Tree of Savior Forum

Pay2Win, what are your thoughts?

I don know this game is going to be pay to win game

IMCGames has stated it that this isn’t going to be pay 2 win game, but I wonder.
We should give them our suggestions and opinions of how to make the game balance and good cash shop.
This place is the perfect place for that.

Since the barrack where you store the characters can be customized and visited they can sell cool house swag!

im all for our own quarters to decorate , maybe even become our own personal store where people can visit and we can store out stock, and an NPC can sell it for us

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Right? A cool solution for monetization, no need for buying power if you can have a penthouse with a jacuzzi


Hearing korean saying some english words is always fascinates me, “no chancew” XP

It would be interesting for the game to be part B2P, but of course, low price (maybe $3 to $5 just to register, imo)

Many MMORPGs are turning from P2P to F2P… From the cute sprites of ToS, it is likely that IMC plans to target the younger players, who are not too keen to pay (B2P) to get into the game.

Hakkyu Kim’s games always have a cash shop component in it. But who knows, he might try some new monetization in this new game. I’d say Eve Online’s style can be quite interesting for grindy MMORPG like this

I would gladly pay more than 10$ for this game as long as it doesn’t become pay 2 win and the game has quality updates.

Hope they’ll try something new to be rentable, but with hindsight, I’m under no illusions…
Agree with you @Erokhi

I preffer Buy2Play and cosmetic shop.


Following that line, I remember a feature that was never fully implemented in RO. On some level of the skill: Basic Skills for Novices you were supposed to judge some other character (Like a thumbs up or down type of thing). But since this feature was never implemented one of the levels of Basic Skills was blank granting nothing at level ups. Could this be an idea from Kim himself? Maybe we can expect a lot of social features in ToS as well.

In general i think thats its okay to pay some cash for a game.
In a way im ought to support what is making me fun. It still has a hobby-charackter and since i’d rather sit at home playing games then going out im also fine with giving that"saved" money to that game which entertained me.
That is ofc to a certain extend. As long as a game doesnt force me to buy things out of their shop to get the top gear/stuff im fine with it. I will glady buy costumes or other stuff from the shop to support the game. As long as it doesnt put me in a situation in which i have to buy these things in order to stay competetive or in an acceptable shape ingame its ok.
Please, take my money =D

While pay to win seems like a very attractive concept for both people with money to burn (Oh yes, gimme that glowing +5 dagger of absolute butt burning!) and developers alike (people paying to buy good equipment will probably keep doing it once they notice how convenient it is), in the end it is a false concept.

I’ve seen and played a multitude of paid games, free to play titles, freemium games and I even trawled though the unimaginable horrors of mobile games shudder, and one thing was noticable almost immediately:

Pay to win gives a huge - HUGE - backlash towards community growth and retention. Sure, people will buy that magical armor and level faster and think “hey, that’s neat”, but pretty sure even people that aren’t hurting for money will notice that they have to replace that expensive armor time and time again as they progress through the game. Only the very richest or foolish persist after doing it a few times, because it feels like buying a really high quality pair of jeans just to replace it after a few days as you outgrew it.

In the mean time, new players that come in to observe the game and are unsure about it fall into two camps: Those that buy, and those that stop. It takes a really rare kind of person to be willing to compete against someone who can and will buy weapons that will insta gib you and that you can only legitimately grind during months of game time.

That said, I am an avid player of EVE Online, which I consider very close to pay to win (you can pay for leveling two characters instead of one, and sell PLEX bought with real money to obtain ISK that let’s you buy more effective mods or use expensive faction ammo that would otherwise be a straight up money loss), and it just seems to work. People accept that those that have, get, because they can dilligently work towards becoming one of the haves, as anything the paying person can get, you can also unlock by earning ingame currency.

TL.DR.: Generally don’t mind pay to win, but think it is very often a losing strategy for free to play games as it scares away potential customers and leaves a bad aftertaste for people that like a challenge/have no dosh.

imcgames not going to do that, it’s foolish
TOS was developed many years they must have learned many aspect. How can I make the game feels comfortable

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How about basically a premium service that provides :

  1. More slots to sell your goods when selling stuff.
  2. Rarity and Exp boost.
  3. Discount on cosmetic stuff, new eyes/face type/costumes,/weapon skins.
  4. Your own personal Quarters/Store , with NPC who sells your stock for you. that and room be can completely redesigned.
  5. If you’re a guild leader, then a Guild club house? or Guild Hall.
  6. Allow for character make-over.
  7. Global Chat
  8. And finally, the ability to enter full channels/servers.

As for other ways for them to gain revenue how bout, Selling Character slots (there’s 80+ classes we are going to NEED them)

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Have you seen the wings from IMC’s previous game? Of course we prefer to not have any of those items in cash shop, at all, but cash shop items with extra stat/power are very common in Korean game, be it in the form of equipments or pets. I am okay with it as long as it is not game-breaking…

No to, items that only lasts for certain amount of days ,either make it permanent or don’t make it exist at all.

I like Guild Wars 2’s model, buy to play , then items are either cosmetic, or you can buy for extra services for your account like bank slots/tabs and Infinite use gathering tools, that sort of thing.

Nothing that gives someone unfair advantage over others, like stat improvements and stuff.

Pay items / subscription bonus must be limited to convenience or accessible to all player base. Falling behind simply because you can’t pay for it is probably the most un-fun things for any player.

If you can’t pay for it (irl), you should at least be able to work for it (in game). It’s as simple as that.

Every successful MMO I’ve seen adhere strictly to this rule.