Tree of Savior Forum

[NOT build]Knightwalker's Deleted build

It actually got buffed in the most recent ktos patch

EDIT: did not see that veritas addressed this at first

i think even oracle 1 has more to offer than druid1
especially if you’re going pvp.
the PD will be the one who is targeted first, and so i feel that if you telepath and root yourself you will just die to the other 4.

i think that they will nerf PD and buff oracle in the future even though idk how they can nerf PD without making it useless.
anyway i wont level my cleric past rank 5 until an update.

its just that a druid1 with PD makes transform useless and so u need to take another rank druid2 later, but PD2 and better classes rank 8 will push it out of efficiency.
i feel like going druid2 or nothing is the more sensible approach.

You are Diev your skills have very long cd and the statue that reduce sp usage. I never use pot once beside world boss hunt.

I put transform at 1 for the hell of it. for pvp, it’s not 1 v 5, it’s 5v5, you’ll have teammates to back you up. I’m not saying PD is the best class to pvp in, but it’ll be interesting to.

wait no i thought PD was the best pvper.
its just that druid is more pve imo.

maybe a more support oriented class so that u dont have to be in the front lines to chorta would give more survivability. idk though i havent tried.
just bouncing possibilities.

Just wondering, would I lose out much if I decide to go Krivis 1 instead of Diev 3? I’m sure I’ll lose five points on both Carve Attack and Carve Owl, but I would have Zaibas (although not in its AoE form…) and Daino to make up for it. Thoughts?

Having one on Krivis doesn’t help as much as you think. 5 Zaibas is not worth losing 5 on owl and carve. Sure it’ll help leveling early on, but past that, not that useful.

I meant compared to every other class. Then again, “fun and best” are subjective. I was planning to use my PD to pick off people, and not to engage them as those are done better by every other class.

For pvp pardoner can work better than druid? Pardoner can increase mdef, and have a good skill can damage enemy and cure ally (indulgentia ) and discerne evil can increase stun and incinerite

Krivis1 is G-A-R-B-A-G-E. Better off being Cleric2 and having Cure Lv.10

Just how owls can be good at bosses? Single aoe and u see them flying same goes for other statues, usless crap. What point in owls high dmg than it hits the air.

Diebs have Owl, Ausrine, Tree and Laima statues. those are awesome, the Tree one dont let monsters do anything if they are inside the range, Ausrine make u imortal for 45 secs AND u have the Owl dmg, that isnt low if u go INT

i really like diebvs, ppl should try it more, u can finish with druid 2 if u dont want PD…

  1. Owl hits unlimited targets (or at least it’s a lot ).
    So no, I don’t know where you got the idea it’s single target aoe.

  2. Unlike most classes, Diev is not a brain dead class. You need a competent tank who can lure near the owl but not facing the owl. You need to position the Statues near a wall so when they fly, they fly back to the same spot. You need to carve the statues at the right time, and not when the boss is about to use an AOE.

I’m actually fine with people underestimating Diev, that way we won’t have an overpopulation of Dievs. Maybe I’ll get this thread before deleted before public release.

I want a class balancing patch soon. right now its too bland. they need major reworks to make classes exciting again. and get rid of useless skills. srsly.

Just become plague doctor and must say HF is freaking awesome. The HP regen is insane. There is only one problem. I went Cleric 2> Krivis 1> Sadhu 2> Druid 1, I just realised I don’t have any debuff that work on flying mobs. Zalcias, aukuras and Chorsmasta don’t work on them and I can’t Incinerate them. Sigh. If u planning to using the same route, remember to invest on deprotected zone as cleric or u end up using skill reset like me. :cry:

i was wondering if you can you give brief explanation on which gives more damage druid 2 of PD and what are the benefits of going druid 2 and pd respective?

I’m not too sure abouyt the damage part as I don’t know how Carnivory level 10 instead of 5 compares to Incineration level 5.
With Druid c2, you get a form of invincibility (I’m not sure if Stera Trofh overwrites carnivory) whereas with PD you get CC immunity and another form of damage AND super regeneration.

For ET what would do you think would be better druid 2 for saftey zone + ausrine + stera or PD’s defensive capabilities and aoe of incineration?

How is the dps of this build regarding solo play/questing/grinding? is it too single target heavy but AoE kinda lack a bit? It seems really interesting but i kinda do not want to restrain myself to a build that only shins at WB and other powerful bosses.

I answered you in Veritas’ thread