches with other Swordies that’s not Cata3. Archers that have low CON or no CON also have a high chance to die. Unless you’re fighting QS3 or those invi-1-hit-KO Musketeers and you missed your Hook.
As for PvE, Cathexis already mentioned by going Doppel at R7 you would get better DPS, if you feel you’re doing great at PvE then good for you, I went Dragoon. But, I would like to see a video of you getting cubes consistently from WB solo during half-peak or peak hours (at least more than 30 people competing for the cube), then I would agree with you that your build has indeed GREAT PvE. Not jabbing at you, but that’s my standard of great PvE, not only killing mobs, but able to bring great DPS to the table, competitively. Otherwise, I feel it’s just meh, as grinding mobs is only before you reach 280.
As for ET, with a great team, you would be able to reach lvl5 without much problems. But that’s not saying you made a great contribution to the team, more like everyone did 100% and you’d probably contributed 20%-50% (DPS-wise) because to reach ET lvl5 you’d really only need a total of 400% (just some numbers to give you a picture). You can see one of the videos of people clearing ET’s first level (that’s the DPS check level) with the Swordie just bashing stuff, not doing much DPS, since he’s a full CON tank. As for levels 2-4, you’re only needed to taunt stuff and run around until the timer/objective is done. Which can also be done by a Cryo3, with CC. As for the boss level 5, you can watch the video and see how a 80k Swordie gets his HP melted in a matter of less than 3 seconds, you’d know you better just leave the job to your DPS and just afk at the corner so you don’t die. Basically, you’re not really needed, many clear without Swordies, but none clear without Ele3/Chrono/Clerics atm.
Oh, and one more thing, in your videos, try to pick duels with peeps from the top PvP guilds in your server and not some random bypasser on the street… who knows it might be the poor guy’s first duel match. Those PvP guild people who have taken part in GvG at least once or twice would have at least some PvP experience and will mostly be at lvl 280. Not much credibility in proving a point if you’re battling some people who’s not even fully leveled yet…
Anyway, all the best in your fights and I’ll not reply mostly on this subject anymore, pretty much tired with all these things, you guys can take my word for it, or try it for yourself, but don’t say you’ve never been warned. I’ll still help out those who have general questions though.
Hoping I might be able to hear from someone with some serious end-game experience. You mentioned standard builds are ok for casual players, so I think I’m in the clear but I figured I’d get your opinion. I’m not expecting to be competitive in WB or get into a serious ET party as the game stands now and I am a casual player in terms of how I play (I’m following the leveling guide but still tend to wander off to do optional quests, etc.)
Right now I’m level 130, went pelt1->hop2->cors1, planning to go cors2->shinobi. Not looking to PvP at all, just PvE, and in shinobi planning on just taking kunai and clones and saving the other 5 points to see what shinobi 2 will offer one day.
With that sort of build, do you think I will be able to get to 280 reasonably/get into grinding parties (I’m hoping having taken pelt will give people enough excuse to take me) and not want to kill myself along the way?
Also can you recommend a stat distribution? Originally I was doing 5:2:1 str, con, dex. I’ve changed it up since then and not really sure what way to go exactly to optimize my DPS.
Any advice appreciated! (also, there’s a good chance I might just try to make it to shinobi and then go back to working on my archer until/if IMC actually makes DPS swordies viable endgame).
Yes, you definitely will be welcome in grinding parties, due to Pelt1. In fact, Pelts are pretty much in demand nowadays (well, at least on my server anyway), compared to when I was leveling my Dragoon, because most people don’t play Swordies nowadays because of… well, Swordies (people have seemed to catch up on them). I seem to be noticing more people shouting LFM for Pelts more than Ele3 nowadays (when I was leveling Ele3 were the ones in demand). You bring a much wanted utility to the table, which is the ability to make mobs gather at one spot (and not having to go around auto attacking mobs to lure them over… it’s pretty tiring and time consuming), definitely great for grinding, especially in larger areas like Evac (lvl228+ grinding spot). IMO, to get the best experience per hour in grinding, a Pelt is definitely required. You can make do without one, but the experience is definitely slower in most cases. I did not notice this when I was the Pelt myself, but now, leveling my CryoKino, having a Pelt on the team just makes the whole thing much faster and less tiring (because most of the time I’m the one ending up having to lure the monsters over ).
As for stats, I’m not really sure, I heard Shinobi needs DEX (related to their skills or something)? If you do not take Shinobi’s DEX-related skills into the equiation, and if you’re just into PvE, then minimal DEX is required. Just enough to hit mobs, that’s all you need, also get up-to-date gloves, as they give accuracy. Though I’m not sure about the exact amount, that ratio is probably good enough. The rest you can pump into STR and some CON, so you don’t die as much later on. I’ve seen Swordies with like, 12-15k during grinding, they’re quite squishy. Try to aim maybe like 20k HP just to be comfortable (I have 33k HP after using Swash Buckling, 28k before, at lvl 280). Just to give you some numbers, there was this Fletcher who had only 8k HP in Storage (lvl 252+ grinding spot) and he kept dying cause the mobs hit for 4k+ per hit on him and he always get 2-shotted Ended up kicking him cause he wasn’t being a contribution to the party. I was using MDEF accessories back then, so I took a little less damage per hit, I think it was 2k-3k. Being the Pelt, you can expect to get hit a bit more than a few times. Hope this helps. You gotta check on that Shinobi and DEX thingy first though.
That’s awesome to hear, so I’m glad I took pelt1 after all lol
And thanks for the idea regarding HP amounts. While STR is my highest stat, I’ve definitely given some love to Con (and have noticed that I have nearly 4x the HP of some archers at my level) so it hasn’t been an issue yet, but it does give me an idea of the numbers to look for as I level up, And yea, I need to scour the shinobi thread a bit more, but from what I’ve heard, you don’t need to go too dex heavy to keep your clones alive (which apparently draw their HP from your dex) and since I have lvl 10 finestra, I don’t want to waste too much on dex when the extra str or con will be a better hcoice.
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Let’s just hope IMC does something about it… otherwise my Dragoon is now still lying on the shelf, a ‘trophy’ lvl 280 character, only log in that character to do daily dungeons
Respect from me if you actually publish this video, then that’ll shut those ppl that run their mouths here talking like they’re hot stuff with their non-cata builds.
We’ve had a few of these “pro barb build” noobs disappear from this forum already after running their mouths off, let’s try to stop that completely
Just for your information hidden class dont have c2 only c1 judging by others hidden class like rune caster at rank 6 dont have c2 also the same as chaplain
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At least you get it and you’re actually humble enough to own up to your mistakes, unlike the majority of hotshot “pros” here. Again, respect. Makes me want to help you, especially with the gear you got coz I know those aren’t easy to come by.
If I were to give you advice - reroll Sword 3 Cata 3 if you’re still up for it and you absolutely love swordsman and won’t go any other class. It’s the only viable option at the moment, but there are a few choices afterwards:
Swordsman c3 > Cataphract c3 > Dragoon
Swordsman c3 > Cataphract c3 > Doppel
Swordsman c3 > Cataphract c3 > Fencer
All 3 have appeared at least once on kTOS ranking boards. You can transfer a lot of the gear onto this new character so as not to waste them.
Just a word of warning though, if you choose Doppel or Fencer, you’re betting on something with synergy to change into when rank 8 comes out, otherwise you’re stuck with Doppel c2 or Fencer c2, neither of which would be good by that stage, because others will be using Doppel c3 / Fencer c3 / Dragoon c2 / new classes by then.
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What should be the most strong PVE build for Swordman?
if u wanna be strong play other classes :))
stay away from sword this class is underpowered and still getting nerfed like other people say this class is nothing but a meatshield this subforum clearly proves it. check out all the other threads in this section , take time to read and you’ll understand why
Swordsmen lose out on PvE, but within the Swordsman class itself, IMO best PvE would be the standard Sword1->Pelt1->Hop3->Dop1->Drg.
I already tried every class of this game, except swordman and feel very bored… so i will try with SW.
Lol its meta for a reason. Problem is i dont see how it can work in pvp.
It’s not meant to It’s a PvE build