Tree of Savior Forum

Pay2Win, what are your thoughts?

Egad, the wall of text scared me away, I’ll try again later.


Well I’m not up for reading your novel, I was just saying in a F2P market, “corruption” is when I consider the GM’s corrupting the game with over powered gear and items within the game; breaking it. This forces any player who wishes to stand a chance against the best to spend a ■■■■ ton of money. This happens all the time in mobile games, it tends to come in forms of gambling causing addiction (RNG items) and it’s all because the GM’s want to drop every dime of money out of the players. Fact is good games such as BDO, LoL (Most mobas tbh) and such can make easily enough money from non-game breaking items. Ragnarok Online is corrupt in my PERSONAL OPINION. They exploited how long people played the game for, and how difficult it became to be the best, and created a mandate to own certain items which can only be purchased and often purchased multiple times for upgrading (for example the feather cat beret and immune shield). I’m not having a go at people trying to make money, but there is an ethical guideline to follow in video game business models. I’ve stated multiple times that I would like it to be P2P, and I do approve of F2P is the cash shop is suitable. I’ve said my piece, all my thoughts are in my posts.

yeah you did = 3 =. I totally forgot to mention that you’ve stated the other parts. I was simply questioning your idea of “corruption”. Sorry if I offended chu >_< But anyhoos, I think they had a reason for those actions and it’s to sustain their business. RO actually lost a lot of players to pservers and other newer MMORPGs that came out in later years. A lot of those such games were f2p MMORPGs as well. I think they wanted to sustain the same income and ability to keep all their staff without laying off anyone. Because I don’t think you can call it “corruption” if you had a greater good for doing so, which is continuing to give your staff a job… I mean, in the end, the players are WILLING to spend money on the game, otherwise they can just quit. You might say that it’ll be hard to part with the game after playing so long? But assuming the company no longer makes money anymore and has no choice but to shut down the game, then that happens anyway, sooner or later. You can’t exactly call that “corruption” when the game doesn’t make money and has no choice but to shut down for instance…

I would just like the company to do an experiment. Run their usual cash shop servers and make a Pay to Play server with no cash shop at all and they’ll instantly see which one makes them more consistent money. As much as I’d love to play this title. I’m not about to jump on another cash shop MMO that constantly holds my gameplay hostage.

They need money? Fine. I’ll pay them per month if they don’t screw my progression in any manner and we’ll be square, but if they try some nonsense where I still need to the cash shop for complete progression I’ll spend my time denouncing this game too.


I hope they grasp what we western players like to have and adapt their game to it, i mean, its an asian game, most companies from that region develop their games with p2w since many ppl dont have time to expend or dont want to expend much time to reach max potential.

Honestly, cosmetics are the way to go on actual online gaming (specialy MMO’s), PoE is an example of that.

“Willingly” is more like: “Yeah you like this game, and these jokers are putting their greed between me enjoying the title. So I’ll swallow this garbage, but only for so long.”

When the company is selling gameplay power and progression for cash it only takes a small bump to make players become instantly aware of them being shafted. The company’s need to make money to keep the lights doesn’t make their cash shop shenanigans suddenly okay especially when they do this after players become heavily invested in the game.

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Even if its for a good cause, I think distorting the game by breaking the mechanics in introducing new over powered items is corrupting the essence of the game. I felt that in not respecting their players and gambling their games future on a burst of P2W items, they may have saved jobs short term, but reduced the overall income long term by alienating their audience. It’s not the only way to make money, they just need to respect the gamers and understand their own audience. I can tell you if they just had cute cosmetic items like bunny ears and golden bad ass wings in the shop with no effect, it would sell just as much as the over powered items, whilst not destroying the integrity of the game. I feel in their desperation for money, RO over stepped their bounds and disrespected the gamers who spent so long playing their game. (Also side note, when a game has been successfully hosted millions of players for multiple years, all loyal to the game like the RO community, and then suddenly loses the majority of them in less than a year, something has gone wrong). Don’t worry, no offence taken, we all have our own opinions.

I’d like to have two kind of servers, like some people said, the game will bring kids to play it, it’s a cute funny game with colors, they will came.

But like in here, the RO have(or had, i don’t know how here’s RO is going) two servers, one that is free to play, where there could be cosmetic or gear items to buy with cash, and a second sever when you have to buy to play, it could be a one time fee that you pay to play like The elder scrolls is nowadays, but in this server everything could be crafted(even the cosmetic) and more competitive than the free one, so who really wanted to be balanced just pays a one time fee and they’re free to use this server. In that way, you’ll help the devs and still play a good game.

It’s like some apps on smartphones. Free?=full version + Ads, Don’t want ads?=buy it

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holy mother of 8 and a half pound baby jesus that WALL OF TEXT

speeds away :rocket:

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Most of the dedicated players I knew quit BECAUSE of the broken cash shop. P Servers had always been around, they weren’t stealing iRO players. Gravity may have gotten anxious because there were people who left for a month or more to play WoW or something else (though they usually returned at least once a week for WoE). But they should have focused on putting out content less than 6 months+ after it came to k/jRO, not desperately try to scam peoples’ money and chase away their player base.

It’s too bad, really, because the company just makes poor decisions all around. They tried to open a Classic server to draw people back after Renewal chased away even MORE people. Made THAT server into another desperate cash grab, top guild chased away anyone else willing to deal with the cash shop, and now they’re finally trying to have more events and community outreach but it’s way way wayyy too late.

Also it should be noted that up until a few years ago (or maybe even currently?? I have no idea) I think jRO still had quite a few P2P servers open and thriving.

I personally like the P2P model. I’ve been playing FF14 recently and it seems more relaxed and mature.

I don’t see too many trolls, not so many bots, and the economy is good and people are super friendly.

P2P can really be a good thing if done right!


I Agree so much, I prefer a PayToShine then a RuinedPayToWinGame !!!

If the government of my country wasnt a bunch of freaking corrupt rotten asses, i would agree with that, i had to freeze my FFIX sub because the dollar cost 3x my country currency for around 8 months now. :frowning:

They pretty much chased away players because they were putting in updates way too quickly. Plus the fact pRO closed down and had some pRO characters merge into iRO causing server instability and more lag, these things forced a few people in iRO to quit. It also introduced new items in the cash shop that people in iRO would NEVER get. The company is desperately on life support and RO1 is what’s keeping them afloat right now.


Yeah, I can’t remember TOO well. I just remember Doddler adding k/jRO stuff moooonths before we would ever get it, but they may have had a backlog and been like OKAY LET’S DUMP IT ALL AT ONCE. I quit around the time they added Thors and everyone stopped actually leveling and just leeched. Also didn’t help the community…

And yeah the company is just embarrassing…

Attempt 2: conclusion is that you need to learn how to write generic essays.. I see a lot of good points mentioned but it’s so unorganized it’s impossible to read it and keep a sane mind / picture.

Made it halfway through before my mind exploded. Sorry I give up. :v:

By skimming that wall of text, I think the idea he was trying to convey is that people won’t buy cash shop items if it doesn’t offer in-game benefit at all. And that’s just wrong. Just look at Path of Exile and see how it can compete with a Blizzard game as an F2P game without having a P2W cash shop. Not even boosts sold in their cash shop. At least back when I still play it, dunno now.

I’m pretty sure barrack-related items will make ALOT of money here. I can see it coming. If the game turned out to be good that is. But I believe it will. I hope they spare some cosmetic headgears to be collected in-game though…



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Agreed, there is F2P that succeed without giving cash related boost item and compete with P2P one…
and in ToS there is many cosmetic stuff that player will surely buy to make their in-game avatar unique…
tho i hope no blinking wings that make my eyes hurt because its brightness setting to the maximum lvl lol :sunglasses:

i assume your talking about australia?

To add on to that, most of my money in f2p mmorpg’s goes towards buying all the costumes, which ends up being pretty expensive (along with standard inventory space). Having a cosmetic cash shop is completely possible, I know lots of people that spend a ridiculous amount of money in even PoE, which is almost purely cosmetic, only thing thats not is additional warehouse space really.