Tree of Savior Forum

Hoplite C3 and Cataphract C3 What to choose?

you have alot of powerful attacks from hop c1, cata c3 and goon for pvp.

remember that pvp in this game is broken.

look at your own dmg and then see your hp pool. how many of your own hit it takes to kill yourself.

now apply your dmg to fools archers wiz who build glass cannons in pvp.
for the smarter guys who build con or hybrid in pvp, then you have impale,rush,trott,doom spike,earth wave to dmg them.

u move fast so you have a better chance at finding an opening to attack them. ur against a human so u have to outwit with the tools u have against the tools the other person have.


Haha nah I’m also miles behind others who started with me since the open beta. I’ve only been doing dungeons and missions lately (having a kid and a job gets in the way).

Tankiness and mobility alone is already a deadly combination IMO. Add in your CCs (stun, knockdowns, impaler) and it gets even deadlier.

What’s more, and I think the most important aspect of playing this class, is it’s reaaaaaally fun to use both PVP and PVE. Questing is abreeze as you can move across maps faster than any other class.

You’ll be laughing your ass off when you get a chance to party with a Chronomancer C3, or you’ll get dizzy because the screen moves too fast for your eyes to catch up, or both. XD

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You guys are awesome haha @Biskee real life ALWAYS gets in the way. I’m playing at night a couple hours a day. Can’t wait to turn my enemies into skewers. Now I have to either go back and do the mob kill count missions or let the books do its magic, then become a cata C1. Running on my feet is SO TIRING!

@paulbohphoto I’m counting on all those CC to be annoying enough, I’ll learn to play it, I’ve always compromised somehow in all MMORPG and just tune it at the end to have a decent PvP experience. My own HP (6.5k) vs my atk (300) isn’t that bad, but I can imagine a comparable level char of another class could easily be 3K HP. That’s a Pierce-able target for sure.

Now I’ll sleep, but I’m thankful I decided to come here after forgetting it was maintenance day.

Thanks everyone, even you OP :laughing: sorry for stealing your thread. See you around!

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I haven’t been able to party with a Chrono on my cata yet unfortunately. They’re in demand but surprisingly still rare.

Not sure if slow missile-type magic will try to chaste you down as I haven’t tried running really far from it without stopping as they don’t damage that much compared to other magic type attacks.

A chrono3 in another thread I’ve talked with though said a max haste buffed cata3 can cross a whole screen in 1-2 seconds. Insane. I think I saw a Youtube video of it before.

Small-AOE ground target skills like Snipe will definitely be dodgeable unless you’re pre-disabled by something that goes through pain barrier.

I can see that movement speed being totally broken in 5v5 matches…

Start match, get buffs
Collect meat (impale and come back) in 4seconds?
Burn first victim
It’s 5v3 now

Is this even possible? Lol maybe I’m reading the pvp environment wrong but that would be annoying as…

Btw, I still couldnt find a definitive answer about which mount to use, what you guys think its better ? Velheider or Hoglan ?

Cata3 is good for pve farming? i hate pvp:(

I just started playing as a Cataphract, so for i’m loving the mobility (setting up mobs and fighting and even getting the maps 100% explored) and Earth Wave is awesome ! :slight_smile:

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I see^^ Which stats need a Cataphract for PVE?:slight_smile:

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i would say if you are looking for PVP,

Swords -> peltasta -> swords -> cata c3

this would be good for PVP since 25% stund when using rush, cata has a lot of CC skill, so if 1 of it hit, -> rush you can kill off opponent with that.

i haven’t try the swordsman 2 since i went 1 point for hoplite, need people who tried it gives some input.[quote=“gabesz19870218, post:37, topic:283171, full:true”]
I see^^ Which stats need a Cataphract for PVE?

full STR for PVE~~~ con if needed LOL

Everytime a I read this thread I get more doubt :((( hop3 or cata3 :tired_face:

I’m currently at rank 3 now (sw>pelt>hop) and so far, i find stabbing quite useful even at level 50 dungeon runs. makes me tempted to go for hop 3 > dop > drag. (aside from knowing we’ll never be at par with archer/wiz dps) will I be disappointed with the damage if I go dop > drag? and is the +x% block from finestra 15 significant enough to make you a decent tank?

Trust me cata 3.
Read this thread

Yes hop3 doppel is the highest dps build for swordies but it is the lowest dps build in meta. U might be the hotshot among the swords but ur terrible in the big world. Your just a fat little boy wearing a big boys pant.

I m a sw pelt hop cata3 goon and i already gave up even trying to dps at lv253. I have 114 points into con so i have 2.8k hp unbuff. I still get raped at storage just taunting a small group.

I wish i was full con. Str and dex is useless for me in team play.

All i do now is taunt a group, use a earthwave just to hold argo and jump around the frost cloud or lure to frost tree.

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Gotta agree with you there bud. Lvl 243 catagoon here too. If you wanna go for dragoon for PVE, dont make the same mistake as me and choose catagoon for DPS

To be Honest, i went hop3 and cata 2 and going for cata 3… it kills faster than a wizard and archer that is the same level as me and lasts longer in mobs than them, having only 80 cons… i didnt went doppel coz having Geras spear with 2pcs of lvl 6 Yellow Gem and spearthrow lv 5 is already more than enough to kill mobs 10-12k a throw plus the extra 3k+ dmg that goes with it so 15-16k… you will kill 10-12 mobs(red truffles & green corpse) despite of high hp within 5-10 sec… the mobility is amazing also, i can dodge things easier… i switch 2hand spear to 1hand spear depending on the situation, for boss hunt, i do 2 hand spear, for leveling i do 1 hand spear… hope this helps… i seriously dont think seperating both of them is a good idea, i prefer having both of them in c3… u can pve,tank,and do well in pvp… so why seperate them…

Cuz power spike at r8. U missing out on dragoon c2.

If you cant get a rank 7 that goes into circle 2 at rank 8, go lancer.